Sunday, December 12, 2021

Our Official Christmas Card! From Us To YOU!


Merry Christmas to all! May you also have a wonderful New Year!

Feel free to snag this from our blog, if you didn't happen to get one from our emails we sent out on the 9th, which was actually Christmas Card Day! We are only doing E-Cards this year, with a few exceptions, mostly for peeps who have no access to computers or are direct family.

We thank everyone who has sent us cards, (E-cards and snail cards); we love them all and we love you!

Life was trying to be ordinary this week...but nope, lots of less than ordinary stuff, LOL!

Monday during the daytime, Petcretary was making lunch, and there was a squirrel stealing peanuts on the ground under the feeder.

(Credit: From the internet of black squirrel images...)
So after a loud 'Squirrel!' from her, we both ran outside...but Dalton is very speedy, and he got there and nearly snagged that young black varmint. Some of them know the sounds the doggy door makes and then they get a head-start at escape, but this one had no clue. He did not even know what to do, he went back and forth, and Dalton actually got within a foot of it, before it put on the jet propulsion and scampered up the tree...

where it sat and scolded him with all kinds of un-publishable wordage such as only an angry squirrel can make!
(Credit: From the internet...)
Yes THE tree...its still standing there tall and brave. It has to be, as we had a very windy and stormy night, Friday night. And while the thunder was loud and the rains pounded down, the winds gusted up to around 60MPH. Saturday, there were lots of big branches on the ground, flung far and wide across the whole yard. Thankfully none hit the wires under that tree, or the house. We sure hope the tree dudes will be here sometime this week. In the far back of our yard, a huge limb came down on the fence, so now there are 4 balancing on it...but at least the fence is more or less intact and unscathed. We really need to invest in a chain saw...

Again on that selfsame Monday as the squirrel fun, the day turned nasty in the early evening, with wind, snow and ice. Our pawppy was supposed to be at a meeting in the next town he left early to account for the bad roads. Well, after a while there he was back home. he said it was just too awful out there and the roads were dangerous. Later we saw that there had been multiple slide offs and other driver disasters on that route he would have been on. We are glad he came home safely. We had 2 or 3 inches of snow...that stuck around till Saturday!

Traveling back to Monday yet again...after pawppy got home, suddenly the furnace decided to conk out. Ohh, sheesh, its 16F out there and the weather is very bad...well the repairman came here at 930pm, and of course we barked him invader you know! LOL! He fixed the furnace and after about an hour, he left and pawppy went to bed. Petcretary went to shovel  the sidewalk...and when she got in the furnace once again was not working. OH NO! The man on the help line said he thought it needed a new 'motherboard', aka brain...but he didn't have one in his truck. So he told *her* what to do, and she stayed up all night to restoke the thing over and over again, so that when pawppy got up, he wouldn't freeze and our pipes were safer that way too. They got back here early Tuesday morning, and of course we welcomed them with lots of our good and loud warnings! We got corralled behind the gate so we were not able to sniff the man...or in Dalton's case bite him...yes, they gave the furnace a much needed brain transplant, and voila! It worked! On Friday morning there was regular furnace maintenance scheduled, (Go figure the thing would conk out a few days before that!), so once again us pups were loud and boisterous in our greetings. They left, pawppy went to work, and petcretary went back to her own nest to catch up some more Zzzz'z. All was well when she got up...but...after about 30 minutes there was the error message on our thermostat AGAIN! The man came right back, and we were outside...oops! Well, we actually were well behaved and just let him come in to do his work...and the fix was fast and easy...he had forgotten to turn the gas back! Well, its been working just fine since THAT!

We also are doing the Blessing Train this year, here is our decorated Box car.

The Blessing Train runs at Raena and Zebby's Blog.

Maybe we should have put a squirrel dude on the top...And a furnace!! BOL!

Here are our 'ordinary' selfies:

Sheesh, can't a dude even enjoy a sun puddle in peace?

I'm a good boy, right?? See no digging evidence on my schnooter!

There are several new angels, sadly enough. We had separate posts for them, but in case you missed them, here are our mementos we sent to their peeps.

Kirby from Yellow Mound Quilts

Tucker from I Have Three Cats

Wolfie from FiveSibes


Asking for forgiveness... to those of you for whom I sent E-Cards and you received them...well, I was not paying attention, and I C/P'd the whole list if recipients into thhe wrong box, so you all got a huge carbon copy...oops:(    (Bad for security issues...) 

And I got some sent back to me, on account of there was no subject line. Sheesh, us pups will have to make sure she proof reads her send-outs! Sorry about the messes I cause sometimes. I am a techie klutz!

We are hopping with all the other Sunday Selfie Hoppers,  at The Cat On My Head.Click on this link to join up, too! Its fun, and a great way to make new furends! Thanks for hosting each week, Kitties Blue!

Click on this link to join up, too! Its fun, and a great way to make new furends! Thanks for hosting each week, Kitties Blue!



  1. Nice card! I'm glad the furnace finally got working - of all the times for it to be trouble!

  2. There are too many going to the Bridge! It needs to slow down. So many friends lost.
    Your card is lovely, and yes I did receive it in the email thank you.
    I am glad the furnace is working properly now.
    Your selfies are lovely.

  3. OhMyDog ... what a week in the Terrieristical Home. Here's to all being better next and all weeks to come ...
    your Christmas Card is lovely, and we thank you. Now: evil squirrel scampered away, fallen branches soon to be hauled away ... and inside all is cozy and warm. All's good, right?

  4. I love you as Santas and I love you as your normal selves. kisses to both of you and your card is beautiful. you sure had a crazy week and the heat always knows to break on the coldest time of the year. ours did a nose dive on the one day in 10 years that we had cold weather.. Florida doesn't get cold enough to freeze but we had ONE DAY and we froze. glad it is repaired and how can a person forget to turn on the gas. OMW... have a wonderful holiday and stay safe and sound and barking is fine but forget the bitey part. our Jake had to be 'contained' any time anyone came in the house other than family. We still miss him but not that part. the only thing we worry about now is Beau making someone fall down leaning on them begging for pets...

  5. 16F! WE feel cold when it's 16C! Brrr.

    We love your Boxcar for the Blessing Train. We shall have to meow loudly to remind Mummy to do Ours!

    All your selfies are beautiful!

  6. We had a wacky week too. Our freezer decided to conk out and we lost a whole bunch of food including lobster meat Mom was saving for New Year's Eve.

  7. Glad you are back to warm and safe. Storms, furnaces, intruders outside and in! What a week!
    xoxox, Bibi & Meep

  8. You sure had an eventful week. We hope this week will be much calmer and more normal for all of you. Your selfies are cute today!

  9. I love your cards. They always make me cry a bit but it's for the losses that have happened.

    I am sorry you have had such a nightmare with your boiler. That kind of thing is so super stressful isn't it.

  10. Yikes! This isn’t the time to not have your furnace working. Glad you got it fixed even if it took a few times. Your card is wonderful!

  11. Whoa! Furnace issues! That's no fun, Ours is getting old and Mom is worried that it will wear out (like everything else in the house). It sounds like you have had quite the storms! And that huge tree is still standing! And we love your badges and the boxcar and we got your card! We put it on our 2021 Christmas Card page. We posted ours on Christmas Card day and we also have it on the Christmas Card page. We hope you and your Peeps have a marvellously Happy week!

  12. Glad ya has gotten da furnace fixed - for sures ya need dat up there! I has never seen a black squirrel - momma has seen white ones in Austin and of course da brown/red ones.

  13. We love your card and the pretty pictures. I am sorry about the furnace. Stay warm.

  14. Oh my, what a comedy of heating errors. Thank goodness alls well that ends well! As to that tree, well, the soonest down least damage caused.
    Purrs that you all stay safe and well in the nasty weather.

  15. Your selfies are real cute ! We don't send Christmas cards anymore only per email ! Last year I got one and that was from the States ! The stamps are so expensive and you are neveer sure if the card arrives or not !

  16. your card is super beautiful!!! but why such things happen always shortly before christmas? maybe santa tries to get rid of the gifts no one really wants? like vacuum's, furnaces, freezers, washers and kitchenen gadgets? we have to do investigation....

  17. Your cards are always so beautiful and your Selfies are so awwdorable💗Pawkisses for a Happy, safe Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞

  18. Lulu: "Merry ChrismaSQUIRREL!!!!"
    Charlee: "Did you get a little distracted in the middle of your sentence there Lulu?"
    Lulu: "Yeah maybe a little ..."

  19. Merry Christmas precious boys and your Mom and Dad too. So glad to be back again after my update and I tangled the better part of a week. It won, until one of my sons helped.

    You created beautiful memorials for the Angels who have gone on without us.
    Glad your Dad came back. Take about common sense! YES!

  20. Oh my whiskers, a dead heater is awful! It's cold in our neck of the woods and if our heating went out it would be a disaster of epic proportions. And what's the deal with the black squirrel? We have tiny little pine squirrels and big fat squirrels in our neck of the woods but they are all brown. Very interesting squirrel indeed!
    Purrs,. Head Bonks and Holiday Greetings,
    Alberto, Oliver, Lily and The Human

  21. I know I am late, but I wanted to thank you for all you've written about and done for Tucker. It was very kind of you; I love the badge, and it will always be displayed on my blog. Thank you again.
