Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Lots To Report With Sunday (On Wednesday), Selfies...Sorry That We Are Furry Late!

Lets start by saying thank you very much to all our veterans, past and present who have given much, if not all to keep us safe and free. It is Veteran's Day...or it was...
In Canada, where petcretary is from, it is Remembrance Day, Well, it was...when we pay homage to those who have given all for the freedoms we know and enjoy.
Never take these things for granted they are hard won, come at a heavy price and they are very precious.

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

Petcretrary wore a red poppy on her uniform when she went to work, this Sunday November 11th.
and it has become so late in the  week, that its now Wednesday! For sure NOT a wordless Wednesday, BOL/MOL!
And yesterday the 13th of November was also a special day for Petcretary: SHe went to look for something in google-land and she wondered why this was there:
This said: Happy Birthday, Pipo/Angel Minko
What?? Um...well, the blogger when it was set up, wanted a birth date, so it was entered under Pipo & Minko. MOL! But in reality it was Petcretary's Birthday! She is as old as that is not too nice, but she does fall into the category of antiquity, though she is spry and agile and works, while others of her vintage are already retired. Her tires are not yet needing that she will keep doing her job with the seniors who are even more ancient than she is!
Happy Birthday, Petcretary! With love from Pipo & Dalton
We are happy that petcretary is back from her vacation. Pawppy took good care of Pipo, and Dalton had a lot of fun with his doggy cousin, Eddie. Petcretary got to see another doggy cousin, Esperenza, but Dalton only got to smell her, BOL! He wasn't allowed to go for that 90 mile ride, because the peeps spent a lot of time visiting in a restaurant, so he would have had to spend way too much time in a cold car...but she is smaller even than Dalton, so anyways, probably not a good thing to be together; Dalton plays quite rough. (Petcretary says...)
Anypaws, the weather wasn't too bad for traveling other than a strong headwind on her way back. Which was a bit less than the day before when the wind had gusts of around 50 MPH. Wow! The garbage bins were all over the street! Yikes!
When she got home she only saw a few branches down here, so obviously the winds were not as  strong here as in the Toronto area.
I, Dalton, do not have a pen anymore at my den, just an open crate with a bed in it...and the first day, I was confused and kept looking for my old pen/den, BOL! My pawrents noticed that I had guarding issues and did some growling if anyone I was scared of came near that den, so now I have to sleep in a more open environment. Its OK, though, its comfy and warm, and close to my peeps. And I an see everything that goes on:)
I, Pipo, saw lots of good squirrel and bird TV while they were gone, cause there was no pup to chase them all away!
On Friday evening after a day of being back, the snow began to fall. We had about two inches of wet heavy snow. At least she did not have to endure that kind of thing on her travels. Phew!
Pawppy had it all cleaned up before petcretary had to go to work on Saturday. Sunday the sun was beautiful and we could bask in some sunpuddles.
Since we are so late, the selfies of us will have to wait, so that the guests can have their day in the spotlight...
Here is Esperenza. She is a little rescue pup from the Domincan Republic. Likely a poodle mix.Sweet and full of the dickens!! BOL!

And here is Eddie.
He was lots of fun to play with and I sure miss the good romps we had. I hope he comes here soon so we can romp again, and it will be better cause my yard is way bigger...and Eddies yard is *not* small! BOL!

Here we are having loads of good romping fun. We are rowdy and loving it!

We had to reat when we got back in, but I, Dalton was still full of the dickens...wanted Eddie's chew-bone.

It smelly yummy, Eddie, can take it?

Hey, waht did you do with that orange bone with the cookie inside of it, Eddie?

Don't even think of it, Dalton, Its mine and I am laying on it...
See?? Heh-heh!

Shucks, I wanted that bone...
Oh well, I'm pooped too, so I won't bother him for least not yet, BOL!

Petcretary said we needed to try to make a selfie.

Heh-hey! I, Dalton am getting good at it:)

This is our double-doggy selfie!

 Before she left, we helped petcretary make some cards, and she helped us make some more when she got back:)



Dennis The Viszla
Pipo intends to be back soon...MIAOW!
The Sunday Selfie Blog-hop is at The Kitties Blue


  1. Aww, you woofies all look awesome this week, and VERY active too. I'm not surprised you are worn out, MOL
    Yes, remembering the many is so important, as is helping the elderly, too. Your mom does good works and whilst she has the vim and vigour that is wonderful and so kind. We hopes you have a great week, and not too much of the white stuff as that just ruins all the fun!
    Toodle pips and selfie purrs

  2. Happy Birthday to your petcretary!!!! how great that she is back ;O) we were surprised too that your Eddie is much bigger than the furst photos suggested LOL

  3. That sure is some super woofie fun and Happy Birthday to your Petcretary from all of us!

  4. Wow! What a busy report! I loved seeing you playing with Eddie in the leaves, and with the squeaky toys. I had some great leaves in my yard, but now they're all covered with snow.

    Happy birthday to your petcretary! Hooray for working with the elderly, like my ghostwriter does. She says you have to have a special heart for that kind of work.

  5. Happy Belated Birthday to the Petcretary! Looks like Dalton had a fun time. XO

  6. Well Petcretary tried to give her birthday away she can't do that! Happy old as dirt birthday Petcretary wishing you many more Happy Birthdays. We had an ice storm over night and this morning many tree branches down and people without electricity Dalton did you chase that storm our way. It is to early for this weather here the leaves are still on the trees.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  7. You make such lovely cards. We (Marcus & Taylor) really enjoyed ours. We get sad, though, when they are for the loss of our friends.
