Friday, November 30, 2018

Super Big Troubles At Our Den

We have to report to all of you out there in blogville that we are not able to send you our cards, and make new ones right now. There were some  ready to send, but alas, we have no access to them, since our home was broken into and the computer was stolen. This kind of thing cannot be done on petcretary’s IPad, sadly. We can contact you and read your blogs and comment, but we cannot make posts with pictures. So we might do a bunch of flashbacks. Sigh.
(We will try to catch up on our commenting in this time of no card-making...goodness knows we are way behind...)

We are all fine, other than feeling violated and shook up.

The Christmas cards will have  to go by the wayside too, since we cannot make any. Other than finding a stock card, which we do not like to do.

Please  just keep us in your thoughts, and know we are well, but just not in our normal situation.

We most likely will have to miss the Sunday Selfies, too...unless we can figure out how to post a flashback. The IPad is handy, but it doesn’t have the capabilities of the laptop:(

Thank you all for understanding.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving Weekend Sunday Selfies

Well, petcretary was here all day on Thanksgiving, but she had no time to make a blog post for us. We did get some yummy bits of that feast she made, Mmmm! Both our unfurbros were here too. Plenty of laps for Pipo! And lots of good walks for Dalton. It was quite cold on the day before Thanksgiving, and also on Thanksgiving, so Dalton wore his warm winter gear as did the peeps he pulled for the whole two miles, BOL! He was evfur so grateful for that warm coat:)
Petcretary kind of cheated and made some old selfies into new well, at least we did not have to endure clothes and camera time, Tee-hee!

Today and Saturday she had to work...back to normal here!And quiet too, the unfurbros have gone back to their own doings.
Last Nov 14th, we attended Dezi's Birthday/Gotcha Day pawrty.

Her Gotcha day was officially the 22nd, but they combined the events. It was a fun pawrty! And Dezi sent us this card:
We went there in masks, because it was a masquerade pawrty:)
We also were singing at her pawrty and we were in the band too.

She sure does throw fine and fun affairs! (Well, her sisfur, Raena planned it and organized it too...). Thanks for doing that, gals!
By the way, their Mommy, isn't feeling too good, maybe you could all purr hard fur her, and send her some POTP and pawyers, too.


We made some cards, too:
This next card is a wee bit early, but tomorrow is Sawyer's Gotcha Day, (He is from the family of our good blogging furends, who are the weekly hosts of our blog hop of Sunday Selfies!), so we made him a card too:

We are hopping in the 'furmouse' weekly feature of the Sunday Selfies, hosted by The Kitties Blue. Thanks so much for keeping this blog hop going for SO long!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

I'm A Good Boy ~ Or: What To Do When Boredom Strikes

I am resting, NOT hanging my head in shame...
Yup, its been a week of indoor time to the max, rain, snow even some sleet and cold dank skies. Not the kind of conditions conducive to picture taking or going outside either. So I was bored. Really bored. Or spiteful that Petcretary took my enclosed den away?
The other day, when the only issue was a bit of snow...petcretary got up and when she came down she found this:

Sheesh, do you see that title, Petcretary? Get Fat...So I ate the Why part, BOL!! Cause we all know eating the yummy stuff that happens around the holidays is so yummy and delicious, that who can resist??!
But for some reason she was not too happy and I could see bad thoughts rumbling around in her head, because even though I spared her the part about feeling guilty for issues of food, etc, she said it was not what she needed after getting up late and now she had to clean that all up before she went to work. And that book was there long before I even came to this den!
Sheesh,  peeps are not evfur happy no matter how we try to help them...
And Pipo was living up to his name of Mr Peeps, one of the  nicknames he has had from the time of his kittenhood...Pipo-Beepo and Mr Peeps.
I see you , Dalton...petcretary will not be amused...

He watched from his peekaboo spot...and peeped over the chair top to watch what I was doing...and I am sure he was smirking to himself...

Nope...she will not...

She will be ready to grumble loudly...

But...well, you'll have to find out for yourself, Tee-hee...
Well, you know what?
I got to go and see Santa Paws this Saturday. I was first and I told him I was a good pup, and I did not wee-wee on him either...or growl at that big red jolly lap...and I even wore my own Santa Paws hat. Pipo did not allow that on his own that Pipo had no reason to purr anything about me into Santa Paws ear when he got to sit on that big warm soft lap. Why, he positively was cuddling with him, a stranger! Sheesh, I only cuddle like that with those whom I truly know and trust. Don't the peeps always say: Beware of strangers??!
(Petcretary says we cannot yet show you those pics, cause well, we have not even had Thanksgiving yet!)
So after that fracas of the book destruction and censoring I was so glad to find a minute of sunpuddle time:

I got me a sunpuddle cause I *am* a good boy!

And therefore this is my 'So There Selfie'!
We want to shout out a Happy Birthday to our Uncle, he is Pawppy's older brother. His special day is always around Thanksgiving, some years it even falls on that day; isn't that fun?!

We apologize for not visiting you all regularly much to do, so little time...sigh...but we'll come by when we can. This week will really be one of hit and miss. Hope we don't miss too much. We love you all!
Here are the cards we have to show you this week...including one we forgot to post last time..

We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies, hosted as always by the Kitties Blue. Thanks for always being there for us, each Sunday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Lots To Report With Sunday (On Wednesday), Selfies...Sorry That We Are Furry Late!

Lets start by saying thank you very much to all our veterans, past and present who have given much, if not all to keep us safe and free. It is Veteran's Day...or it was...
In Canada, where petcretary is from, it is Remembrance Day, Well, it was...when we pay homage to those who have given all for the freedoms we know and enjoy.
Never take these things for granted they are hard won, come at a heavy price and they are very precious.

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

Petcretrary wore a red poppy on her uniform when she went to work, this Sunday November 11th.
and it has become so late in the  week, that its now Wednesday! For sure NOT a wordless Wednesday, BOL/MOL!
And yesterday the 13th of November was also a special day for Petcretary: SHe went to look for something in google-land and she wondered why this was there:
This said: Happy Birthday, Pipo/Angel Minko
What?? Um...well, the blogger when it was set up, wanted a birth date, so it was entered under Pipo & Minko. MOL! But in reality it was Petcretary's Birthday! She is as old as that is not too nice, but she does fall into the category of antiquity, though she is spry and agile and works, while others of her vintage are already retired. Her tires are not yet needing that she will keep doing her job with the seniors who are even more ancient than she is!
Happy Birthday, Petcretary! With love from Pipo & Dalton
We are happy that petcretary is back from her vacation. Pawppy took good care of Pipo, and Dalton had a lot of fun with his doggy cousin, Eddie. Petcretary got to see another doggy cousin, Esperenza, but Dalton only got to smell her, BOL! He wasn't allowed to go for that 90 mile ride, because the peeps spent a lot of time visiting in a restaurant, so he would have had to spend way too much time in a cold car...but she is smaller even than Dalton, so anyways, probably not a good thing to be together; Dalton plays quite rough. (Petcretary says...)
Anypaws, the weather wasn't too bad for traveling other than a strong headwind on her way back. Which was a bit less than the day before when the wind had gusts of around 50 MPH. Wow! The garbage bins were all over the street! Yikes!
When she got home she only saw a few branches down here, so obviously the winds were not as  strong here as in the Toronto area.
I, Dalton, do not have a pen anymore at my den, just an open crate with a bed in it...and the first day, I was confused and kept looking for my old pen/den, BOL! My pawrents noticed that I had guarding issues and did some growling if anyone I was scared of came near that den, so now I have to sleep in a more open environment. Its OK, though, its comfy and warm, and close to my peeps. And I an see everything that goes on:)
I, Pipo, saw lots of good squirrel and bird TV while they were gone, cause there was no pup to chase them all away!
On Friday evening after a day of being back, the snow began to fall. We had about two inches of wet heavy snow. At least she did not have to endure that kind of thing on her travels. Phew!
Pawppy had it all cleaned up before petcretary had to go to work on Saturday. Sunday the sun was beautiful and we could bask in some sunpuddles.
Since we are so late, the selfies of us will have to wait, so that the guests can have their day in the spotlight...
Here is Esperenza. She is a little rescue pup from the Domincan Republic. Likely a poodle mix.Sweet and full of the dickens!! BOL!

And here is Eddie.
He was lots of fun to play with and I sure miss the good romps we had. I hope he comes here soon so we can romp again, and it will be better cause my yard is way bigger...and Eddies yard is *not* small! BOL!

Here we are having loads of good romping fun. We are rowdy and loving it!

We had to reat when we got back in, but I, Dalton was still full of the dickens...wanted Eddie's chew-bone.

It smelly yummy, Eddie, can take it?

Hey, waht did you do with that orange bone with the cookie inside of it, Eddie?

Don't even think of it, Dalton, Its mine and I am laying on it...
See?? Heh-heh!

Shucks, I wanted that bone...
Oh well, I'm pooped too, so I won't bother him for least not yet, BOL!

Petcretary said we needed to try to make a selfie.

Heh-hey! I, Dalton am getting good at it:)

This is our double-doggy selfie!

 Before she left, we helped petcretary make some cards, and she helped us make some more when she got back:)



Dennis The Viszla
Pipo intends to be back soon...MIAOW!
The Sunday Selfie Blog-hop is at The Kitties Blue