Sunday, September 24, 2017

ROARing Selfie Adoption Event

Yesterday, Sept 23rd, I, MrJackFreckles went on a dogventure. Petcretary put on my harness and my travel harness. Ooh, I started shaking, cause I really do not like getting in the car. And it was a blistering, record breaking 95F outside. Anypaws we drove for what seemed like furevfur, and after at least 87 minutes (Petcretary said about 15...), I was allowed out of the car. Hey, we are at a petshop!
This is where petcretary gets some of my noms and other fine things, fur me and Pipo.

I had to sniff around cause wow, there were lots of pee mails to read and answer...
Then we sauntered casually the back of the store. OMD! What a lot of kitties I could see, and they were staring at me too:)
It was a ROAR event.
Lots of 'gingies' said petcretary...and some cutie pie tuxies and tabbies, too.
Anypaws, then I saw the doggies! And when they saw me, whoot, they all started a barking chorus. Good thing, I, being mostly deaf now, did not return their woofs:)

Petcretary said, 'lets ask about *this* one.'
OK, they brought out a wee pup with the hugest ears I evfur saw!! BOL! He, being named Dalton is a Rat Terrier/Min-Pin mix. Wow, but he is petite compared to me...He's between one and two years old.

We both went outside into the hot...and found some shady place with grass. Then we sniffed each other and I only tried my silly humpiness a couple times...shucks I can hardly balance anymore, BOL!!!
The lady of the rescue ROAR, (You can visit their webpage here), thought it might just work out, so she is bringing Dalton to my den in a few days, to see how I do with a pup on *my* terriertory...and how Pipo reacts too. Of course I expect some hissing, BOL!

So lets hope this time I might have a brofur/playmate...

A brofur fur ME???!

Hi, Are you going to be my new mom??

She wants me to do selfies already!

Like this?

Well, its better, but she said I should look at the camera.

Not bad for a first time selfie, d'ya think?

Wow, you are big. You want me to be your brofur?

Just don't bite off my ear, OK?!
Hey, You are tickling me with your schnooter! BOL!

I was relaxing nicely when...

I heard something about a new dog-guy??! OMC!

You're kidding, right?? Look how nice I did my selfie today...will that keep a new dog-guy out of here?? MOL!

We also took some time to make cards for some furry furends...
Micah had a Birthday and a Gotcha Day!

Rumpy had a Gotcha Day

We made this memorial card for sweet little Zoe, who recently became an Angel Kitty. This blog  is dedicated to her memory; and her  blog is at Animal Shelter Volunteer Life

We are joining up to The Sunday Selfie Blog Hop; In Memory of Zoe.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Arrgghhhh! We Be Nah Timely

We we be chagrinned cause  we missed th' official Talk Like A Pirate Day. Forgive us, 'n lets make th' petcretary walk th' plank...nah wait! Then who'll give us our victuals, 'n swab our lets jus' make her fall off 'n shallow shoals, tee-hee! Then she can wade soggily back t' th' cabin...'n th' galleon...t' swab th' whole thin'...yarghhhh, arggh, hah!
Meantimes  I 'ave a bottle o' hearty nip-laced-rum...lets imbibe 'n get that swashbuckler o' a cur-scallywag-barkaneer all sauced, too...giggles 'n snorts. Pawrty on me hearties, pawrty on...hic, hic...

This Badge For Talk Like A Pirate Day was made by Ann from Zoolatry ~ Thanks so much!
Speedy the Cheeky Rex Rabbit is having a Pirate Pawrty and we can all send our pictures there. Its going to be a rowdy affair to be sure with all them pirates and rum...Yargh! Hah!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Selfies On Sunday

Here we are on a Sunday once again.
Petcretary decided to recycle some older pictures, and then she even found one not evfur seen by anyone or anyfur befur!! Woweee!
Pipo! What a big raspberry!! MOL!

MrJackFreckles, Happy as can be!!

On a more  serious note, we are still pawyering hard for MrMan, aka Cameron, aka Grandpa, from Lone Star Cats and Kinley Westie. He had to go back into the ICU from sudden complications but he is slowly improving now. All the POTP and pawyers really do help, and the love in Blogville is wonderful to support and encourage those in their time of need.

Also this Blogville love and support is especially needed now for Miss Sharon from Friends Furever, aka The Florida Furkids. We have all been praying so hard for their beloved Daddy, Mr Bill, but God called him unto Himself this past Thursday, Sept 15th. So we and all of Blogville, mourn with them, and send them our sympathy and condolences, and of course our huge enfolding loving hugs, by way of the virtual pathways to their hearts.
This Blog hop is also dedicated to the memory of Mr Bill and his grieving family.
We also had to say goodby to Benson. This kitty was known to most of us former Catster members.
 He was at Catster Buddies, and this is his Mom's Facebook link. 
We made her a memento picture for Benson:

We are hopping with the Kitties Blue who are our weekly hosts.

Monday, September 11, 2017

A Neighborly Guest Selfie

Yup, today we are not the feature, but the kitty that lives next door will be our guest. She is an indoor/outdoor kitty, and while petcretary has asked a few times, she cannot remember nor pronounce the name they gave Neighbor Kitty it will be, MOL!
She is furry furendly and comes right up to petcretary, and even to dog-guy. She head butts on him through the fence, then she hisses and whaps him if he sticks his schnooter too far through the fence to have a sniff, MOL!
HEY! Who goes there??

I see a kitty!

I have a kitty by the fence, she smells like a kitty!

Wow, she is furendly!

Kitty interrupts her headbonks to say hello-mews to petcretary...

And Kitty has her paw at the ready to whap me...yikes!

Won't you stay and play, kitty?? See my tail; its wagging!


Hello Mrs Neighbor!

I see that dog-guy running in his yard.

Thinking and watching...

Ooh, gotta scratch that itch...petcretary hopes its not fleas...sigh...

Playing shy...

This stepping stone is just right fur my paws.

A stretch and a scratch...

Gotta sharpen my weapons...

Victor, the neighbor boy (from Bolivia),with his furry friend.

A visit through the fence selfie...
A full visiting-kitty-selfie
Neighborly Visiting-Kitty-Selfie

This is my ho-hum selfie since I was bored with all that outside stuff, MOL!
 MrJackFreckles is doing fairly well with his eating habits. He is eating freeze dried lamb or Chicken or freeze dried raw covered kibbles. And a few nibbles of a puppy food that he likes. Also some refrigerated foods that petcretary slices to get the needed amount. Kind of like sausage, BOL!The good thing is he *IS* eating, hooray!

We helped petcretary make some cards this past week:
This was for Yin and Yang's Gotcha day.
Parsley had a recent Birthday.
Phenny dogabrated  ONE!!
And Einstein is four!!
We continue to purr and pray for all our furry friends in the path of Irma, and all those affected by that storm and Harvey s well.Pray that Jose stays out to sea...
And all those near fires and earthquakes...sheesh, the earth is in some kind of crisis mode of late.
We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, so graciously hosted weekly by The Kitties Blue.