Sunday, May 23, 2021

Selfies For Victoria Day Weekend

Yes, Its a holiday weekend in Canada!

Petcretary says she misses being there on special days like this one. 

She is working this weekend, we are posting some selfies we made a couple of years might have seen these, then again, maybe not!

What's the holiday??

Why, its Victoria Day. Its the day that Canada celebrates the birthday of Queen Victoria. She was the first Queen of Canada.

Petcretary once again managed to be one of the first commenters at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser. So of course she got the first commenter badge too! Same as last weeks, and also the right but not first badge...cause well, she was correct with her answer but not quite fast enough! Oh well!! It is a fun feature each week, but having said that, that whole blog is a fun blog! Pay a visit if you haven't ever been there! HERE!

We had to say sad goodbyes to Speedy.The HouseBunny.


There were others too who left for the RB, but we ourselves were not familiar with them...Tubby a Cat Scout, and also from Cat Scouts; the Denmaster's Husband. Some kitties are very busy with that group, but us pups do not romp there...We with them our sincere condolences and sympathy.  May they  Rest in Peace.

Come hop along with us in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop! Its fun!! We thank the Kitties Blue for hosting the hop each week!


  1. Happy Victoria Day! Those are nice selfies.

  2. Happy Victoria Day ... my Mommy's Mommy is from Sasketchewan, so maybe she can claim to be a little-bit Canadian, do you think ... and before that all of them were from Prince Edward Island ... so we'll celebrate, too! And your pickshurs are adorable, whether we saw them before or not (we don't remember!) they are worth seeing again!

  3. Happy Victoria Day! What precious patriotic selfies today, good job pups.

  4. Happy Victoria Day! Having grown up in Niagara Falls NY, we would frequently walk, bike, or drive across the bridge to Canada to enjoy the view and the beautiful gardens there.

    You pups look very cute in your holiday gear. Sorry to hear about your friend, Speedy.

  5. You look cute in your Canada bandanas. Happy Victoria Day. We hope Petcretary can travel there soon.

  6. Nice to see you looking so dapper in your Victoria Day gear.
    Big hugs on the loss of your pal Speedy.
    xoxoxox, Bibi & Meep

  7. Goodness we furgot Victoria day this year. We have the sads and really appreciate your mentions of our friends. Dear Speedy was a great force in his day and will be missed. Great selfies friends

  8. You take the best selfies! Happy Victoria Day!

  9. Happy Victoria Day! Do you get spawcial treats? De way I unnerstand howlidays, dat's what dey're about! 😁

  10. Happy Sunday and Happy Victoria Day to all of you!!

  11. Happy Victoria Day! Alas with all the Covid restrictions the best part of Victoria Day (all the fireworks) is NOT happening. As you probably know, Canada (and BC) are shut down.And there is supposed to be no travel. Though I noticed all the campgrounds are full. Apparently we will be able to eat is a restaurant again on Tuesday! It was a sad week for the Cat Scouts and the pet bloggers this week. Your graphic for Speedy is wonderful! Ingrid, you are talented! And Concatulations on being a firstie!

  12. we wish all canandian friends a happy victoria day... and maybe without fireworks this time (wishful thinking lol)

  13. doodz yur selfeez bee awesum; we could veew then a bazillion timez and still N joy them

    happee victoria day two all :) ♥♥♥

  14. Those are pretty great selfies - re-shares or not! Thank you for the graphic remembering Bear Cat. Your kindness means a lot.

  15. Such lovely Selfies of yourselfie. We don't remember them, Dalton and Benji, for us they always looks new😸Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend🐾😽💞

  16. My goodness, I didn't know you were Canadian or I would have wished you a Happy Victoria Day as I did some others! (HUG)
    Thank you for letting mom and I know we made you giggle over my denture...IF I can talk her into it.

  17. Thanks! Yup, Still Canadian even after almost 34 years of being here in the USA!

    If you only have lost one, maybe an implant would work better, hubby has one and you'd never know it! Just a thought:) She could be thew fist kitty ever to sport one!! LOL!

  18. Pawsome selfies like yours are great when re-shared. Well done to your Petcretary! And happy belated wishes on Victoria Day. I must confess I'm not up on my Canadian history beyond the Stanley Cup. Best time of the year (unless you count every hockey game 😊).
