Sunday, March 2, 2025

Selfie Sunday As We Wish A Happy Birthday To Dr Seuss!

 Today is Dr Seuss' Birthday, so we'll show you some fun pics in a bit...

We had all kinds of weather this past week, especially a lot of high winds. And then it got quite warmish, we had 54F on Friday! But yesterday it was only a high of 24F! Wow! Most of the snow is gone, except where it was piled up, and thankfully we didn't get the snow/freezing rain that had been predicted. SOo petcretary managed to get out there and pick up lots of doggy...well, you know! (it had been buried under all the snow...)

And now its March!! That means progress towards Spring! Some of our more sheltered daffodils are peeking through, but other than weeds, it's still way to early for anything else! Petcretary saw a robin earlier this past week...and Saturday she saw a very early to return sandhill crane!

Her wrist hardly is painful anymore, but the cast restricts her from doing a lot...she was supposed to see the ortho dude on the 4th, but that was set back to the 13th! Wow...good thing it isn't anything dire she's dealing with!

We also barked the fedex driver who left a big box at the gate...but we jumped for joy when we saw it came from Chewy! It was full of our supplements, treats and 4 more treat/food puzzles, to keep for when we master all the other ones we already have.

Hurry up and give us some of this yumminess!

Petcretary was the first commenter on the last official Tuesday Teaser Class, with Teddy and Angel Sammy.  They and the Graphics department are going to have a well deserved retirement. We'll miss this feature, but all good things eventually do have to come to an end. Next Tuesday we will all gather there to have a 'graduation' party, (And also a birthday party for Teddy at the same time...a fun combo we think!); and to reminisce about all the many years this class was held and all the various school buildings we had our classroom in...and to enjoy yummy offerings from the huge buffet of desserts put out by the cafeteria boss/manager, Ms Dingleberry!

Here are the Badges she got:

Yesterday, Petcretary was the assistant chef, (again!), at The King of Baconia's kitchen with another yummy recipe!  She got ths badge to commemorate.

Now it's time to commemorate Dr Seuss's Birthday!
Here are couple of images made first in AI, then put into Gimp to be modified...pawppy calls Artificial Intelligence nothing but Artificial Inability! Petcretary got quite frustrated by the inability of the AI program she was using, (Creative Flow), and called it Artificial Ineptness, BOL!
We think we did a much better job...BOL!
She thought the backgrounds of the original images were too disracting so she removed them and added these nice bright ones.