Sunday, July 16, 2023

Little Green Dude ~ Guest Selfie

Petcretary is working this weekend, so we're giving her...(and US)...a break, to show off a cute froggy selfie! He's a little green tree frog; petcretary spied him in some vines, and he obliged her with a selfie!

Meanwhile when she's at work we do a lot of this:

No one to play with is boring...esp when Benji is sleeping.

I do think someone is interrupting my snooze time...

Last Tuesday, Petcretary 'donated' the teaser picture, for Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class. it was from the Toronto Metro Convention Center; we thought we'd stumped everyone, but then, after several hours, some smart hunter came up with the right answer!

The Main Lobby to the subway in the Toronto Metro Convention Center. That's petcretary's friend, and she collects all kinds of turtles! This one was too large for her to take home...

Here's the badge she got for letting everyone try to find out where that picture was taken.

Petcretary was also one of three first students to get to the classroom, so she got this badge.

Blogville also had to say goodby to yet another beloved fur-baby...
Bailey, from Bailey Be Good

We are joined up with all thew Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! And we thank all at The Cat On My Head for being our hosts! Every week! Since 2014!! Imagine that!! We love you kitties Blue and your pawrents too, of course, who help you with such diligence to keep this fun blog hop going each week.


  1. A week off every now and then is kind of fun. Though I have to admit if there isn't anyone to play with and you haven't opposable thumbs, doing jigsaws is kind of tough, MOL
    Great froggy selfie, I wonder if they are the poisonous sort...

  2. the two of you are looking adorable! we have cuban tree frogs here, much like this frog. they are LOUD. I call them sucky foot frogs. once one that was on our sliding glass door leaped from the door onto my chest and I screamed like a baby. did not hurt but scared me silly, they do suck fast. one year I raised all their baby tadpoles in our rain barrel, it took months for all of them to become frogs, I had to buy fish food for them. last time i did that

  3. What a cute froggie! We hope your petcretary enjoys her time off.

  4. That's a cute frog and your pictures are making us a bit sleepy. BOL!

  5. It's always fun to have a guest selfie - and the froggie is cute. We think it would be fun to play with.

  6. that a real frog? It looks like he's wearing a green cape! Pretty cool photo. So very sorry to hear the news of another fur-baby who earned their angel wings. There have been way too many of them lately. Here's hoping you get to enjoy your Mom spending quality time with you. Till then, enjoy those snoozes.

  7. Is he in search of his princess?

  8. Very cool froggy. I like your selfies too. The teaser stumped me, but it always does. :) XO

  9. Lulu: "Hmm, I wonder if that frog is lime flavored, or mint flavored ..."
    Java Bean: "Could be celery-flavored!"
    Lulu: "Bleccch! Who wants a celery-flavored frog?"
    Chaplin: "Dennis's old friend Norwood, maybe."

  10. What an amazing frog. He looks silly to say it ) so GREEN!!! We don't get too many of theme here so this was fun to see!

  11. Those are all great selfies. Kermit is kind of cute but you two really are cute!

  12. What a pawsome selfie by the tree frog. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one up close like this.

  13. MY gosh, I heard momma think that she felt like she was back in Florida. She had so many froggies on the jalousie window slats each night. Just sitting there. And all other kinds of insects. That part was kinda yucky though. .

  14. Wow! That giant turtle is fabulous! We loved seeing that little green frog too. And, of course, we're always glad to see Benji and Dalton!

  15. That green frog is so cool. He looks a bit like I did after I got at Gail's green highlighter pen...
