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Here we are once again on a Sunday. Wow the days fly by! Petcretary has been busy with all kinds of this and that, so she doesn't always get to let us visit...sometimes we get a few done and then its like 3 am...sheesh, get to bed, we need to sleep too, LOL/BOL! We have not forgotten our friends, let us assure you all of that! *She* just says its hard to keep up! Oh well...
We watch her dragging watering cans to all her little oak tree saplings, and to the other transplanted is SO dry here, we really need a bunch of good rainy days, even though we hate them, the plants need it.
And of course she has to go to her work, several shifts each week...we hear her talking to pawppy about reducing her hours to maybe 2 shifts a week...sort of like a semi retirement! What? She needs tires?? BOL!
She has to mow our yard too, she won't allow pawppy to attempt that chore, the ground here is uneven and full of holes...mole trails and dug out holes, complements of us...Hmmm, sorry pawppy, but we want to help you get rid of those pesky varmints. He still has some issues with his mobility from all his back problems and surgery last year...but he thinks he is very slowly getting better. He pretty much does everything as he did before. It sure would be nice to have a garden hand to help with that, but who is going to pay him?? Meanwhile it adds plenty of steps to her Fitbit, LOL!
We had some nights when it was quite frosty, we can see damage on some of the plants, but things are perking up now. We hope that maybe the frost made the black walnut harvest very minor, as those things are such a mess each fall...Maybe soon the garden plants can be left outside all the time...its a pain to lug all the containers into the back porch each night...but better than losing them to the frosts. There are a whole lot of self seeded cilantro seedlings coming up in one large planter box, so we have to cover that up, its too big to bring inside. Earlier today, as she was watering the plants, she noticed a lot of scraggly columbine plants. She thought they were frost bitten, but no, they were worm bitten. UGH:( So she had to pick off dozens of little green worms that thought they had hit the buffet of their way!
The other day, we were closely watching the neighbor's kitty, when his family came outside and chatted with petcretary for a wee bit. The kitty's name is Sparkle!! (A boy...petcretary sort of grinned to herself when she heard that name...). Anypaws, she had a bunch of nip cutting in her hand from trimming she threw them over the fence to Sparkle...and he had the hugest nip fest ever!! He was a space cadet kitty...and we all laughed and enjoyed his antics...rolling, kicking the larger sprigs, jumping in the air, and so on:). It was like he's never had any nip before. He is a young grey/brown tabby, and is very friendly and came right up to the fence...(and of course the camera was in the house) he doesn't try coming into our yard, though...we might not like that...afterall, he is NOT our Pipo...He wasn't outside when more nip clippings were harvested, so she threw them in their driveway for him to find later...
Here are our selfies for this week's Sunday Selfies:
Deep in my own thoughts, but not looking at petcretary, BOL!
Since Google is being mean and taking our Feedburner away, does anyone know how to add a widget to add a subscribe to Mail-Chimp Button?? You can subscribe to the Bloglovin widget we already have. We use that, and its pretty good, have used it for many years already. Trying to get a CSV list of my current subscribers is a wicked process even if you follow all the directions. Phooey. You all might need to resubscribe once/if we get the new widget(s) up and running. Sigh...
Last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser we were the one and only 'firsties' through the door! Where were the others?? Still snoozing, LOL! But then, when we had found the spot that was what we were looking for, we started to read all about it...and thus we were not first with our right answer! Oh well...that's how it goes:)
I was the one and only FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser post of May 11, 2021! I was an EARLY BIRD! |
Yesterday was Straw Hat Day...well, we missed it, (Shhh, she forgot...) here is an flashback of us wearing our straw hats...
We made a memento/card for BearCat, who recently had to become an Angel Kitty.