Sunday, February 23, 2020

MardiGras/Carnival Flashback Selfies

Yup, we are resorting to flashbacks this week...petcretary is unwell, she has apparently caught/contacted the latest scourge going around at her workplace: Norovirus, same as the one that often plagues cruise ships...well even though she was wearing protective gear, (PPE), someone there had an 'eruption' and it went all over petcretary...yes, we know, TMI...MOL/BOL! So despite all, she is now feeling the same symptoms as many of the residents and also staff. YUCK!
She has delegated all food preps to pawppy and unfurbro-the-younger since he is here to visit, good timing...not...and she herself is keeping to various liquids to keep from dehydration...coconut water being her go to.

Anypaws, we thought we would give her a break, and just post reruns from a year ago...and we purr and pawray that *she* will feel better really soon.

So here we are in full MardGras regalia, that will be Tues Feb 25. Better to be early, than to post these when its Lent, MOL/BOL!

We are hopping with The Kitties Blue

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Post-Valentine's Day Sunday Selfies!

We have some Valentine's Day selfies to share with you...we are late, but since that day is also Pipo's Gotcha Day. ,  we decided to let him be in the spotlight that day, and saved the selfies for the weekly blog hop...which we love! And we thank the Kitties Blue for faithfully hosting this event each week.

Anypaws, here we go!

After all the Gotcha Day fun times, Pipo said...Too Tired to do Valentine's Day, MOL!!

A few 'oldies'...

One more of Pipo with his now Angel Brofur, Minko

We had to say goodbye to some be;loved furends...


We are hopping along with many others in the Sunday Selfies

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Fifteenth Gotcha Day, Pipo! ~ Happy Valentine's Day!

Today is very special here at our den.
Pipo is catabrating his 15th Gotcha Day! How cool is that!?!
Its also Valentine's Day!
Wow, imagine being loved so much that you would get 'gotted' on the day of love...yup, it sure happened.
Pipo & Minko were gotted on the same day, as wee kittens, from different areas of our city...Feb 14th, 2005.
That seems like eons ago, and much has happened here since then...and one of them was that Minko no longer catabrates with us, though he does in spirit from the it has become a sort of bittersweet day, but still, we will celebrate because we can, and Pipo is now the longest living kitty here, other than the very first one, Groucho, who came here as an adult...he became an angel at the ripe age of around 18, as we figured it.
Pipo hopes he too can be with us that long! We will purr and hope for that.
And we know all our Angel furs are enjoying the love and remembrances of living here with us over the years.

Pipo & Minko as kittens, cuddling together

And peeking out at their new big world!
Hi, Petcretary, we are having a kitten hugging session...

Even at about 7 weeks, we had catitude!

From Minko's last Valentine's Day 'session'...

A Valentine's/Gotcha Day Remembrance of Dear Angel Minko
Benji & Dalton greet everyone with their Valentine's Day woofs, too!

We will have more Valentine's Day selfies on Sunday...