Sunday, April 30, 2023

A Guest For Sunday Selfies

What a week for Petcretary...she acquired a cold over the past weekend which decided to travel into her eyes. They are red, itchy and sometimes they hurt, as in when the goop in the hardens and makes things all gritty. They are swollen and look like she's been bawling her eyes out...She went to her eye doctor who thinks it is of viral nature, and ended up causing a lot of inflammation.

So he prescribed an anti-inflammatory eye drop, and some lubricant ones, too. And he wants to see her again in a couple weeks. Sometimes her vision gets all. now you know why we haven't been visiting other blogs a whole lot... And all that tearing and swelling makes her nose run, so she's snuffling and sniffling a lot too...PTL it isn't Covid...

She says she looks like a red masked raccoon, and she could go shopping with the bags under her eyes...sounds funny, but its for sure NOT. She managed her work on Thursdays evening,but now she's on a longer stretch of days off, so that will help.

Hopefully things will get better soon:)

Anypaws...she took some selfies of JoJo, a pup who came to visit her mom while she was staying for rehab. She's some kind of a poodle mix, age about 12. Full of the dickens!

Petcretary sent all these images to JoJo's pawrents...

Petcretary wasn't first to get to class, at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, but she was first with the right answer!

So this was the image she searched for:


This charming place is the Stockport Mill Inn, in Stockport, Ohio

The historic Stockport Mill is the last remaining mill on the Muskingum River. And now it’s a one-of-a-kind inn and restaurant.  A mill has operated on this site since 1842. Construction began on the current structure in 1906. Its milling equipment was operated by electricity generated by turbines harnessing the power of the Muskingum River.

This is the badge she was rewarded with:

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of April 25, 2023. YESSS!!!

Once again she asked AI to make her a kitten image...

Yikes!! Another total fail, this kitten has two tails, LOL! Or its leg has morphed into a TAIL...Sigh...

We are hopping along in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Please keep their young kitty, Raleigh in your thoughts and pawyers, as he has gone missing...


  1. I hope Petcretary's eyes improve quickly and she is soon feeling better. JoJo looks very cute.
    I don't have much success with AI art either. One of Flynn didn't look to bad apart from his tail being disconnected and about 2 feet away from him in the grass!

  2. JoJo looks a jolly, happy pup. We hope that Petcretary's eyes clear up soon so she will be feeling happier soon too.

  3. That's a sweet Sunday guest! We're sorry to hear about Petcretary's eye issues. Sadly, our #1 is too familiar with those. We hope the eye drops work quickly.

    Woofs and Purrs,
    Ollie and The Chans

  4. precious pup, and I know they were so happy to get the photos. we just saw on TV yesterday the newest strain of Covid19 the symptoms are eye infections, really bad ones that look like conjutivitis but is not and last a long time. food for thought. did you take a covid test? eye doctor might not know about this new virus

  5. What a sweet woofie Jo-Jo is!
    But poor Petcretary. We wish her a speedy recovery.

  6. We're sorry to hear your mom isn't feeling well and have our paws crossed that she feels better soon. JoJo is such a cutie. We bet she made a lot of people smile during her visit.

  7. Hello JoJo ... what a little doll baby! Hey Mom, we are wishing you lots of better-better-bests with a wink and a smile ... wink soon, smile soon! Days off is GOOD!

  8. Lulu: "Hello Jojo! You look like a happy little girl, just like me!"
    Java Bean: "I'm not sure if we should be welcoming our new blue alien two-tailed cat overlords, or running away from them ..."
    Charlee: "Definitely running away."

  9. Get Well Soon! Glad it is not that Covid.
    Jojo is sure a pretty girl!
    xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  10. doodz....hope petcretarryz aye oh kay

    stoppin bye witha SUN day HI

    N sneekin round on free WI FI

    long with uz iz copee & paste

    fish on de grillz reddy two baste ♥♥♥

  11. JoJo weighs less than Chili Bruce, I'm sure; he's a big cat.
    Purring for your meowmy to recover quickly.

  12. Feel better soon! Glad to see you experimenting with ai. Extra tails, paws or ears are common but avoided with prompts.

  13. I hope Mom feels better now. Isn't the AI stuff weird. It all looks very cute but oddly smooyth and very unreal. Maybe people will realise that real cats are much better!

  14. JoJo is adorable! Sure hope you feel better. I've had a cold I can't shake the end of for most of a month now. I've coughed and sneezed so hard for so long that I feel like I'm being stabbed in the ribs now!

  15. JoJo is a cutie! Shure hope your growlmy are feeling better.

  16. A beautiful two tailed Kitty and...I love the therapy woofie. What canines he has! And you Mom of all of the house...get better super quick! What an awful cold.

  17. OH, that JOJO, what a doll. And does your mama know that there is a new covid strain that causes eye trouble, itching, pain, like Pink Eye? Could be that, curable, not like Covid but one of its strains.

    1. Yes, she tested negative for Covid, thankfully...and is gradually improving.

  18. What a cutie JoJo is! And I’m purring that Petcretary is feeling better very soon. ~Ernie
