Barb, Mom to Marvelous and Angel Nellie, is a talented lady for sure.
She sent us a pair of beautiful paintings of our dear Angel Minko.
All we can say is "Thank You; Thank You; Thank You!"
We had them framed, and petcretary took them outside to take pictures of them so show all of you, our wonderful pals.
Here are some closeups of these lovely paintings:
Thanks so much, Miss Barb! |
Pipo allowed himself to be photographed too, and mewed it would be OK to do a selfie...but only if petcretary used the zoom lens...hence the soft focused look and the less than ideal colors. Maybe some day he will let the camera come closer...
It took a bit, but here finally I am looking! Do you think wearing this collar makes me |
MrJackFreckles still is in 'picky eater mode' He gets a lickable vitamin supplement...and he does eat a mouthful of this food or a few bits of that food...the lady in the pet shop suggested some other temptations too. We even have a bag of puppy noms here, since the nutritive density in that kind of food is higher.
He lies around an awful lot, and shakes all over esp the hind legs. He tries to rub his face on evfurrything the past few days...cannot see anything there, though.
Petcretary noted to herself that after the springtime when he got ill from the bird droppings, (We think), she applied the Sersesto Collar. You can see it in a lot of pictures since then...and ha, it is not too handsome...anypaws today at dinner time she had a bright moment and checked online for reviews of that product. Many peeps are reporting side effects including itching/scratching skin, (His face in this case started a s few days ago.), lethargy, shaking, unsteady gait, loss of good ability to use the hind legs, nausea, vomiting, and no appetite. Sound like MJF?? You bet. So off with that collar and we shall see if he improves over the next few days. We certainly hope so.
Anyone have any other suggestions as to good flea/tick control? He takes Heartguard for those nasty heartworms, cannot use Advantage ll as it gives him a bad skin reaction...and he previously was on Frontline plus...though now it is reported to not work around these parts anymore due to flea resistance...which is why we tried that Seresto collar in the first place.
Well, after all that, its time to show his selfies for this week...
Just standing around watching for anything interesting... |
Which is boring... |
Maybe I will smile for a treat:) |
But here is a raspberry for that camera! |
BOL! |
Maybe another grin? |
For sure! |
And again! |
This is my selfie, smiles and good ears... |
We are not stinky, but we are hopping along with The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this blog-hop. |
Tomorrow is Rainbow Bridge Remembrance it was ap-purr-paw-iate that we were able to post these paintings of our dear Angel Minko. We also give mention to our other angels of this furmily: Groucho, Simba, Suki and Toki. Petcretary has to work tomorrow so we will not be able to post anything then...
See you all next time!!