Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas Card Day!

Zoey & Dougie Dog from Zoolatry said that today, Dec 9, its Christmas Card Day...well, we are a wee bit late in our time zone, but...its still the 9th in some, MOL/BOL!
So here is our card for you, our blogging friends; feel free to snag it for yourself if you wish:
There may yet be another, if *she* finds time, if so that one will be posted individually and she will try to print it to put in any snail-mail cards she may send as well.
Not sure if the pet shop we get a lot of our noms from (Cause Chewy doesn't have them go figure...), well, not sure if they will have a Santa event on a day that petcretary is off...she can't take us there if she is working, cause of the awkwardness of the timing. If we do get to see Santa, then those images will go into our card...else *she* might resort to a photo session here at home...sigh...

Happy Christmas Greetings to all, and may you find many blessing in this joyful season!

Thanks Zoolatry, for telling us about this day!


  1. that is a super beautiful card... and we hope all will have wonderful howlidays

  2. That's a nice card you made! Dad is in charge of holiday cards this year at our house. He's not as forgetful as GW with those kinds of things

  3. guyz....yur card total lee rox !!! R's goes e mail thiz yeer coz oh de price oh stampz....WHOA....we can give that $$$ ta R shelterz...ya noe ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  4. That is a lovely card. I will add it to my 2019 Christmas card page.

  5. What a pretty card! The mom hasn’t sent our cards out. We don’t know what she’s waiting for...other than the fact that she’s lazy.

  6. That's a great card. We are starting to collect ours for this year and are ahead of the pawrents in the card count this year as always.

  7. OMD, that is one FABulous cardie guys! I loves it! Ma hasn't sent my cardies out yet!!!! sigh. Butts you knows the peeps....always pro-CRASS-tin-ating! Anyhu, I do loves yours!
    Ruby ♥

  8. So festive! We haven’t done our online card yet and only a few hard copies this year.

  9. You are safely ahead of time. Dad just got the last cards out yesserday (to family - we cats come first. But all will arrive when they should...
