Sunday, May 28, 2023

Memorial Day Weekend ~ Patriotic Selfies

It  is a long weekend here in the USA. (Two in a row for us with dual citizenship, BOL!)

Anypaws, It is Memorial Day Weekend.

We hope it will be a safe one for all, so we can take a moment to remember those who served and gave the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy. Never take them for granted, they come at a high price...that of other's lives.

It is a serious we never will say 'Happy' Memorial Day , we don't think that fits too well. At least that is what petcretary tells us.

Fort Custer National Cemetery in Augusta. May 27, 2023 This is a short drive from where we live. It is an awe inspiring place to visit even on 'ordinary days'.

If you do have a chance, go to a Memorial Day service at a national cemetery or the war memorial in your town or is moving and a good reminder of what the price freedom truly is.

There is a wall in one of the halls at the nursing home where petcretary  works that has large pictures of current/former residents who have served their country. Its a nice way to honor them all. She will stop by there Monday, as she has to work this holiday...its her turn.

Here are our patriotic selfies to mark the day.

Sheesh, she cut off my ears...and she didn't even take another to replace this one...BOL!

Memorial Day is quite a serious day...

But I am happy I can live in freedom with my family.

I was thinking about Memorial I kind of forgot to look a the camera...
There, This one will do!

Here is my official patriotic Portrait. (aka Selfie)

An ussie for your pleasure.

We are joining the Memorial Day Blog Hop at The Cat On My Head, who host this fun feature each week. Thanks so much, Kitties Blue!

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Flashback Straw Hat Selfies



You may have noticed that we have a new look...that is due to the kindness of Miss Ann of Zoolatry, who designed that for us. Thanks so much!


 It seems we might need to reprimand our Petcretary since she didn't post any pics, let alone new ones for Straw Hat Day. On the other paw, maybe its not so bad, since we were NOT subjected to another photo taking session, BOL! 

Anypaws, here are some flashbacks from Straw Hat Day in 2019...



Petcretary scored again at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser...she was late getting to class, but when she saw the teaser picture, she thought it reminded her of something she had studied when she was still in middle she did some hunting, and came up with the right answer and it was the first right answer!
Here's the Teaser image:
This is a picture of La Rinaconda, a mining town in Peru. Trust us, you DO NOT want to visit there, let alone live there, BOL!   

WOO HOO I was First Right Guesser on the Teaser post of May 16, 2023!!!!

Tomorrow, May 22, is Victoria Day in Canada! Petcretary is a Canadian, so she likes to celebrate this holiday if she can...
If the weather is good the Canadian Flag will be flying at our house!

We are sending Happy Anniversary Greetings to Janet and Tom Blue who are our weekly hosts along with all the Kitties Blue.



Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day! 2023

We are happy to honor our petcretary today...since she is also our mom figure!

Of course our unfurbros give her the most official Mother's Day honors and greetings! And pawppy too.

We love you,!

Petcretary as a baby with her Mom; early 1955.
Petcretary, with her Mom, Dad, sister and baby brother. 1959.

Here are a couple of old Mother's Day cards... They'll do as Flashback-semi-selfies, LOL!

Today petcretary just realized that all the pics she has of her family, and other subjects are all in albums or boxes...and NONE are scanned for use as digital images. Oops. Wonder when she'll find some time to find the best ones to scan...she used a regular 35mm camera till about 2007...

And with all the things she has on her mind she totally forgot to show this teaser image that was used a couple weeks ago at Teddy's Teaser.  (She has been in this place many times for choir /organ concerts. It is a beautiful church, and its now deemed a historical site in Toronto, the city where petcretary was born; in fact the first few months of her life were in walking distance from there. As if she remembers that, LOL!

She got this badge for sending the picture to use:

Our photo was the GUEST TEASER on the Teaser post of May 2, 2023!!!
She was also the first one to comment that this was the badge she earned for that:
I was the FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser post of May 2, 2023!!! Early Bird Catches The Badge!
Here is the Teaser Image:

This is the very beautiful St. Paul’s Anglican Church, in Toronto, Canada AND the GUEST TEASER was our very own Miss Ingrid !   Thanks for a doozy Miss Ingrid.

We are celebrating Mother's Day with our selfies in the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop! Thanks for hosting Kitties Blue!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

We Missed Cinco De Mayo...Flashbacks for Plan B!

 Well, we did, but not because we or *she* forgot.

Petcretary has been busy in our yard, and at her work, and she and pawppy went out a few times, too...which means that picture taking got put on the back burner. so to speak. 

Also, she couldn't find our new Mexican hats and costumes...she got them last year...she thinks we might have hid them...BOL!

Petcretary thanks you all for the pawyers, purrs and POTP for her eyes which are much improved...though not quite 'normal'. She goes back to the eye doctor this coming Friday.

Well, since we have some old Cinco De Mayo images we are going to recycle a its a Flashback Selfie Sunday for us. These are all from 2018 and 2019. Benji was still a puppy back then, see how small/skinny he was?? BOL! And Dalton's muzzle is much more grizzled now...sigh...

Don't we look happy?? BOL, BOL!!
Here's another kitten from an AI generator....not too terrible...but it sure doesn't look real!

We are joining the Kitties Blue, in their Sunday Selfie Blog Hop! Thanks for always hosting!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Wordless: We Remember Theo

Today is Wordless Wednesday, and we were saddened to hear of Theo's leaving his earthly dwelling to  reside at the Rainbow Bridge. While we didn't know him ourselves,  it always makes us feel sad when a furry one becomes an Angel. Fly free, Theo. You will always be loved and remembered by those who loved you.


Theo from Cat's Eye
You can visit his blog by clicking on the caption...

Wordless Wednesday
