Sunday, May 7, 2023

We Missed Cinco De Mayo...Flashbacks for Plan B!

 Well, we did, but not because we or *she* forgot.

Petcretary has been busy in our yard, and at her work, and she and pawppy went out a few times, too...which means that picture taking got put on the back burner. so to speak. 

Also, she couldn't find our new Mexican hats and costumes...she got them last year...she thinks we might have hid them...BOL!

Petcretary thanks you all for the pawyers, purrs and POTP for her eyes which are much improved...though not quite 'normal'. She goes back to the eye doctor this coming Friday.

Well, since we have some old Cinco De Mayo images we are going to recycle a its a Flashback Selfie Sunday for us. These are all from 2018 and 2019. Benji was still a puppy back then, see how small/skinny he was?? BOL! And Dalton's muzzle is much more grizzled now...sigh...

Don't we look happy?? BOL, BOL!!
Here's another kitten from an AI generator....not too terrible...but it sure doesn't look real!

We are joining the Kitties Blue, in their Sunday Selfie Blog Hop! Thanks for always hosting!


  1. Absolutely adorable photos of the puppers, each and every one! Sometimes the "flashbacks" are just the best and so much fun to see ... [happy you are doing somewhat better]

  2. You look so cute - but did you actually let Petcretary put real hats on you?

  3. Those flashbacks are lovely. I am glad your eyes are improving.

  4. Those are such cute flash back pictures of you two. You boys did a great job of hiding the new outfits, so you didn't have to get dressed up this year. BOL!

  5. How handsome you look in your flashback pics. Glad to hear the Mom is on the mend--hope you get a green light from the eye doc.
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  6. I love all your photos and you both look so very cute and sweet plus they are new to me since I did not know you back then...

  7. Those are all great. We haven't found any AI program that makes a realistic kitty.

  8. Hiding your costumes?? Shocking behaviour you two little monkeys!!!1

  9. They’re all adorable!

  10. Glad her eyes are better. Still sending POTP.

  11. ooh that is so cute.. we love the colors... and we love that event... the mama missed it too, she is totally out of time this time...

  12. #1 doesn't really do clothing, and we are very grateful!!! You do look dapper in your Cinco duds, though!


  13. Java Bean: "Ayyy, you guys, we should all take a road trip back to my old village in Baja! You are certainly dressed up for it!"

  14. You two make me smile every time I see you.

  15. Oh, boy, do we LOVE those photos. They really made our day today! We wish we could snuggle your puppies and I mean even I, Loulou, have become Loulou the Puppy-Lover! So thankful for you two!

  16. Thanks for stopping by our blog and helping me celebrate my birthday - Raz
