Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Selfies, Rerun Style!

 Petcretary gave us a break today, so we are going to have some 'reruns', aka flashbacks. 

She has been running around like a chicken without a head, as she puts it...and she didn't even take any pics at all! Our cherry tree survived the heavy frosts we had and the snow, but now almost all the blossoms are gone, and we have the leaves coming out. Soon our little dogwood should be blooming, but its not nearly as spectacular as the weeping cherry tree. Our bleeding hearts have quite a bit of frost damage, but maybe if it stays warm enough they might send out more shoots.

We had several nights  of temps around 25F,  and we even had snow one night! Sheesh...the weather is strange!

Us pups have plenty to bark at lately, too. Our neighbor man who was gone for just over a year, doing National Guard duty, (Thank You!), has returned from active duty and now he's outside a lot, chopping wood and messing around with his new truck...petcretary hopes we get used to seeing him there,and also his buddies that come to help. Cause we bark too much! But hey, there is a cat that follows him around, and also a doggy...and two mini humans.

These 'selfies' are some flashbacks to 'show off' for some of the challenges that Marjorie Dawson has in her blog/website.

Softly focused Pipo, in a sunpuddle on the forbidden table! Wonder what he was thinking?!?

A pic with bad lighting and harsh shadows, edited to keep the great catch of his YAWN...or was he singing the song of his people??!!

A very badly lit image, but the pic itself was fun, so it became an edited keeper!

Brifght sun sure always made PIpo's eyes such a bright blue, and lovely contrasting shadows.

Minko: Hi Freckles, what'cha doing??

Here's a Valentine's Kiss for YOU!

Pipo, guarding a parcel that was sent to him and Minko...

Pipo, at Christmas, which was the day before his Birthday...looking like, why all this fuss, Hisses!!

Pipo & Minko...this is the pic used un our 'gravatar'.

Groucho with his new kitten sisfur Suki, the second kitten he 'mentored'.
Minko in the sun, contemplating life...

Minko just loved sun puddles!
Pipo in lamplight...not such a great pic, LOL!

This looks MUCH better with a vignette and in black and white.

Minko enjoying a sun puddle.

Pipo & Minko on one of their Gotcha Days, which happened to be also Valentine's Day! Sheesh, they look bored, MOL!

Suki as a kitten, what a diva she was!

MrJackFreckles would have been celebrating his birthday later this week...he was a good and patient pup, LOL! But treats helped, BOL!

It was a fun day, this past Tuesday when petcretary 'played' the Tuesday Teaser Day at One Spoiled Cat, with professor Teddy and his Mom Pam...

We were one of the first commenters, Hooray!

Then after what seemed to be a totally impossible picture to figure out its location, petcretary hunkered down after her dinner (ie: brain sustenance), and finally was able to put in her (corrected) guess...late but still valid!! Hooray!

So she was first on both counts yet again...three weeks in a row! Triple crown at Teddy's!! Yippee! LOL!

At 8:40PM last night (after school was closed and the Professors were snoring) Miss Ingrid guessed the Teaser correctly!  This is a very interesting Teaser photo,  and it is of the Midland Glider Club at Long Mynd, Church Stretton,  Shropshire, UK 

Well, I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of April 20, 2021 after all! The Professors thought nobody got it but I DID! YAY FOR ME!

We all in the land of Blogville, had to say our goodbyes to yet another kitty friend; Charles, from Cat Scouts. We didn't know him that well, but we know that many others did and loved him so much, esp, Lisbeth from The Kitties Blue. Our sympathy to all who knew him, he will be sorely missed. We made a card in his honor...we don't think he had a blog, but he was here on Facebook.


We are hopping along in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, along with so many others, we thank Miss Janet and her kitties for hosting this great Blog Hop each week!


Sunday, April 18, 2021

Time For Sunday Selfies!

Its time for showing off our selfies once again!

We had blustery chilly weather on Saturday, and it tried to rain a few times, too, even while the sun was we got a pretty rainbow!

Petcretary woke up early enough this past Tuesday to be one of two first commenters at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Game.

The picture they had to search the location of was kind of a toughie, in that it made one think it might be not actually where it was! LOL! But *she* found a clue, as dropped by another blog commenter, and she used that to narrow down her search criteria. Bingo! She had it!

So two weeks in a row, she was a double firstie! Whoot!!

Here is the picture she had to hunt:

This Teaser Photo is in Opa Locka, Florida; their City Hall !

 And here is the badge she got yet again!

 She doesn't think she'll be able to score this way a third time...that would be unprecedented!


We are hopping along with many other selfie takers at The Kitties Blue, who kindly host this weekly feature. Its fun and we love it! We love them too:) And we thank them for all their work to get this up and running each week, how pawsome is that?! 

Click below to join in on the fun:

Sunday Selfies Blog Hop



Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ahhh ~ Spring!!

Yup, Spring has sprung here for sure. We are getting some of those so called April Showers, but the sun comes out to brighten things up, too.

We showed you our pretty blooms in our post for Marg's we really don't have any new ones, BOL!

So here we are, just ourselves enjoying a fine bright moment in the spring sunshine:

Sorry I am a wee bit 'fuzzy', this was a 'zoomed in' picture and the lighting was bad, too...but I was a happy dude! (Petcretary edited this to make it look better...)

I love the lovely Springtime!

This is that huge woodpile at the back of our yard, that we flushed the rabbit out of...there seem to be other critters in there, so 'she' won't burn it down till the is a collection of all the fallen branches, etc that came down over the winter, and there was nothing but ashes from the previous wood pile!

 Its a good thing we have all those pretty spring flower pictures...because on Saturday afternoon the wind came up, and it started to storm. And petcretary came home in pouring rain...and more is in the forecast. That tree will loose a lot of its glory, but we will not grumble (Too loudly), cause its been very dry and everything needs a good drink. But the grass and the walkway is becoming covered in all the petals the wind and rains knocked off. We don't think that tree has ever held on to its pretty blooms for longer than a week...

Petcretary managed to be awake on time to be the first (and only) commenter on Teddy's Tuesday Teaser this past week. Then after some careful 'hunting and snooping', she was also the first one to have the right answer!! Oh, MY!  A Double Firstie!! So she got this badge:

I was a DOUBLE FIRSTIE on the Teaser Post of April 6, 2021….FIRST COMMENTER and FIRST RIGHT GUESSER! WOW!

Here is the picture she had to hunt the location of...Wanna know where the photo was taken????????????????????????     ORDOS, INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA. 


On a more serious note, many of you know Stunning Keisha. Her mom...aka TW...also known as Pattie, is very ill and needs our support and prayers. You can use this 'badge' and if you haven't gone over there, please visit her, love and support are very wonderful things when you are sick. (Petcretary knows that herself, too well...but that is not why we are here today...)

You can visit HERE.

And very sadly...

A lot of you (former Dogster) peeps remember the fun loving, if crazy Zaidie. 

Our MJF was a good  friend of his...and Zaidie was one of the first pups to befriend MJF on Dogster, way back in 2009...sheesh, that was eons ago. Petcretary must be ancient... Zaidie flew away to the RB recently, so we helped petcretary make a memorial card in his honor:


You can visit Zaidie's family over on FB, as he didn't have a current blog.


We are once again in the famous Sunday Selfies! My how we look forward to this every week, and we do thank Miss Janet for her hard work to get this hop going each week, for a long time already!

Just click here to join up with your own selfie(s)!!

Friday, April 9, 2021

Nature Friday ~ Flowers For Marg ~ Happy Birthday Marg!!

 We have lots of new spring blooms to share with you and specifically, Marg, from Marg's Animals, who is celebrating her birthday, today, April 9th!

Happy Birthday Marg!! You are a very special lady, and you are much loved.

We made you a card to get things going here...then we'll show you some of the pretty things we have seen coming up in our yard the past few days when it warmed up! And had a nice drink of rain to help things along:)

Lets show off our pretty flowers we found for you, Marg:

This is a miniature Daffodil, grown from a rescued thrown away plant where our petcretary works.It comes back every year! This year it has made a partner for itself:)

A 'regular' daffodil, beginning to show off...

Soon it will look likes its earlier blooming neighbor!

We have lots of bluebells, even in our grass!

Our Daffodils are surrounded by the bluebells!

We also have a large weeping cherry tree, its so beautiful when it puts on its springtime finery each year. A few days ago it still had only tightly sealed buds, and then the weather got warm, so those buds began to open up...and for your birthday our tree decided to show off its full glory! 

April 7th

April 8th

April 9th

                                                                           HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARG!!

Happy Birthday to YOU!!

If you’d like to wish Marg happy birthday as well, you can do so by leaving a comment at

Nature Friday, Flowers for Marg On Her Birthday!