Sunday, June 27, 2021

The Rains Are Here! Sawyer, Please Come Home Safely.

Yes sir, the rains have deluged upon us...we've had over 6 inches since Thursday. A few days ago, the grass was all hard, brown and crunchy...but now its very green and soft...not to mention wet!! We might be needing an ark, as more wet weather is in the forecast. There were also severe thunderstorms and a multitude of tornado watches and even warnings around our county. We haven't been able to play in our yard this weekend...let alone make new the ones you will see are from several weeks ago...when the grass was still fresh and green...Hah!

We hope everyone in the path of these storms will be safe. They are quite scary, actually.

But to brighten things up, here we are:)

We are having a conversation about how we are going to play our next round of 'bitey face'.

 We were all very sad to hear about Timmy Tomcat becoming the newest Angel Kitty as he left his earthly furmily to join his Angelic furmily at the RB. Petcretary, Pipo, Minko and MJF met him and his family, way back in 2009...sheesh that was like eons ago! We were all on Catster/Dogster together. Those were the days...

Anyways, we made some memorial cards in his honor, we could not make up our minds which one we liked the best, so we sent them all to Mr Pete, Timmy's Dad.

We showed them to you yesterday, but here they are again...we hope they gave a wee bit of comfort to Timmy's Dad and his furmily in this difficult time.

Rest well, dear Timmy....till we meet again.

Sawyer, Please Come Home Safely

We love the Sunday Selfies, we try to join in each week, but we want to give our wags and woofs along with our thanks to Miss Janet who puts this fun blog hop together reach week, very faithfully. Its a lot of work to make an 'ordinary post', so this special feature is even more to be thankful for! on for a PSA...

 PSA: Petcretary has just learned that Sawyer, one of the wonderful kitties at The Cat On My Head got out of the house and now can't be found. His pawrents have began the lost pet process and we can all do our part by praying for his safe return.

Therefore the regular posting of the blog hop is cancelled this week.

You can give support to The Kitties Blue at this time, by  just clicking the caption below the logo.

The Cat On My Head aka The Kitties Blue ~ Sunday Selfies Cancelled This Week

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Prayers for Jackie, Please

 You can visit Miss Jackie Here.

(Comments here are disabled, so you can put them on Jackie's blog.)

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Happy Father's Day, Pawppy!!

 We love our pawppy very much!! And of course so does Petcretary, tee-hee!!

*She* has been rather busy this past week, so she didn't take any picks of us for this special therefore we are going to post selfies for Father's Day from our archives...

Yes, we sure miss Pipo, but he loved his pawppy, maybe the most of any of the six meezers that have lived here...

We found a nice dressed up 'ussie' for Father's Day! We love you pawppy! Happy Father's Day!

We did get a good rain on Friday morning, but when the sun came out, it all dried out with those watering cans as is now her daily routine each morning. Saturday we also got a lot more rain!! Hooray! Now that also means the grass will then *she* has to work that lawnmower...guess what will happen after her working weekend?? Unless it rains of course, LOL! The grass is mostly still dry and brown, but the weeds are getting rather tall. They seem to like drought conditions, UGH.

Somefur caught a vole, and another (or the same) one got a baby robin...but petcretary was able to rescue a snake from those two pesky hunters. The young robin apparently was on the ground, it hadn't quite mastered the flying skills needed to get away. Sheesh.

We had an intruder in our den this past week...he had to fix the water we were coralled in the dining room whilst he was here...when he left, we, of course stormed outside to sniff his footprints...and bark at nothing...just because!

We haven't seen the neighbor's kitty this week...but the catnip is drying up and getting all shriveled from the hot and dry conditions. So there isn't any good stuff to throw over the fence to entice him into our view! *She* says that's OK, cause that kitty makes us BARK! 

Once again, Petcretary was  firstie, along with three other quick commenters...and ta-da! She was the first right guesser, too!! Its a fun feature, each week at Professor Teddy's classroom.

So she got these badges:

Not only was I a FIRST COMMENTER but I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of June 15, 2021 I’m so excited, I feel faint…..haha! 

Here is the picture of which location she correctly guessed. Sent by a fellow blogger, hence it was a guest teaser!

This is Bagni Di Lucca in the Provence of Lucca, Tuscany, Italy.


Lets go and join the Father's Day Sunday Selfies at The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this fun weekly feature!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Happy Birthday, Pawppy!!


Today is Pawppy's Birthday, so we are posting his card as a guest selfie.

And here we are, its hot and humid lately and the rains are very sparse, so everything desperately needs a good drink.Petcretary spends about an hour every day watering saplings, patio pots and garden plots. She is nursing a lot of seedlings, and transplanted hostas, lilies and bleeding hearts plants; if they dry out, there won't be anything there next year as they are perennials.

We like to find a bare spot under some low trees, there isn't much grass there, the dirt feels cool, so we lay there a lot, in the shade. Our selfies are taken there this week. 

Once again, petcretary cored at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser...a double score! She was first into the classroom along with four others. Kitty Kop sure had a time keeping order! LOL! The other firsties were, Sharon, from Friends Furever, Timmy from Tomcat Commentary along with his Dad Pete, Csilla, from Kolytyi, and Carol, from Home Sweet Home in Wyoming..

Then petcretary was first with the right answer for this picture.

This is Oheka Castle in Huntington, New York and it’s actually a HOTEL now!   Here’s some great info on this incredible looking place CLICK HERE.

 So she got these two badges:

Holy Cow! FIVE FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of June 8, 2021 and I was ONE OF THEM!!!

Yet again Miss Ingrid is a double Firstie – she wasn’t the only FIRST COMMENTER but she was one of the first and then she guessed the Teaser photo right.    Congratulations Miss Ingrid………when you’re HOT you’re HOT!

 OH BOY! I was the First Right Guesser on the Teaser post of June 8, 2021 !!! WOW!

Come by early some Tuesday morning...its fun and you might even be a winner and get a badge!

Petcretary gave a notice to the peeps at her work, to reduce her hours to two days a week instead of three. That means more 'US' time, right?? Hopefully her stress levels will decrease, and more things/projects might get accomplished at home. Really?? As if, BOL, BOL! We need her more that all the stuff she wants to do...snicker, snicker...

We sure hope you have a wonderful birthday, Pawppy! Enjoy your special day!

We are joined up to the Kitties Blue's weekly Blog-hop, known as the Sunday Selfies. We love that hop and we are thankful that Miss Janet takes time out each week to graciously host this fun feature with all of her kitty assistants.

You, too can hop in with your selfie!

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Happy Birthday, Benji, on Sunday Selfie Day!



Hooray, I am three today!  I have been here 2 1/2 years, now...and I love it here!

It was very hot outside today, so my selfies were taken indoors...yup, they were staged, BOL!

Since I am now a lot more mature, (did you hear petcretary guffaw?), I have been busy protecting my yard from varmints. I brought in a big fat mole the other day...I helped Dalton get rid of a trespassing racoon, That's a story all by itself...), and later I got rid of the bunnies that were eating *her* garden. I brought them inside and also a big fat mole; to show my prizes to Pawppy and Petcretary...I did hear a bunch of grumbling from them, though. I don't think they liked my offerings...

Somehow she stole them all from me and gave them funerals, but due to covid restrictions I wasn't allowed to be a live audience. She didn't want me to find them back apparently.

(Petcretary: Sheesh, I had put a barricade around the nest of baby bunnies when I saw it...but that was undisturbed, and the bunnies he brought into the house(!) were a lot bigger than the babies. It was about two weeks since I had found the nest...while I don't like rabbits eating my plants, I don't need a rascal dog to kill them...and then he tried to eat them, UGH.)

I still dig my holes and trenches, but I don't like the red pepper *she* puts on them after she 'undigs' them all...phooey, I get busted and thwarted from my fave activities all the time!

I still like to bark at the neighbors when they are outside, and esp if their kitty is there. They had company the other day, and there was a big hound dog in the truck bed...he whined at us, I think he wanted a good romp with us...but his boss-man did not allow it, Bummer!

Anypaws, petcretary said I could hog the blog all to myself, today, since it is MY birthday!

See ya'll later, I have to have some cake and my birthday feast!

(Dalton will be back next week!)

I am King for the day on my birthday!!

Happy Third Birthday to ME!

We appreciate The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of the weekly Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Its fun, we love it and you can join in too!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sensational Sandwiches, In Purrsuit of Flavours!

 Time to make something yummy...with our hosts, DaPhenny and DaNelly, and also Tyebe and Shoko.

Well, we are going to make some paleo styled food today, sandwiches to be exact. We'll start with the bread, since you can't call it an authentic sandwich without bread, though in the paleo or even the keto lifestyle they do use other things to put around the filling...


Paleo Sandwich Bread


Paleo Sandwich Bread {Grain Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free}
This paleo sandwich bread is easy to make, fluffy, light, and perfect for any type of sandwich! You can toast in and make breakfast sandwiches, have a BLT or top with almond butter, fruit preserves and bananas for a healthy grain free and paleo treat.

* 2 cups blanched almond flour
* 2 Tbsp coconut flour
* 1/4 cup golden flax seed meal
* 1/2 cup tapioca flour or arrowroot flour
* 1/2 tsp baking soda
* 1 1/2 tsp baking powder *aluminum free, or make your own paleo baking powder
* 3/4 tsp fine grain sea salt
* 3 large eggs whisked
* 2 large egg whites whisked
* 6 Tbsp almond milk unsweetened or other non-dairy milk
* 1/2 tbsp raw apple cider vinegar
* 1/4 cup coconut oil melted and cooled (use refined to avoid coconut flavor)
1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and line an 8 x 4” loaf pan with parchment paper.

2. In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients, set aside. In a separate large bowl, whisk together the eggs and egg whites, almond milk, vinegar and coconut oil.

3. Immediately stir the dry mixture into the wet mixture, stirring until moistened, careful not to overmix.

4. Transfer all the batter (it should be pretty thick, like a sticky dough) into the prepared loaf pan, spread out evenly, tapping pan on the countertop a few times to evenly distribute. If desired, brush a bit of almond milk over the top of the loaf.

5. Bake in the preheated oven for 60 mins or until loaf is completely risen and top is deep golden brown.

6. Cool in the pan on a wire rack for about 30 mins, then remove from pan holding the sides of the parchment paper and continue to cool on the rack until fully cooled.

7. Slice as desired and store leftovers covered tightly in the refrigerator for up to 4 days - you can also freeze this bread to keep it longer. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes
*To make paleo-friendly (corn free) baking powder, mix 1 tsp baking soda with 2 tsp cream of tartar.  For this recipe, you will need just 1 1/2 tsp total of this mixture.

Yup, a bit of work, but hey its so yummy the work is worth it!

Here's the filling:

Breakfast Sandwich

Breakfast Sandwich
A egg and bacon breakfast sandwich made using the Bread from the first recipe.  

* ▢ 2 slices Paleo Bread
* ▢ 1 large egg
* ▢ 2 slices bacon
* ▢ 1 slice Havarti Cheese
* ▢ salt/pepper

* Heat a skillet to medium high heat and add in two slice of bacon. Cook and set aside on a plate to cool.

* Turn the heat to low and crack and egg into the same skillet. Cook to desired done-ness (we like over easy). Set aside on the plate with the bacon.

* Lay two slice of paleo bread down onto a plate. If desired, toast them in the same bacon skillet. Lay down a slice of cheese on the bottom piece. Top with the bacon and then the egg. 

* Optionally, butter the bread or use desired spread, such as mayonnaise, mustard, sugar free ketchup, and top the egg with the second slice of bread. Enjoy!

Oh, my now I am hungry and WANT some!!