Sunday, May 21, 2023

Flashback Straw Hat Selfies



You may have noticed that we have a new look...that is due to the kindness of Miss Ann of Zoolatry, who designed that for us. Thanks so much!


 It seems we might need to reprimand our Petcretary since she didn't post any pics, let alone new ones for Straw Hat Day. On the other paw, maybe its not so bad, since we were NOT subjected to another photo taking session, BOL! 

Anypaws, here are some flashbacks from Straw Hat Day in 2019...



Petcretary scored again at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser...she was late getting to class, but when she saw the teaser picture, she thought it reminded her of something she had studied when she was still in middle she did some hunting, and came up with the right answer and it was the first right answer!
Here's the Teaser image:
This is a picture of La Rinaconda, a mining town in Peru. Trust us, you DO NOT want to visit there, let alone live there, BOL!   

WOO HOO I was First Right Guesser on the Teaser post of May 16, 2023!!!!

Tomorrow, May 22, is Victoria Day in Canada! Petcretary is a Canadian, so she likes to celebrate this holiday if she can...
If the weather is good the Canadian Flag will be flying at our house!

We are sending Happy Anniversary Greetings to Janet and Tom Blue who are our weekly hosts along with all the Kitties Blue.




  1. You guys look so cute with hats on; love this selfie! Happy Victoria Day! Our human's nieces, nephews and sibling are in Canada too; and misses them!

  2. Those are cute straw hat flashbacks. The new header looks lovely.
    Happy Victoria Day!

  3. You guys look so handsome in your fine new header design. And those straw hat photos are well worth a repeat!

  4. Cute hats, but I am awfully glad that #1 has never attempted to put one on my head!


  5. You look great in your straw hats! And We love your New Look too.

  6. Love the new look, and the two of you look absolutely marvelous in the header pic she chose. I smiled all the way through the scrolling of the straw hat pics. could not pick a favorite because I like them ALL... special points to the hat on the ear, ha ha Happy Victoria Day for just in case we don't see you tomorrow..

  7. We love your new header that Ann made for you. You two are so cute in your straw hats.

  8. Your blog looks great. Ann is super! We missed Straw Hat Day but love yours. ConCats on being first right guesser.

  9. You both look so cute in your straw hats. And your new header is fabulous!

  10. OOh my you look cute in hats. Honestly? I always forget straw hat day * sigh *

  11. Cute flashback pics! And da new header are pawsome!

  12. You guys wear them very well! P.S. We LOVE the new look. Well done to both your Petcretary as well as dear Ann for the new look.

  13. there are some events our mama ALWAYS furgets... the strawhat day and da mayo day and some more... her life is full of senior moments LOL happy victoria day to all our canadian friends

  14. Java Bean: "Ayyy, a straw hat never goes out of style!"

  15. We loved to see you in your straw hats so much that we didn't even noticed the new header, so we had to scroll up again to see it, and WOW! what a great look it has💗Hope you had a wonderful Canada Day and here come Double Pawkisses for you all too🐾😽💞

  16. You boys always and ever make me smile.
    I have had the worst time getting to Teddy's class this past month. I am hoping maybe I can be among the firsties soon.
