Sunday, July 18, 2021

Selfies On Sunday

 Here we are...our feet are drying out after all the rain we had the past few days. Seems like we either have too much, or not enough. All the moisture made of high humidity...and mosquitoes! They swarm everyone as soon as they open the door to go out. Some even have tried to invade the inside of our dwelling. But they are taken care of as soon as we hear that typical high pitched buzzing... its like!

Its hard to believe we are already halfway though July! How the time does fly! are our selfies for this week...nothing fancy... looking, but my ears are all erect for a change! BOL!

Looks like I wasn't too thrilled to have that camera pointed at me...



This past week, we lost Clooney, however we didn't know him, though many loved him tons. You can visit his family here if you wish.



We also had to say good bye to Finley Rose, who flew away to the RB, to be with her many Angel-furmily members, and lots of Angel-furends as well.

Petcretary knew her and her whole furmily since 2009, long before we even thought of blogging...and we were in a amazing web site for dogs (and cats), called Dogster (and Catster),  we sure miss that fun site. (When it went away, in 2014, that's when we started our blog.)

While we made a post on July 15th to honor her, here are the memorial pics we put into that post.

Finley, we will all miss you, may your memories be treasured forever in the hearts of all who knew and loved you so very much.



We are all still pawyering very hard for Sawyer to come back home...he is SO missed by his family. We won't give up.

Sawyer is a member of The Kitties Blue who are the weekly hosts of The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.

You can join the hop too, by clicking on the caption under their logo...and we thank them so much for always faithfully hosting this fun hop each week.

Join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, Here.



  1. Those are furry fine selfies indeed!

  2. Those are great selfies from both of you. We were sad to see our friends leave for the Bridge this week.

  3. Purrs and hugs to you on losing Finley, a fine pup indeed.
    Good looking selfies, we enjoy them a lot.
    xoxox, Bibi & Meep

  4. Yesterday it rained hard for the entire day, nonstop! But today, it's cool and clear. Typical July here in WNY.

    Your selfies look great, pups. And it seems there's been a lot of our friends going over the bridge lately. You always make such nice tribute pictures for them.

  5. It has been another sad week across the blog world with the loss of more dear friends. thanks so much for posting our friends

  6. Great selfies. We're sad that our pals have gone OTB and that Sawyer is still missing.

  7. I am so glad that people are continuing to display Sawyer's picture every Sunday. II will continue to do so. His Mum and Dad need our support.

    You two look so cute although Benji does look like 'Convict 99' ;-)

  8. They may not be special, but they’re still great selfies! We’re finally getting some nice weather after all that rain! And you’re right about the mosquitoes. They have been vicious!

  9. Nice selfies! We are sad about Clooney and Finley too.

  10. beautiful selfies.. and we cried a lot for finley, that is such a sad feeling...

  11. I like the selfies and Mom said I need to get started on that again myself. I am so sorry for the mammas.
    Your badges you created are lovely. XX

  12. Lovely selfies!

    So sad about Finley and Clooney. We are purring for Sawyer to return to his dear family xx

  13. doodz yur selfeez bee lookin awesum; side wayz front wayz and all wayz....we haz had lotz oh rain heer az well...two day itz dry but mom nature an change that up ina fast minit ~~~~ :) ☺☺♥♥

  14. The selfies are fun and perfect!! And the memorial pics of Finley are treasures.

    And I'm still hoping that Sawyer finds his way home.
