Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hodgy-Podgy Selfie Sunday


We are going to have a whole bunch of various things to woof about hang in there with us, OK?! BOL!

Firstly, Saturday was  RB Remembrance Day...











Petcretary was a wee bit late to class on Teaser Tuesday, but she was still on the she was the first right guesser! The reason she knew the answer was because she had been there...go figure, LOL!

                                                                             Here is the image she had to guess:

This beautiful photo is of downtown FREDERICK, MARYLAND…and Miss Ingrid has BEEN there before apparently, so she recognized it!      

                                                                             She got this badge for her efforts:

I was First Right Guesser on the Teaser photo of August 24, 2021. Lucky Ducky Me!

And...Still with Teddy and Miss Pam, the post there on August 28th, was all about bacon, as it usually is each week, the host of course, being the Bacon King...aka Teddy! This time he had an assistant, because petcretary sent in a yummy bacon recipe. You can find it here.

So...petcretary was the assistant!

This is what was on the menu...and you can find the recipe at King Teddy's Bacon Post.


                                                                   Do ya'll want to see us pups now?? OK, then!

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, as hosted by the amazing and wonderful Kitties Blue, whom we thank!


We've also joined up with all our precious Angels at the RB

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Happy Fifth Birthday, Dalton!!


Yesterday was Dalton's Birthday...he became 5! Today is unfurbro-the-younger's birthday! Next week is petcretary's Niece's birthday...August is busy!

But we are just going to focus on Dalton today, cause it is HIS special time:)

He got a new stuffie...complete with a rope and a squeaker...a bag of calming treats...(yeah, *she* gave that as a present...phooey!), a box of chewy sticks, yes he loves those, and a Birthday 'Pie'...and he wasn't too eager to have at it...sheesh, he is strange...though he did eat up a piece after the camera was gone...but *she* fooled him and got a pic with him eating it:) 

(I, Dalton, let Benji share a piece too, but even he did not want all! Though during the night he had an upset tummy and woofed his cookies all over the carpet, maybe he just wasn't interested in treats...he didn't eat breakfast either...sigh..he seems OK otherwise, and likely will gobble up his supper...he diid, phew!!)

Dalton has been with us almost 4 years, now, but the only real changes are his weight...increased to make him look like a little footstool he is going to try to shed some of that...he still hates Pawppy, and tries to bite his legs when its time for him to go to his work...Petcretary thinks he gets braver when the 'culprit' is leaving and not facing him...his hackles are often raised when he does that...the baggage load he still carries is so heavy he cannot seem to trust his own daddy yet, even though Daddy serves the food and the treats. He hasn't been able to learn new tricks easily, though with much repetition he has learned to catch a treat if it gets tossed for him. He only plays with toys if Benji initiates a tug of war game...but they do get along very well, and play lots of the famous 'Bitey Face' games.

Oh well, he seems happy enough, so we'll just let him be here on his own terms; and focus on his good traits, to bolster his confidence and demeanor, as even with me, petcretary, he cowers, though not aggressively. Hopefully one day he might decide that his pawppy is NOT a threat. Poor dude, we just cannot imagine the abuse he must have suffered at the hands of a man...he does fine with ladies.

The weather is nice enough, just WAY too hot and humid, we both are spending a lot of time just lounging inside where its nice and cool with AC. 

You know what??  They locked us both in the house at about 5pm...and didn't come back till after 9 pm...sheesh. Something about having dinner with the other birthday boy...but they did not bring me or Benji anything in one of those doggy bags. Us two just got our regular meal and treats. Oh well, at least we got that, BOL!!

Its a big full moon tonight! Wow, it is a so called blue moon, but it was orange! Very orange, must be the atmosphere is all quite polluted with the smoke from all those nasty forest fires out west. *She* forgot to make a picture of it, maybe tomorrow...

This week, petcretary was not a first commenter at Teddy's place, but she did have the right answer, though she wasn't first with that either, LOL!! See furends, she is normal!!

As usual we are in the Sunday selfies, we can't begin to thank the Kitties Blue enough for hosting this weekly feature!We are joining up with all the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head; you can too, just click here!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Seven Years of Selfie Sundays!!

Wow, seven years!! We were not even 'invented' back then. LOL! We thank the Kitties Blue  (The Cat On My Head), who started this fun blog feature, and have kept it going this long. Huge Congrats to The Kitties Blue for this milestone!

Here are our original selfies, they were Pipo, Minko and MrJackFreckles...(We were not at the very first selfies posts, but we joined up soon after it got September, 2014.)

MrJackFreckles (Sept, 2014)

Pipo (Sept, 2014)
Minko (Sept, 2014)

So those were the first 'official' selfies, yikes, such bad pictures!! LOL! Looks like they needed a lot of assistance to even get a selfie, Tee-hee!

Here is an ussie of us pups for this week's Sunday Selfie post.

Its been quite hot most of the week, and we had some bad storms, we were not the most interested in selfies, BOL! At least the weather has cooled to more reasonable temps and there are no storms forecast in the next few days.

This past Tuesday at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, Petcretary was late getting to class...oopsie! LOL!

But then she was quick on the draw and was first to guess the right place! Hooray!

She guessed this picture: It is Lucchio, Italy.  The old fortress atop the hill is called Rocca di Lucchio.     You can check out what Wiki has to say about this town by clicking HERE.

 She got this badge for her first right guess:
I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of August 10,2021 – HIP HIP HOORAY FOR ME!

As you already most likely know, Paddy O'Malley from Eastside Cats, suddenly flew away to the RB...

Petcretary made mementos for his memory... here is one of them. You can see them both here:

 Then just a couple days ago, Pocket, beloved pup at Small Tales, also became an Angel, joining her sisfur Foley.

So once again the creative juices had to flow...and Petcretary made this for Pocket's Family:


We have heard of two other kitties, well known to others, but not to us...(Thanks Ann from Zoolatry for making these lovely mementos for them.) You can visit them here:


Devi from Chat Aux Sphynx

Woody from Cats of WildcatWoods



We have once again joined up with The Kitties Blue at The Cat On my Head for the weekly Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Feel free to join in with yours!

Monday, August 9, 2021

Paddy O'Malley Forever

 Farewell, Paddy. (Eastside Cats) You were a very special kitty, and we are glad you knew much love, especially in your last few weeks.

Fly well with those new angel wings...

You can visit Paddy's family here, if you have not already done so.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday Selfies ~ Its August!

Wow, its already the second Sunday of August. Summer is running away fast, but as far as the hots and the humidity, we can do without those. Its supposed to be 95F here today. UGH. We can start to look forward to the crisp days of late summer and early fall.

Anypaws, we bring you our selfies for this week:

The grass is a lot softer and greener than in July when it was all brown and crunchy.

I am being a bit contrary and wanted to take my selfie in the sandy shade under the lilac bush...

 Petcretary scored another first commenter badge with several others this past Tuesday...and she had the right answer, but wasn't quite hasty  enough writing it down...LOL! Teaser Tuesday Aug 3,2021

Oh boy! I was an early bird and was able to be a FIRST COMMENTER. along with Timmy, Sharon and Janet on the Teaser post of August 3, 2021!

This is the badge Petcretary got for her right but not first answer.

 Today is International or World Cat Day, so here are a couple of faves of petcretary of Angels Pipo & Minko




Most of you kitty peeps might know of Dori from Adorapurr. Her furmily was pals with another blogging lady who had a doggy named Chazz...he passed a little while ago to the Heavenly Realms, known as the Rainbow Bridge...

We send them our condolences and we made a memorial card to honor little Chazz.

You can visit Dori here; and you can visit Chazz's blog here.

Dori made a beautiful tribute for Chazz on her blog...


 We are joining up with the Sunday selfies at The Kitties Blue. We thank and love them for being so faithful in hosting this weekly feature, cause its a lot of fun and we love posting ourselves there:)

Join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop!

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

In Purr-suit of Flavours ~ Tea Time!!


We are going to join up with the Canadian Cats, Shoko and Tyebe, and The Weimie Twins. Da Pheeny and Da Nelly,  this month for recipes all about tea.

We think this Watermelon Tea might be very refreshing on a hot day. If you do not want all the sugar that the recipe calls for, you can either reduce it or use a comparable amount of Stevia or Monkfruit. You might even find the sweetness of the watermelon is all you want/need. So taste first then add the sugar/sweetener.

Summertime Watermelon Tea Refresher

  • 4 tablespoons Royale Assam Tea (Or you could use tea bags if you prefer)(You can just use regular black or green tea if you prefer...)
  • 4 cups cold water
  • 3 1/2 cups diced watermelon (seedless or seeds removed)
  • 2-4 tablespoons sugar, to taste
  • bunch of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 orange, sliced OR 2 ounces triple sec
  • juice of 1 lemon OR 4 ounces citrus-flavored vodka
  • ice


1) Add tea leaves and water to a 1-liter jar. Screw on lid and place in the fridge at least 4-6 hours or overnight.

After the tea has steeped:

2) In a large pitcher, place all other ingredients except for ice and allow to sit for 15 minutes.

3) Strain the steeped/brewed tea through a sieve into the pitcher and stir gently to combine.

Scoop some of the watermelon into glasses, add ice, pour in tea, and serve! 


Hubby's Mom used to make what she called 'Sun Tea'. She would put several ordinary tea bags into a large clean/sterilized jar...a  gallon size if I recall. (You could probably use 6 to 8 bags per gallon...and any kind of your fave regular tea, black or green, or maybe some flavor that would meld well with lemonade...such as hibiscus, rooibos, raspberry, or even a combo of those, etc)  After the tea had steeped in her sunny window for several hours she would dump in a can of frozen lemonade concentrate, pink or yellow, no matter!). And fill the rest of the jar up to the top with cold water. Then that would go into the fridge to chill. Poured over ice! Mmmm! Refreshing and yummy, too. Easy peasy to make and even easier to drink! Only issue I have with that right now is all the sugar, I don't think I can find unsweetened frozen lemonade.  But you could adapt this by using fresh squeezed lemons or even  bottled lemon juice from the grocery shelves...(Look for organic, as that would not have any preservatives in it)...then sweeten to your own taste and needs.

1) 6-8 tea bags of choice

2) 1 can of lemonade concentrate 


1/2 cup Juice of 3 or 4 lemons, and up to 1/2 cup sugar/sweetener equivalent



Sometimes I just make a cup of hot tea, squeeze a lemon quarter into it, and sweeten it with some liquid or lemon or plain. Honey is yummy too...Hot tea can be just as refreshing as iced, even on a hot day.


Enjoy your hot days now...remember Fall will be here in a couple months and we'll all wish the warm weather was back. LOL!

We are  joined up with the Canadian Cats, Shoko and Tyebe, and The Weimie Twins. Da Pheeny and Da Nelly,  for this month's recipes all about tea.


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Sunday, August 1, 2021

Varmint Selfie Sunday

 Yes, we are doing battle with Varmints around here...the red squirrels and the bigger black ones have discovered our volunteer sunflower. They try to climb them...and then the stems break, then they go and cut them down and steal the whole flower-head and rip them up to get at the seeds...and they are nort even 'mature' yet. Phooey.

So Petcretary got out the red pepper flakes and another big container of cayenne pepper-powder and sprinkled those all over the whole area where our bird feeders are...(Sorry Tabbies...),  Not sure it helps very much, but then she saw those rascals at it again. Two black ones and a red one. The red dude was too quick to catch on camera, and the black one was a wee bit more obliging.

Checking out the possibilities of getting at some sunflower can see the stems of those II already accessed...and you can see red pepper flakes, too...

I brought along a helper...

Having a taste...Eeuw! Hot pepper, ugh!

Off to find better things elsewhere

I climbed the big walnut tree to peruse the situatioin...

And hopped onto the convenient shelf/seating arrangement...

From where I thought I would let that lady who was spying on me to take a selfie of me so you can see how suave I am! See my l o n g whiskers?? Best not to mess with me though, see those claws/weapons??

This past Tuesday at the Tuesday Teaser, there was a new school-building, and classroom. Whoopee!!  Petcretary was fast fingered and got there pronto, along with two others to be the first to check out the whole affair! Very nice she said:)

INGRID, JANET and SHARON!WOW! I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser of July 27, 2021! Goodie for me!

She was right with her guess, but was a few minutes behind the official first right answer commenter...

Gosh, I DID guess the Teaser correctly on July 27, 2021 BUT I was NOT FIRST!
The next day we had a blog-wide Birthday party for Marv. He was unable to have it on his own blog, because there was no internet there on account of the bad fires that are raging all over that region. He does have it back now, and we hope he and all others affected by those scary fires will be safe.

Here is the card we made for Marv, to help him with the party spirit...and he sent everyone a badge to tell others that they did attend! (At June and Miss Ann's Blog.)


Us pups are taking a holiday from Selfies, since we have to clear the yard of those pesky varmints...Benji diligently dug a trench to rid us of some mole...sigh...and they had to both tell a two footed intruder to go away...though *she* said to be quiet and sent us in the was a big truck with a shed in a of these days it will be a DIY project...oh-oh! See ya soon!

Squirrel is in the Sunday Selfies Blog-hop! We are thankful that Sawyer is doing well...and he and his family; The Kitties Blue; are the hosts each week of this fun feature. Join in too if you wish!

Sunday Selfies blog-hop is here!