Sunday, June 24, 2018

Dominating! Yup, Selfie Sunday Dominates Around Here Each Week!

For sure! It is a crazy way to start each week around here, but we do the selfies cause its fun!

But seriously now...Today is June 24th and it has become known as Cat World Domination Day. Its actually the day that that Furmouse Kitty, (Angel)Sparkle was born, and so its in her honor that we catabrate this domination each year. Visit her furmily's blog here.
Do I, Pipo dominate? You betcha! I have to cause there are dogs living here, and they have to know that I rule them, MOL! MJF used to sit and wait until the path was clear, else he might have gotten a whap or a swat on his schnooter. In fact sometimes for no reason I dealt those out to him just to keep him inline, MOL, MOL!
Dalton is petrified of me too...I have only to show up and he freezes! Though in all honesty I have not whapped him nearly as much as I did MJF,  Tee-Hee!  Last week when I was trying to saunter back to my house, in the grass, he was bouncing all around me...he was too wimpy to do anything else...he play bowed and I ignored him...he barked me and I just turned my head the other way...I did not let him lord it over me...cause I Pipo am the dominating one...
Ok, well, now you all want to see me, right? OK. pardon the less than ideal focus, or lighting, I make petcretary work for all the selfies I help her with, MOL! Maybe one day I will allow better ones:)
A crazy
Well, here's that dude who tried to dominate me...but he didn't dare, sheesh he even play-bowed me, as if...
I am catching my breath after all those zoomies around Pipo. Sheesh, even outside I cannot control that kitty...
Nevertheless, I am a happy pup, especially when I am outside.
And we once again helped petcretary make some cards:
Calista Jo
Summer is the sisfur of AngelSparkle, after whom this day was established...but really I think we kitties dominate the world all the time, MOL!

We are joining the Cat World Domination Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, Hosted By The Kitties Blue

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day To Our Pawppy!

Its Father's Day!
We thank you Pawppy for being a good daddy to us, and being patient, (mostly), when we are not always on our bestest behavior...
So Pawppy was sitting out in the yard, and we sat on his our bow tie finery to honor him:)
Pipo was having a pretty good time out there, and even tried the grass under his paws...
Dalton was a bit more anxious, but hey, he did sit there for a while!
He still has fears of Pawppy, and often freezes up or runs to his 'den' (doorless crate), when he sees Pawppy coming near. He still piddles in fear both for petcretary and Pawppy...sigh...but we only use the 'belly band' when we are at other peeps' homes...we go through lots of carpet cleaning solutions, BOL!
Even after almost 9 months of living here in 'luxury', love  and safety...its so frustrating for us to deal with this poor wee anxiety stricken doggy. Maybe he needs a doggy psychiatrist to help him deal with his issues. His best times are outdoors, or alone with petcretary.

Anypaws, here are our pictures with Pawppy, including our Sunday Selfies:)

We helped petcretary make some more cards:

There were some sad moments, too...though we ourselves are not familiar with these kitties - now precious angels; we are posting the mementos that Ann Adamus of Zoolatry made for them; so that you can pay them a visit and add your purrs and woofs of comfort if you have not already.
We are honoring Fathers everywhere today in this Sunday Selfies Blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Plain and Simple Sunday Selfies

Petcretary is working this weekend, so the blog post will be just some selfies and some cards we sent to other furry ones.
Sometimes the days are just seemingly too short to take time to make lots of pictures...but well, having said that, sometimes she makes so many she can't decide which ones will 'make the grade' to be posted here...MOL!
Anyways, nothing much happening here; no news is always good news, right?!
Here are our selfies:

Feeling kind of bummed on a rainy day, and petcretary had to go to her work...
Here are some cards we sent to our furends:
Carmine had a Gotcha Day

Raena had a Gotcha Day too.
Sammy has his Birthday today!

If you would rather visit us in WordPress, you can visit by using this link: There is open commenting allowed there. Sorry it doesn't work in this blog anymore. The posts there will be similar and duplicate this blogger/google facilitate commenting and ease of use. 


We are bloghopping our Sunday Selfies along with the Kitties Blue, who are the kind hosts of this weekly feature. They are having some computer issues right now so bear with them and purr that soon it will be all fixed for them:)


Sunday, June 3, 2018

Already June!! Guest Selfie Sunday

If you would rather visit us in WordPress, you can visit by using this link: There is open commenting allowed there. Sorry it doesn't work in this blog anymore. The posts here will be similar and duplicate this blogger/google facilitate commenting and ease of use. 

I have sent a note to google/blogger to try and revert our blog back to its original state but still no answer or solution. The link will not let me do it, even though its supposed to allow it. Tabbies sent me some help notes, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts, but it was all the same things that  petcretary had already tried. The other issue of not receiving notifications is a sitewide blogger issue, and they say they are working on resolving it...but we won't hold our breath.


Petcretary went on a road trip this past week, to visit our Auntie (her sister), and transport some furniture to unfurbro-the-younger. 

So there wasn't much time for picture taking of us...though she did get some nice images of our doggy cousin, Eddie. So that is why we are having a Guest Selfie Sunday!

Hi, ya'll, I am Eddie, Dalton's Canadian Doggy Cousin.
I love to chew on sticks...

This is MY stick!
Teaching my stick how to behave like a...well, like a stick!
I gotta chew my stick, OK?
I might look if you have a treat...
Is that a treat for ME?
I really would love to go exploring in the neighbor's yard...but my Mum says its not allowed...and their three pups might not like me in there either. Shucks...
I had to stop and think about how to do these selfie things...

I think I nailed this happy in the evening sunshine selfie!
Eddie - My 'offurcial selfie'!


Basil had a Birthday on June First, but he is delaying his catabration, cause he is not feeling well at this time. So please go and wish him some POTP and Get Well Soon purrs and greetings.


We are hopping along with all the Sunday Selfie takers at The Kitties Blue who are the kind hosts of this weekly feature.