Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Pipo And His Prize Box

Before we get started we need to remind you of this PSA:
A Public Service Note: As of Jan 1, 2020, petcretary will no longer be making all the Birthday and Gotcha Day cards. She will make Memorial Cards, and maybe a few others. She is spending way too much time on them, (Sometimes up to 8 hours on a card), even though she loves making them...Sorry to have to put an end to those...if you want one and have not had one for your special furend/furbaby...send her a clear image with an unobtrusive background at least 4 weeks ahead, and she will get one out to you. Just leave a comment, with contact info.

A little while ago, I, Pipo won a prize box from Basil and the B Gang.
It was a big box, and boy it felt quite heavy:)
Well, it was hard to find the right time to take some pictures, as the sun was not cooperating at all when it came, so then when it did show up, *she* was at her work...go figure...but eventually the sun and *her* schedule cooperated together and now you all can see what kind of 'epic' gifts I won! ( Oh and yes there were some petcretary items too, MOL!)

Thanks so much, Miss Cathrine!

So here we go:
Box?? For ME?? Hooray!

I have claimed it!
I can smell interesting things...

This is actually a comfy spot in the sun, MOL!

Hurry up, petcretary, I need to find out what those tantalizing whiffs are about!
All neatly packaged...

Now I can smell it properly!

Look at all these wrapped up things, OMC!

Nothing better than the crinkling of tissue paper!
And this is where my box came from, all the way on the other side of the 'big pond'!

The unwrapping has begun...

Nice and comfy to lay on soft & fuzzy toys, and a pillow as well!

I need to file my weapons to fine pointed sharpness?? Ok, petcretary, this is for you, I think:)

Thanks Angel Basil and all your furmily and PA for all this great loot!

Relaxing with my pillow:)   Sorry its kind of out of focus, but after this was taken I decided to leave the picture taking studio...
I think there has been a kitty on my bed...and can you play with me now, petcretary? Pawlease?!

I would love to have some time with you, too, petcretary!

We made a few cards, too:

Sadly, Miss Ellen from 15&Meowing had to say goodby to her precious kitty, KaTwo.

We are hopping along with the Kitties Blue

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Selfies, And The Trip From H*ll...

Before we get started we need to remind you of this PSA:
A Public Service Note: As of Jan 1, 2020, petcretary will no longer be making all the Birthday and Gotcha Day cards. She will make Memorial Cards, and maybe a few others. She is spending way too much time on them, (Sometimes up to 8 hours on a card), even though she loves making them...Sorry to have to put an end to those...if you want one and have not had one for your special furend/furbaby...send her a clear image with an unobtrusive background at least 4 weeks ahead, and she will get one out to you. Just leave a comment, with contact info.

Well, Home Sweet Home never rang so sweet in petcretary's mind on the return to home road trip...

Even before we got on the highway she had to make a detour to get her tires looked at because the tire pressure light had come on. Wonderful. An hour wasted...

Then there was the weather. UGH! It was snowing, and the roads were like sloppy skating rinks. Well, she just drove slowly. The trip to the border which is about halfway, took forever, she was going 35-40 MPH in a mostly normally 60 MPH zone. There were some slide offs here and there. When she got to the border, it started snowing hard again. She had hoped to have outrun it, but no it was following her it seems, sigh...at least the border crossing was very quick compared to the delays she had going the other way. We made a few short bathroom stops...the stressful conditions seem to increase the need to 'spend a penny'! MOL/BOL!

After about an hours driving the road conditions were quickly deteriorating. Far worse than on the Canadian leg of the trip. Petcretary lost count of all the slide offs she saw, and most of them had just happened. Don't peeps remember that snow means SLOW??
So we drove along at a snails pace...and stayed safe. About 3/4 of the way back, that pesky tire pressure light came on again. What?? Yikes! So she pulled off and put air in the tires again. The one tire was obviously soft. She used her pressure gauge that she keeps in the van, and had it filled up perfect. She thought...

When she got back in the van, that light did not go off...so she pulled off again at the next service station. Good thing, that tire was almost flat:( So she called the AAA for roadside assistance. "It will be at least 2 1/2 hours to get help to you ma'am", the voice said...Oh, MY! Well, the excuse was that they were having high volumes for assistance due to the weather and road conditions. So the peeps in the service station were nice and let us go in there to wait as it was only 18F out there.That was about 630pm, and normally we would have been home already...there was still about an hour of normal conditions driving ahead of her.
At 9pm, still no one had contacted her nor shown up to change out the tire to the spare. So she called again. Same scenario...you'll have to wait, Ma'am. So she gave them another hour...at 10pm, she called pawppy again to let him know that we were safe but unable to get on the road again. He made a suggestion: Call the insurance peeps...huh?
Well apparently unbeknownst to petcretary we had roadside assistance as part of our 'package'. Live and Learn. So she called them up, and lo and behold, they sent out a tow truck in about 30 minutes. The nice polite young man had us back in business in about 20 minutes, despite the cold and darkness...at least there were lights on outside at that 24 hour service station.
 I, Benji made a lot of new friends in that long wait:) I even got to eat my supper there, good thing, cause when we drove off from there we still had to limp, cause for one the roads were still bad, even though by then the snow had stopped...and you can't drive at 70MPH on a spare tire...

We got home at about 1230am. Home Sweet Home, indeed! God had His angels around us to guide us and keep us safe...and though it was a LONG time, 14 hours compared to about a normal 6 or so; a flat tire is way better than sliding into the ditch or worse.
Thank you God for keeping us safe.

Well, when I finally was able to take off my travel harness, I went wild and did tons of zoomies in the snow in our yard. There was about 4-5 inches. Dalton was SO happy to see me, he went more crazy than usual. We had snow wrestling matches...and double zoomies! BOL! And petcretary was too tired to even think about trying to get snow pictures, besides it was dark.

Then the next day she didn't take pictures either, cause she had to take the van in to get the tire issue taken care of. They were able to fix the bad tire, there was a nail in it. Go figure!
And she got a call on her cell phone...did she still need her tire changed out?? Duh...as if...she is not sure if she will renew her policy with AAA, even after 37 years with them. Sheesh!

The second day back it was Petcretary's birthday.  Happy Birthday to YOU, Petcretary!
She went out with pawppy...and it was cloudy and not nice for taking pictures...

so...by now the yard is a muddy mess, cause the temps went up, and we dug in it and all the leaves that were still on the trees are now on top of the snow too.
We think she is just too lazy to get out the camera, BOL!

Oh, and she said she had to spend a ton of time cleaning up in the kitchen...we had a mouse...or mice...in there. They like to make their winter home in a nice warm place.

Oh the joys of rural living...sigh...OK, you all can get off your tables tops now, the mouse trouble is gone, Pipo wasn't able to help, though, cause he doesn't go in the kitchen when petcretary is not around...too many doggies in there, and mostly if the peeps are not around that area is gated off...BOL/MOL! (It was a deer mouse...)

Well now. Here are the proffered selfies for this week.
Sheesh, she just  as soon gets home as the cameras gets shoved at me again. It was nice with out that for a few days...MOL!
It was so cold recently I had to work at keeping my nose warm:)
This is all you will get from me this week, Petcretary...I just want to bask in this rarity of a sun puddle.
Are you really home petcretary?? I sure missed you and Coonie here is just not like you at all, BOL!
Benji said he liked it better when there was no snow! I think most of us might just agree!

We somehow found time to make  cards!



We are hopping along with all the others at the Kitties Blue who kindly host this fun feature each week.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Road Trip Selfies

Before we get started we need to remind you of this PSA:
A Public Service Note:
As of Jan 1, 2020, petcretary will no longer be making all the Birthday and Gotcha Day cards. She will make Memorial Cards, and maybe a few others. She is spending way too much time on them, (Sometimes up to 8 hours on a card), even though she loves making them...Sorry to have to put an end to those...if you want one and have not had one for your special furend/furbaby...send her a clear image with an unobtrusive background at least 4 weeks ahead, and she will get one out to you. Just leave a comment, with contact info.

Last week, petcretary loaded up the van, with all kinds of doggy and people things. Then she said goodbye to Pipo, Dalton and Pawppy...pawppy is going to be the 'live-in' pet sitter:)

Well, anypaws, she put me, Benji in my car harness and made me fastened into the front passenger seat with the seatbelt fastened to my harness. Oh, MY! Off we drove and Dalton was standing at the fence wondering why he was not in the car with me, I think.

We drove and drove and drove until after 887 miles I was just doing a lot of zzzzz's...

Then we stopped. Hey, this is not home?! It was a gas station...and I woofed at the peeps at the entrance, because I didn't know them. BOL!
I left some p-mails for other pups to know I had been there...
Then we got back in the van and drove for another long time, but this time it was only 87 miles...or so.

Then the van stopped, but we were not getting out...just waiting and waiting and waiting...there was a long lineup of vehicles, and not only one line but several. And big huge trucks too. I grr'd at some of them to tell them to stop blocking my view, Tee-Hee!
Finally we were at the front of that long lineup...and petcretary paid a lady some $$, she opened the gate and we went through. Phew, now we could get onto that big steel thing in front of us, *she* said it was The Blue Water Bridge.
At the other end of that bridge we had to wait again, and again the wait was LONG. And there were five of those long lines, and two for the big trucks. Sheesh we drove all that way to stand in long lines and just crawl? Whatever Petcretary, as long as we are together, its not that bad.

Then *she* opened the window and she started chatting with a young man, and she handed him some papers. He gave them back to her, and said, 'enjoy your visit'.

Then off we went again...for another 887 miles or so...though petcretary said that all of those so called miles of length was about 320 miles in reality...

When it was dark o'clock, we finally stopped at a house I did not ever see before.

Hey! I do know that smell! Its Eddie, my doggy cousin! OMD! We drove all that way and across a border to visit Eddie!

So now we have had some good romps in his yard, I got to visit the neighbor's big dog, and across the street another neighbor invited us there to visit with Gracie. The peeps had some nice wine, but all we got was some doggy treats, BOL!

The next day after  arriving, two other peeps came to stay with us...both my unfurbros! Wow-wee!
That was fun and we had some good 'snuggles, Hmmm...but I was not allowed in their bedroom...

I also had to wait for 887 hours in a pen while my Auntie and petcretary and the unfurbros went on another road trip by themselves to gather with cousins as they have done each November...kind of like a small reunion!

*She* says I have to be in a pen cause I like to chew on too many things, or make holes in pillows and such like. Anyways my pen was comfy with toys, a soft bed and a water bowl...I went to sleep, but when they came back I let them know it was not nice to not let me come along to see all the  rest of the cousins...well, um...nevfurmind...I made her take me out for a long  walk in the rain! That will teach her, BOL!

Well, so here are some selfies made on this trip. No Pipo or Dalton this week...sorry dudes, but we cannot make a selfie of you when you are there and we are here!

In the car, waiting and waiting and waiting...

'Do you think we can figure out how to escape??!

Eddie & Benji

Eddie, Benji & Unfurbro-the-elder

I want to kiss you!

I did kiss him...any problem with that?!

Eddie begging...
Joined by Benji...who can resist those pleading eyes?! BOL!

We made some cards before our trip...

Marcus & Taylor

Domino: May 1, 2003  ~  Nov 5, 2019

Lets also remember that Nov 11th is Remembrance Day, and Veterans Day, or Armistice day, depending where you live. It recalls the ending of WW11, on the 11th day on the 11th hour in the 11th month...in 1918.
A somber day of remembering and teaching those who were not there to never forget the price of the freedoms we have.

We are joined up with all the other selfies at The Kitties Blue