Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Benji, on Sunday Selfie Day!



Hooray, I am three today!  I have been here 2 1/2 years, now...and I love it here!

It was very hot outside today, so my selfies were taken indoors...yup, they were staged, BOL!

Since I am now a lot more mature, (did you hear petcretary guffaw?), I have been busy protecting my yard from varmints. I brought in a big fat mole the other day...I helped Dalton get rid of a trespassing racoon, That's a story all by itself...), and later I got rid of the bunnies that were eating *her* garden. I brought them inside and also a big fat mole; to show my prizes to Pawppy and Petcretary...I did hear a bunch of grumbling from them, though. I don't think they liked my offerings...

Somehow she stole them all from me and gave them funerals, but due to covid restrictions I wasn't allowed to be a live audience. She didn't want me to find them back apparently.

(Petcretary: Sheesh, I had put a barricade around the nest of baby bunnies when I saw it...but that was undisturbed, and the bunnies he brought into the house(!) were a lot bigger than the babies. It was about two weeks since I had found the nest...while I don't like rabbits eating my plants, I don't need a rascal dog to kill them...and then he tried to eat them, UGH.)

I still dig my holes and trenches, but I don't like the red pepper *she* puts on them after she 'undigs' them all...phooey, I get busted and thwarted from my fave activities all the time!

I still like to bark at the neighbors when they are outside, and esp if their kitty is there. They had company the other day, and there was a big hound dog in the truck bed...he whined at us, I think he wanted a good romp with us...but his boss-man did not allow it, Bummer!

Anypaws, petcretary said I could hog the blog all to myself, today, since it is MY birthday!

See ya'll later, I have to have some cake and my birthday feast!

(Dalton will be back next week!)

I am King for the day on my birthday!!

Happy Third Birthday to ME!

We appreciate The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of the weekly Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Its fun, we love it and you can join in too!


  1. Happy Birthday even if you did try to eat the bunnies!

  2. Wishing you a wonderful birthday, Benji!

  3. Happy 3rd Birthday Benji!!!!!!
    Good to see you getting a bit spoiled ;)
    Please leave the bunnies alone, just scare them. That should be enough ;)

  4. Happy birthday, Benji! Humans never appreciate the gifts that are caught and brought to them (especially if they are half eaten!)

  5. Happy Birthday, Benji! You look great in all your selfies today.

  6. Happy birthday Benji! It sounds like you're quite the hunter. Chester has done enough hunting over the years. But these days, he hardly bothers.

  7. Happy Birthday Benji, what a sweetheart you are!

  8. Happy Birthday, Benji! The Big Three! Woohoo! hope you get to dig a whole block full of holes and trenches.
    xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  9. Happy Birthday Benji!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. Happy Birthday, Benji! There sure are a lot of critters in your yard just asking to be captured.

  11. Hi Benji! WoW! You would give Kozmo a run for the money on the rodent front. He has only caught 2 moles (that we know about). He does not bring them to the door anymore, he leaves them on the lawn. Cinnamon is more interested in the deer and the racoons and the neighbor cats than she is the rodents. And you are 3! Wow! That is pretty terrific! We shall sing you the song!
    ¸¸.•*♫♫♫ Happy Birthday Day to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to  you♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day deeeeeeeeear Benji!!!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
    ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Day to you ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

    Holy cow patties ~ you are one FABulous hunter my furiend!!!!! I gots to say, I have never been much of a terrier in that respect (Ma says she's happy abouts that 😉) butts my predecessor Angel Maggie (Irish terrier) loooooved to hunt rats! she only got two in her years, and never made it inside with them, butts she sure did loves the chase! BOL! We don't have bunnies here ~ I thinks I would loves them! You lucky puppers you!
    Have a FABulous Burthday Benji!
    Ruby ♥

  13. happy birthday!!! 3 is a super number, you can drive a car and you can order beer in a bar, yay!

  14. happee thurd two ewe dood and heerz ta 33 mor....hope ya stayed outta trubull :)

    hope ewe N joyed yur cake; ewe iz total lee rockin yur scarvez and hat, chomp on
    sum pizza piez and may de yeer a head bee filled with happeez healtheez ...and noe hare ;)


  15. I'm sorry I missed your Barkday, Benji! I hope you got to eat somefing you really wanted. I'm trying to learn how to hunt gophers, but dey are furry quick and nevfur leave deir holes!

  16. Happy Birthday Benji! It is so nice to see you all grown up (Kinda) but always keep the fun in your heart. Thanks for the prayers and woofs dear friends

  17. Oh Benji!!! I am so BEYOND SORRY that I missed your third birthday!! (banging head!!)......You look so incredibly handsome! I know that Pecretary loves you sooo much and I bet you had a most pawesome celebration!! Please forgive my tardiness and happy, happy belated birthday!!!! xoxoxo

  18. 🎉🎉🎉Extra Pawkisses for a Happy Birthday, dear Benji. We hope you had a wonderful day after all, as it seemed very busy for you🐰🙀🙈🐾😽💞

  19. Sending yoo smoochies and bestest evfur wishes for a Wonderpurr Birfday! Love, Dori

  20. Happiest of Birthdays Benji. I had my 3rd. Gotcha Day last month. We are celebrating my Gotcha Day this month.

