Sunday, January 27, 2019

Keeping Warm In The Deep Freezer Selfies

If we all thought last week's post, from the chilly State of Michigan, it will be even colder , dangerously so, this coming week, with Wednesday predicted  to be having a high temp of just below 0F. Brrrr
And wind chills so bad that frostbite could happen in just a few minutes of exposure. The schools are sure to be closed due to this. And today, Sunday and through Monday we are expecting another big dump of snow. Oh, my poor Texas transplanted pups! No walks for them, even with three coats. Not good for man nor beast. They go outside to do their business and privacy pawlease and scamper right back inside.
This past Friday we were dealing with a small new layer of snow, about 3 inches...and bitter cold winds, the temp was 9F during the day...and petcretary went outside only to see that she had a very flat tire. OMC! OMD! Dang!! She had to go to work later as well...sigh...Well, the service dude came and fixed it, by way of getting the spare tire installed. He couldn't hardly get the special bolts unlocked. The little things that fit into a tire gauge were also frozen and couldn't come off to check the pressure. In cold weather those service guys expect to help peeps with bad batteries, or to be digging someone out of a snow bank, or pulling them out of a ditch...but a flat? MOL/BOL! He told petcretary that it was the longest changing a tire job he'd ever done! Tee-hee. Petcretary just told him we have a sign on ourselves that says if it will be happening, it will happen to the best/worst of its possibility! And if that wasn't enough, the spare tire in her van is inside the floor between the first and second  row of seats. So the carpet and mud mats had to be lifted up...well, at least it was daylight!
And petcretary's car starts quite well, even in this cold, she has a block heater. It helps...a lot!

Well, the sun did show up a few times, for short one of the not quite as cold days we all went for a walk, bundled up to the max. Those pups need a good romp or long walk to get rid of excess energy.

Here are some pics of Pipo enjoying some of those warm sunbeams...well, warm if you are behind the glass in a nice heated house!

It may be extra cold, but sunpuddles are still comfortingly warm....

We're done now, can we come back inside?? By the way, we were practisong for opposite day which was earlier this week, BOL!

We are glad we have a cleared area for um...privacy please!

I have on three coats...yes its that cold...

I've inherited MJF's coats, and cause its so cold I have three of them on all at once. Layers keep me warmer...sigh...I feel like that lil guy in Christmas Story...BOL!

At least she did *not* put those silly bootees on my toesies. I refused to let her, BOL!

Hunching up helps to keep me warmer, too...

We are thankful we can live in a nice warm house.

Sorry for the yellowish tints, inside lighting is not the best:)
A baby like me...

Needs lots of good long naps.

Can I have some time with you alone now while Benji naps?? I don't need a nap, BOL!

We all felt sad this past week, when we learned that Tallulah from 15&Meowing had to go and live in Kitty Heaven. She was dearly loved and will be greatly missed by her family and all who knew her.
We made a couple of memento cards in her honor.


We are hopping along with The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this weekly feature.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Selfies On Tuesday With Guests

Oh, MY! Petcretary was so busy cleaning snow and working over the past few days, that we are now doing our selfie post on Tuesday! MOL/BOL! She took pictures but not so much of us as of the big full moon that got all covered up. She got home from work in time to see it...but um...the temp outside was not conducive to standing around trying to take pictures with a diddly Zoom lens on her Point & Shoot camera...but she tried! Until her fingers and toes were frozen...despite gloves and boots. The temp was -13F. (-25C) least the wind had died down somewhat. Today even though it was MLK Day, and many schools were not in session, some that were were cancelled due to the wind chills.
On Saturday, we had a good 6 inches of snow, maybe not the biggest snowfall ever, but enough to cause trouble on the roads.
Dalton is now in his second winter here, but this is the first winter ever for Benji. He is NOT impressed at all, BOL! Today we went for a walk when the temp had warmed up a bit above zero, so the pups had on two sweaters, covered by a heavier coat. They looked like the little guy in the Christmas Story movie who couldn't move on account of being so bundled up! BOL!
And to make the snow and cold seem even more not fun, Auntie (Eddie's Mom), sent a nice picture of the warm Caribbean beach she is at this week...sigh...
At least the sun has been out both yesterday and today. Pipo loves him a sun puddle even in the winter!

We three will return next time with our own selfies...this week we are showing off the moon and some others...

 Lunar eclipses are interesting, but though this one was considered extra special,petcretary didn't think it looked any redder than others she has seen. Oh well...So the 'Man in the Moon' did a guest selfie, Oh, MY!!

Eddie is gong to be another guest here this week: He outdid himself in the shredding department! Imagine if we had been there to help him, BOL!!

This dude loves to steal as many seeds as he can before he is thwarted by Dalton...Benji has still to 'learn' all about these critters...

We helped make some cards, too:
We heard belatedly that Avalon celebrated her Birthday
Ayla & Iza had their Gotcha Day
Clyde catabrated becoming 19!
Valentine had a Gotcha Day
Marley has his Gotcha Day, *today*!!

We are joining The Kitties Blue with our guest selfies.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Week's Gone By So Fast, And So Its Time Again For Selfies On Sunday!

Wow. Time flies by when you are busy with a puppy...almost forgot it was Sunday and time for selfies...Phew, we remembered and got a few...MOL/BOL!
What *is* funny, though is that the pups' selfies from outside show green (Well not too green) and no snow, but of course the pics were made during the week on petcretary's days off...when there was no snow...but now there is a dusting. We were blessed...we not having the current snowstorm hit our area, other than maybe an inch or so. Where pawppy comes from (Wash, DC.), and many areas to the south of us, well they did get dumped on! We are not too sorry about living in Michigan right now, the Winter Wonderland...really?? MOL/BOL! Probably we will get our comeuppance soon enough. Weather is like that, you know.

So were are having lots of fun, and Pipo, too, comes by to sniff us now and then. Benji is mostly calm and not too interested in chasing him, so maybe at some point they will be tolerant and OK with each other? We can hope!

Today at dinnertime, we gave Benji a supervised rawhide roll. He loves them but teds to chew themm up really fast. So after a while, the thing was all soft and slobbery...and petcretary heard a funny noise like a cough. YIKES! Benji was trying to swallow that thing whole. She reached into his mouth and had to pull it out...into the bin it went. Phew! Close call!
Dalton chews on them a bit then leaves them until later for another brief chew, he doesn't try to eat them all up.
So no more free access to those things. Only allowed under close and strict 'snoopervision'.

There was a fat squirrel in the yard this morning under the bird feeders...and we showed it to Benji through the window. Then we let him outside, but he just stood there...BOL! He has lots to learn about yard guard duty! Dalton gave chase but that smart varmint was long gone, BOL!

Well, here are some selfies...Pipo's is a flashback, not sure if it was posted in an earlier post, but reruns are fun anyways! He did not want to takeone today, he kept putting his head down...even the IPhone camera bothers hm...still never sing flash. He is just bashful, MOL, MOL!
Hopefully in a month's time he will let some Gotcha Day selfies be made...we got him a special tie to catabrate in style.

Sorry for the poor lighting of the indoor images...

I see you down there, benji...

I think there is a kitty making sure I don't try to sniff him or chase him up there...ready to whap me, I think...

Pipo, in his 'cubby'
Lets give this coonie a good ripping tug of war!
 A series of loving brofurs kissies and dogversations...

Can I have some of that, too, Petcretary?!

I, Benji am long...and lean!
Hi, Mom...oops, I mean petcretary!

Hi! Petcretary thinks I could use a good brushing...what is that?
I think this will be my official Dalton selfie this week:)

I may look 'baby' but...I am over 7 months old...

Sheesh, Petcretary, those dogs are sure a crazy pair...

This week's card making attempts...
Caster from KittyCatChronicles

Blub, from Pets Overload

Blub, it was hard to decide which to send him, so we sent both...
We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue