Sunday, December 27, 2020

Post Christmas Selfies

We had to put Christmas sort of hold around here, as petcretary had to be at her work that day...she hopes she brought in some holiday cheer to the little old peeps she was taking care of...cvovid or not, they still need to be looked after in all their daily doings.

But she did get the trees up, and their lights are so pretty, including the very old ceramic tree that came from our Granny's home.

Well, we got a lot of email cards and many snail mail cards too! Thanks to all of you who sent them to us, we loved them! We didn't send any by snail mail this year...maybe there might be new year's cards for some of our friends and relatives who don't use computers...

On Christmas Eve Pawppy came home from some errands, looking rather glum and upset...the insurance dudes came and took another look at his car because the shop said it needed way more work than what the insurance was going to pay...anyways, they deemed it a total loss. Sheesh:( 

Merry Christmas?? OMD:(

So now he has to get out all the accoutrements of several years out of his car, and then bring back the rental car. all on the same day...sigh....which means petcretary's day off will be spent being a taxi once then he will have to go car shopping. Of course he won't get nearly enough from the insurance to get a car of his heart's desire, but there are a few in nearby towns he was checking out online. And of course in Michigan, one can't sue the at fault driver to recoup the difference for getting another least he wasn't injured and that is the main thing to keep in mind.

Well, then it was the (not) Christmas, and the snow came down too, so pawppy didn't dare to go out in that either,, so he missed the church service...sigh...since he still uses a cane, and his right leg is still weaker than the left, he didn't want to risk slipping and falling.

Then it was Boxing Day! And hooray petcretary was off! We had her here all day!

Being as *she* is a transplanted Canadian, she will always call Dec 26th, Boxing Day!

Dec 26th was also the birthday of our granny, Pawppy's mother.

And Dec 26th, 2004, was also  Angel Pipo's Birthday...he would have been 16, this year...sigh...sniff...

By the time we get to post yet again,, it will have been Angel Minko's Birthday, too, his BD was Dec 29th, 2004...our two WeBeesSiameezers were like twins from other mothers! MOL!!

There was one day last week when *she* found a few moments to take some festive selfies of us, so we now present ourselves in red and green finery! BOL! 

The next day there was about an inch and a half of snow! Perfect timing:)

Sorry, I am a wee bit out of focus...

It WAS very windy so my hat blew off, honestly!

But mine stayed on! BOL!

Tomorrow, (the 28th) is Benji's Gotcha Day! Whoot! He's been here two years, now:)

He wasn't too happy with *her* on Saturday, though...he had dug out a mole and was playing with like a cat...but  *she* intervened and rescued it and put it in a safer place outside the fence...and was hoping it could dig him/herself back into the ground where Benji can't reach it...he is obsessed with digging out those varmints, but in all honesty, their messy trails are way better than his huge cavernous digging exploits! Oh well, dogs will be a love a good terrier...

Happy (Early) Gotcha day, Benji!

We also have a guest Selfie in holiday mode:

Eddie, our Canadian Cousin.

And since we likely won't post again till after New Years, we wish all our family and friends a very happy....yes a way happier and better year than 2020. Adios, 2020, we don't want to remember you with much kindness, BOL!

Happy New Year! Happy 2021!!

We hope your 2021 year will be happy, safe and healthy.

We are joining The Kitties Blue for the Sunday Selfies blog hop. Thanks, Kitties blue and your staff for always hosting this fun weekly feature! Its the last Sunday Selfie blog hop for 2020!! Imagine that!


  1. I'm glad you got through the holidays! So much was not fun.

  2. Cute selfies! And happy early Gotcha Day Benji.

    Dis has been a tuff year. Hoping yours is better in 2021.

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your photos! Sending lots of love and (((hugs))) for Pipo's 16th birthday which I know had to be hard xoxoxo

  4. You two are so cute in your Christmas sweaters. Happy Gotcha Day Benji. How great that you dug out a mole but it's too bad your mom took it away from you. We hope you all have a Happy New Year too.

  5. You both look so handsome in your Chrissymouse finery.
    Happy Gotcha Day, Benji!

    And Happy Mew Year to you all.

  6. Hoping the Dad finds a great new car. Congrats, Benji on your Gotcha Day of two years. You are looking furbulous, as always, and wishing you and yours a Happy New Year. xoxoxo, Bibi & Meep

  7. So sad about the car, but hope the Dad finds a car he likes.Purrs the new year will be better!!
    Good to hear you finally had a good Christmas and spent some time together :)
    Purrs, Julie

  8. I'm sorry about the car, the same thing happened to us last month, it is so frustrating to not get the car back and have to go hunting down a new one, my sympathies are with you all. You all look so darling in your holiday outfits, and I'm glad you had the family together for Boxing Day! Happy New Year cuties!

  9. Happy Mew Year to you and your family! Hmm . . . now that xmas is over, maybe Santa could loan his sleigh for your papa to use until he finds a new auto. Hugs.

  10. Wowwzers! Your peeps have had a awful 2020 (like us) and Like us, I bet you guys can't wait to kick it to the curb! We are sorry about your Pappy's Car. It hurts when the insurance company takes the lowest figure and tells you that is all they are going to pay. It happened to us with the car Dad had his accident in. We know that your Mom bright loads of good cheer to those she works with, our Mom's Dad and his wife are in a home and they are not allowed to see family because of lock downs. Grampa was furry sad about it. And HAPPY Gotcha Day to Benji! It seems like yesterday!
    Sending you and your family purrayers and hugs and strength!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

  11. What a year, what a time eh? Next year we fight back even harder.

    Happy Birthday Angel Pipo. Miss your lovely face sweet friend.

  12. Those are the cutest selfies! How frustrating for your pawppy. But having a new car will be nice...gotta look at the bright side we say. Purrs to your petcretary and bless her for bringing some joy to the people she cares for. Happy New Year! We sure hope it’s better than this last one.

  13. OMD, those are PAWSOME selfies guys!!!! You knows that 2021 HAS to be betters than this year, so chin up! (this is what Ma keeps sayin'....i'm trying....😏). HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY BENJI!!!! OMD, yes, you can't keep a terrier from bein' a terrierist! just ask Ma! BOL!!!! Bravo my furiend! 🤣
    Have a Very Happy New Year!!!!! 🍾🍾🎉🎉
    Ruby ♥

  14. Happy Gotchaversary, Benji!
    The Hubby was rear-ended in January, and the best we can do is sue for $1,000, even though the car was totalled. We have three years (now two) to go to small claims. Unfortunately, The Hubby has to file the paperwork himself...normally, I do all of his chores like that, so of course, he hasn't done a thing. Just thankful that he was unharmed physically, but he had a hard time emotionally for a little while. The rest of 2020 took him mind off of that car wreck.

    1. Hubby is not of the nature to sue, though he was rather upset with the other fellow who was not at all remorseful about what and how he had ruined the car.

      I am sorry you too had to go through a bad experience like that...I think I saw a pic of your smashed car on your blog's sidebar?

  15. I think I'm finally subscribed to your blog! Here's to a MUCH better 2021!!!

  16. How sweet they look in their Christmas costumes ! Christmas this year was not Christmas due to the lockdown.

  17. Great Selfies and Happy Gotcha Day Benji!
