Sunday, January 28, 2024

Selfies ~ Revisited

 We didn't take any selfies this past week, petcretary forgot...and when she thought about it, the time was wrong for good light, and or she was too busy...sheesh, excuses, excuses!

Pawppy did well with his surgery and came home the same day. he hardly even needed pain medication and he is able to drive again, since of course that was forbidden for a couple days, LOL!

BUT...he is still restricted from lifting anything heavy for a few more weeks...which means no snow shoveling or snow thrower least all the precip we've been having is rain. LOTS of rain, yikes. Some peeps have flood warnings! While rainy days are ugly and yucky, we think they are a blessing in disguise on account of pawppy's not being able to help clear away snow! That is left for least she is strong and able to do it..though that huge snow thrower is way too big for her to use, she is old fashioned and uses the shovel method, BOL!

So since we had such a green Christmas, a month ago, today we are going to show you our selfies from a post  at Christmastime, in 2016 - wow, we were not even here then!!

Here are our Christmas selfies ~ Revisited

Stink eye time, MOL! (Pipo)
Minko is in silly mode...must be too much nip, MOL!

Dog-guy is tired of all the posing. (MrJackreckles)
Pipo is glaring at petcretary because she keeps taking pictures...and she was too busy to give a purr-purr pawrty...(Update...she had to work on his birthday...)

Happy, Merry Belated Evfurrything! (MJF)

So there we were! Petcretary thinks those were the best Christmas pictures she ever made of those three.With a real camera, not a smartphone...she didn't have one then!

She told us we need to learn to pose like they did...sheesh! The nerve!!
But we will forgive her, because she's working this weekend...and before that on Friday, she picked up three bags of our 'poopsicles'(Frozen doggy doo-doo)...and cleared away the remaining snow mess on the walks and patio...too bad she didn't clear a path to the old shed, we KNOW there are squirrels in there! GRRR!

Here is the card we sent out that year...and she keeps a copy of it by her desk...she misses those dudes.

Here is the link to join all the SundaySelfies in this weekly blog hop. Thanks, Kitties Blue for your dedication in hosting this fun hop for so many years!

Saturday, January 27, 2024


 We saw in the POTP blog, that there were some new angels....Sam and Baxter. The RB is way too busy, sigh...

Sam of Cats of Wildcat Woods

Baxter of Kalyxcornucopia

While we didn't know these precious new Angels, we thought they would love to have a memento in their we begged petcretary to make some art for them. We are adding them to the Caturday art blog hop. Athena is the host for that, Thanks!

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

In Memory Of Speckie

Sweet, lovely Speckie Girl has graduated to the realms of the RB. She went there after a battle with kidney sad. She was one of Mariette's kitties and will be sadly missed.


If you wish to leave a condolence message, you can do it HERE.

While it may seem so very sad, I am sure Speckie is much happier and healthier as she can now fly all over the meadows at the RB, with her Angel furblings and all the other fellow Angels.

So we will join up. with the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

Another reason for a Happy Tuesday here at our den, is that pawppy had his surgery and came home...and is doing well...we didn't want to wait till Thankful Thursday to tell you that, BOL!

We also are happy that so far we haven't gotten the brunt of the bad weather that is in so many places right now, freezing rain is no fun and dangerous.

Happy Tuesday

Sunday, January 21, 2024

An Ussie For Sunday Selfies!

 We have an ussie today...

Please forgive petcretary for not visiting , we have NOT forgotten you at all, but if there were 48 hours in a day, maybe we'd get around the blogosphere more, LOL! But then we are sure *she* would find other ways to fill those extra hours, BOL!

We have had snow most every day since the past weekend when we were dumped on. There might be a total of at least 8 inches or so. We go out, but mostly we come right back inside after a few minutes. We did have lows in the overnights of 8 below zero, F...and we thought it was warm when the temps were 13F! BOL! At least we were able to partake of a few sun puddles...scattered...not at all like in the summer when we can enjoy them for hours at a time!

Petcretary didn't take any more snowy images since the last session...she was outside and wanted to but her phone was still on the desk, sheesh! She didn't feel like getting unbundled and taking off the snow boots to get it...lazy we say!

She had lots of errands, appointments and chores to do...and her work as well...and tomorrow we have to get up WAY early...maybe *she* should just stay up all night and take a nap at the hospital...pawppy has to be there at 530 am (!!!), for outpatient surgery. Pawyers and purrs gratefully least there are not supposed to be any bad weather hindrances.

So here is our Ussie, for your enjoyment!

SInce we had success when we cheered on the Wolverines, we are going to do the same for the Lion's, as they are now in the NFL playoffs. Who knows, maybe they will progress to the next level! We hope so!


We had to say goodbye to a beloved kitty this past week. Lola from Lola The Rescued Kitty went to live at the RB, after earning her Angel Wings. Petcretary has her book...she will be very missed by her family and of course everyone else who knew and loved her. We made this memento in her honor. You can visit here, if you haven't already done so.


We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at the Cat On my Head. We thank them for hosting this fun hop, each and every week!

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Snow Time Selfies!

We are in for the long haul with winter weather warnings, Yikes! And frigid temps as well, Brrr, we were spoiled at the beginning of winter but now its here, that's for sure. Of course this has to happen on the weekend when Petcretary is supposed to be at her trying to keep the sidewalks and driveway clear, and making paths in our hidden grass for...well, you know...she gets tired out before she even goes to her work! 

Pawppy used the snow thrower for three hours on Saturday to clear the walk and took petcretary 2 hours to shovel her car out to go to her work....hard teamwork! And now on Sunday we have a temp of 4F and going down....the wind gusts are about 30- 40 make driving hazardous and slippery...and the visibility is poor in places with white outs.

So what do *we* do when the snow flies and the weather is way too cold for man or beast?

We snooze! BOL!

But sometimes we do need to go out to 'take care of business'...

All our little foot patterns from a venture to do 'business'!

I don't like this petcretary...
This weather is not fun at all...
We are ready to go out in this cold winter storm.Maybe with these on we won't feel the current temps of about 4F....Brrr! Not including wind chill! Does this count for dress up your pet Day?? BOL!

Sorry for the poor quality...*she* took me with the phone zoom lens...

After the cold outdoors, a pup needs a nice hot puppochino!

We were so glad to have a sunpuddle even if it was tiny! We did see a wee bit of sun in between the snow squalls on Saturday.

Friday late afternoon....this is the view we have of our neighbor's yard...

Friday mid evening. This snow is heavy and wet. Some peeps made huge snowman!

This past Monday, the 8th, all of our cheerleading paid off....

Our Michigan Wolverines won the College Football Playoffs National Championship!!

Last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, Petctetary provided the teaser image...and she stumped everyone! She was also a first commenter that day. If you haven't been to his weekly 'geography  class' you might want to go and visit, its a lot of fun!

We are in the Sunday selfies blog hop! The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head are so very faithful in hosting this each week! Thanks so much for all your hard work!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

In Memory of Bailey Boat Cat


BaileyBoatCat was a very special meezer...who got to live on a boat and he had wonderful adventures that he shared with Blogville  HERE.

If you wish you can go to his blog and leave your condolences if you haven't done that yet.

He will be very missed by his family and friends,

We are a bit wordy, but still, we are joining Wordless Wednesday  as we honor BaileyBoatCat.

Wordless Wednesday

((We need to get petcretary to put away our Christmas header and background, BOL!!!))

Sunday, January 7, 2024


 Hi ya'll! We need a break for all the recent picture taking...BOL!


Today for selfies we have a cute selfie set.... A while ago we showed you Frida, well she got a new sisfur! Her name is Minnie. 

Hi, I'm Minnie, and I am a ShihPoo!

Ahhh, enjoying a good nap together!

Minnie is a wee bit shy...

Frida (A miniAussieDoodle), isn't too sure yet about her new sisfur, taking over the bed....better get used to it, gal!

Petcretary was on the ball this past Tuesday at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser...she thought she had seen the picture given somewhere before, so she sent her thoughts to Mr Google who confirmed it...and Bingo!; she had the first correct answer! Hooray!

This is the prize she got for guessing correctly and first.

We are sending our selfies to The Cat On my Head's Sunday Selfie Blog Hop: They are the hosts of this weekly feature! Thanks for hosting!!