Thursday, November 30, 2023

In Memory of Dido



Dido, beloved kitty of Mariette & Pieter from Mariette's Back To Basics recently became a New Angel.

We hope all the wonderful memories he made in his 16+ years will comfort his family, now.

Fly Free, Dido, you are a handsome New Angel.

We are thankful for Blogville, where we can  share the burdens, sorrows and joys that we all have with our furry little ones.

Thankful Thursday

Sunday, November 26, 2023

After Thanksgiving Ussies!

 Whoa, we saw both the unfurbros and a table so full we were hoping some things might find their way to the floor...sadly, none did, BOL! But we were indulged with some yummy treats. And a lot of extra hands to pet us...well, Dalton didn't want those extra pets, at least not from the unfurs, he will accept them from petcretary and sometimes from Pawppy.

All that was on Friday...aka Black Friday...since petcretary worked on Thanksgiving Day. And she did NO shopping, even on line! Imagine that!

Here are the ussies we made, one of them was put into our Thanksgiving post image.

We often see/hear the wild turkeys around here, but not lately...they must be smart! BOL!

Hurry up and take the picture, petcretary, we are doggies, not turkeys and we don't gobble, except when we eat! BOL!

Yesterday we woofed and arrooed The Michigan Wolverines to a victory in their last game of the regular we have to do it all again next Saturday when they play for the championship of the Big Ten division of the NCAAF.


Pawppy is a Purdue University grad, so we are also going to woof for the Boilermakers to win their game next week, too. They won Saturday's game as well, Whoot!
That's all folks!!
See ya'll next time!
We are joining all the other selfie at The Cat On My Head. Its lots of fun, click on this caption and you can join up, too!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!


We, Benji, Dalton & Petcretary wish you and your families all a very Happy Thanksgiving! Petcretary us working so that the peeps she takes care of can have a nice day, too...

And in all things, Be Thankful...

Thankful Thursday

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

In Memory Of Laz

Laz from Mark'sMews has become an Angel. Please go there and offer your condolences if you haven't done so already. Mr Mark is distressed about this and very much needs our support.


Dear Laz, your 'angelic life' will be free from all those demons and terrors that bothered you so very much. Fly free, sweetheart! You will missed so much...forever.

Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Pre Thanksgiving Selfies!

Well, we had some pawsome weather this past week, though now its not as warm..and we had rainy days...but, still we enjoyed them while we had them!! Even the grass greened up and had to get cut...which cleaned up leaves at the same time as they got mulched!

Petcretary went into the old back shed...yikes! It was loaded with all kinds of walnuts and debris from the stuff that fell through the hole in the roof...what a mess. A limb fell on it a while ago and made the hole, and the squirrels have taken advantage of it.

Well, Petcretary asked the neighbor to help her, and they covered the whole shed with a huge tarp. Just to keep further rain and mess from falling in...and sometime in the spring the project will be to demolish that mess and get rid of all the junk we don't need anyways...(Pawppy isn't able to do work  using ladders, or walking on the soft ground, not to mention the (thousands of) walnuts on the ground, that is like walking on ball bearings, Sheesh!) So we are thankful for good and helpful neighbors.

A few days ago, of course after the vet office was closed...petcretary found a fully engorged tick in Benji's neck ruff. So out came the tick tool, and she ousted that vermin...she contacted the vet the next day, but he said just watch for signs of illness.Apparently they don't recommend prophylactic treatment like the docs do for people. Sheesh! Well he does get monthly tick and flea prevention, but that must have been a really hungry tick, or he didn't taste the tick-off medicine, BOL! We've found ticks on both pups, just wandering around on them but never embedded ones. Eeuuwww!

So here are our selfies, recently done...and we are thankful that we got to stay  Au Naturel! BOL!

It was REALLY sunny!

Thanks for shading me, Petcretary!

Dalton's first Thanksgiving Selfie...Benji wasn't here yet...

A year later, it was Benji's first Thanksgiving Selfie
Who knows what props and apparel will be featured this year!?
Petcretary will be working, so our special day will be later, when the unfurbros can attend and when Petcretary can get all the foodables put together. Health care doesn't stop for holidays...and we know she's doing a good thing there, helping all her 'little old grannies and grandpas'. She and we are thankful she can still do that kind of work...she's been working at that nursing home for over 12 years, now.

We are hopping along in the Sunday Selfies. We are thankful they host every week!

Monday, November 13, 2023

Happy Birthday, Petcretary!

We wonder who invited those tree rats to our pawrty??!!  Happy Birthday, Petcretary, we love you!
A more formal greeting!

We are going to join the Awww Monday blog hop.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Let's Feel Warmer Selfies

Update: Petcretary is now once again in the clear, she had 2 negative covid 🦠 tests since last week. Hooray.  She feels 100% better, 👍and says thanks for all the purrs POTP and pawyers! 🥰

Its getting colder in our region. Right now at around 10pm its 31F.  ❄️ Brrr. So our selfies are ones as yet unpublished from the late help us feel warmer!

Everything was still  ☀️ warm, green and pretty!

Here are a few silly selfies, too.

Whatcha doing in the bathroom?

Um...I feel a bit weird...

Summer pants, smiles and wiggles!

Yesterday, November 11th was Veteran's Day, here in the US, and Remembrance Day in Canada where Petcretary lived before she came to Michigan...So she wore a poppy all day, that is the symbol in Canada for this somber day...We thank all veterans, no matter where they are, and we honor their service, esp those who gave all.

Petcretary was the first right guesser at Teddy's Teaser Class last Tuesday!!So she got this Badge for her efforts.

We have joined up with all the Sunday Selfie Hoppers at The Cat On My Head who are our weekly hosts! Thanks so much for hosting each week!

Thursday, November 9, 2023

In Memory Of Julie

Julie was a very special kitty, known to many bloggers for many years. Though now her Mum has no kitties of her own anymore, the legacy of all of them will live on forever.

You can visit her blog HERE, if you wish to leave your message of comfort, if you haven't done so already.

We here are thankful that we have known Julie and many of her family, so we are posting this to the thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Thankful Thursday

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Selfies While Petcretary Is Off Of Work

Yup, you read that correctly. Petcretary was supposed to have her vacation days starting on the 6th, but they started on the third...only they are not vacation days, they now are sick leave days as she got an unwelcome gift of Covid (second time since Feb), which started on Friday. UGH. hopefully by the time next week rolls around, she'll be able to enjoy the rest of the off time, till Nov 18th. She has an important day on her calendar on the 13th...she hopes she'll be able to go out to celebrate another round of the earth traveling around the sun...

We allowed her to dig through archives to find selfies to show off this week...we didn't mind one bit to not face a camera! BOL!!

So here are a couple of selfies from August 2019...sheesh that seems so long ago already!

August 20, 2019

August 20, 2019

This is the 'ussie' we had in our Halloween post, only now its all alone, BOL!
This picture was taken in late October

Petcretary was the first right guesser at Teddy's Teaser Class on October 31st...Halloween, so she got this spooky fun badge for her efforts.

Soon it will be Thanksgiving...and then Christmas follows that! Wow, how the time does fly!!

Hmmm, Thanksgiving !!
We'll try to be good boys till Christmas! BOL!

This blog hop is hosted by our good friends, the Kitties Blue. Thanks for hosting faithfully each week!

Friday, November 3, 2023

In Memory Of Ella

 Most of the Blogville community know the family of Xena, Chia, Lucy and Riley. Well they have some good friends who live far away from them...and Ella was a good BFF for Lucy. Ella recently passed away from cancer, that evil killer of so many.

So while they don't have a blog of their own, they were often featured on Xena's blog...hence we made this memento for Ella in her honor.

You can leave messages for Ella, HERE.

We adding this to the Flashback Friday hop, since this image of sweet Ella cme from a while back...
