Sunday, June 28, 2020

Getting Ready...For Special Days

Yup, we are getting ready to celebrate some important days here in our den.
Firstly, on July First it is Canada Day.
Petcretary hails from Canada, and us pups have been there too, on visits. Our Auntie has a pup too, and we have met and romped with him, Eddie, both here and at his den.
Anypaws, Eddie felt it necessary to send us a selfie with some of the beautiful patio flowers that he helps Auntie to grow.
Then on Saturday, it will be The Fourth of July...Independence day! Petcretary has to work that day, so we will have to help pawppy have a burger or something else yummy to celebrate, BOL/MOL!
The big airshow and balloon festival held each year here, are cancelled due to the stupid Corona Virus...and also the fireworks. Perhaps the peeps across the street might still put on their annual we will hunker down indoors to avoid all the racket.

Maybe we will be able to have some celebratory pictures for you, next time...meanwhile, Eddie will be our guest selfie this week.

Eddie, Our Canadian Cousin

We made some other cards, too...
Mietzi, a former Catster friend, amazingly she just turned 19!! She doesn't have a blog, but she is here on FB.

Katie from Glogirly recently became an angel kitty...
We sent these both to Katie'sFamily...(Glogirly), cause we couldn't decide which one we liked better...

We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies blog hop, along with many others at The Kitties Blue.


  1. Happy Canada and buger day to you all, and sorry your staff is away from you for the celebration. Still the promise of burger and beer from your other staff sounds like great compensation ;)
    Eddie is so cute, and so very well posed in the selfie.

  2. Your Canadian cousin Eddie is mighty cute!
    We purr you are all enjoying this Sunday too.
    We were sad to hear about Katie and sent putts to her family.
    Purrs,Georgia and Julie

  3. Happy Canada Day from all of us. That Eddie sure is a cutie!

  4. Eddie is a cutie. Happy (early) Canada Day to him and his family.

  5. We sure enjoyed seeing Eddie and we said a Happy Birthday to Mietzi. We all so miss Katie and love the badges you made for her. She was such a big kitty she needs two. See you on Canada Day friends

  6. Happy Canada Day and 4th of July! Eddie looks like he has some schnauzer in him, so he must be a good dog, BOL. XOX Xena and Lucy

  7. Happy Canada Day! The cards you made for Katie are both beautiful.
    Nice selfie from cousin Eddie.

  8. That is a beautiful photo of Eddie, and those flowers are amazing! Those are lovely tributes to Katie, we miss her too. Happy Canada Day!

  9. My ghostwriter is working on the holidays too, on evening shift, but only till 9pm. Maybe she'll see some fireworks on her way home.

    Hope you all are doing well and have a great 4th of July.

  10. As our city is on the border with Canada, our big fireworks display was always shared by both countries! Alas, all is cancelled, but we need to keep folks safe, right? Gotta keep the humans healthy, so they can open cat food cans and give chin scritches.

  11. Happy Canada Day, in a couple of days!

  12. We can see Canada from our island, so we kinda feel like honorary Canadians. MOL! Happy Canada Day to your petcretary.

  13. Eddie helps his Mom grow very nice flowers! And Happy Indepedence Day to them up there northly...

  14. oh we hope there will be a big party on catnada day for all puppers and kitters... maybe with salmon? that would be great!!!

  15. Happy Canada Day (and Fourth of July if ya don't do another post before then). Our pawrade are cancelled but the city are still supposed to shoot off fireworks but people just aren't supposed to gather for them.

  16. happee week a head doodz and stay safe & kewl....itz crazed hot out side huh....happee earl lee canada day two petcretarry !! :) ♥♥ de cardz total lee rox bye de way ♥♥♥

  17. They cancelled everything here too, all were special anniversaries, but it's in the planning to do it over next year. Eddie made a purrfect Selfie and we hope you all have a wonderful 1st of July anyway. We always love your cards and we understand why you can't chose between them, because they're both so beautiful...duh ;) Sorry for that sweet girl :'( Pawkisses for a wonderful week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞
