Sunday, December 20, 2020

Its Really Close To Christmas!

 Yup, less than a week, till The Day!  And now we really need to woof at petcretary to get on with putting up the tree(s)...we don't have room in our den for a big tree, (never had, she says...), so there are several little trees with lights on tables....we want them...hurry up, petcretary! Please??

She was busy getting the livingroom back in order, and then she had to spend time at her workplace once again...and she keeps forgetting to make pics of us...not that we mind, BOL!

Yup, the livingroom is looking like a livingroom now, instead of a  bedroom, Pawppy is doing pretty good and so now he can sleep upstairs again. Hooray! And the peep at the cart body shop got an OK from the insurance peeps to fix his car....but it will be a while before he gets it back...but better than a total loss!

She thought she had gotten all the kitty things out for donation, and when she was putting the livingroom back in order, she found more toys and playthings such as a 4 tunnel set...and an almost full case of stinky goodness! (Pipo didn't like it so she had put it in a closet...) So those things will go out to the shelter, too.

We made our Christmas card and a lot of you may have gotten it in your 'inboxes', if not check your spam folders. *She* wasn't paying attention and forgot to have a subject line...oopsie!

We think the next set of 'real' selfies will be after Christmas...She'll be off for a few days then. It is still a quarantine zone where she works, she comes home each night to report of peeps who had to go to the hospital, or of those who succumbed...she is beginning to feel robbed of all those sweet peeps....may God be with their families.

So here is our card to all of our friends, be they furry, or not....feel free to snag it if you didn't get it in your email.  She is not going to send snail-mail cards, maybe she'll send out a few of those to peeps who do not have computers or use email.

We made sure that *she* helped us send a birthday card to Eddie, our doggy cousin...

We are Pre-Christmas Hopping with the newest Kitty at Kitties Blue! Click here to go and meet her:)


  1. We wish you, and yours, and all those you care for, a Happy and above all, healthy season.
    What gorgeous cards, ours graced our inbox thismorning and made the day shine just a bit brighter, which was so nice.
    ERin & Mrs H.

  2. We are glad to hear that Pawppy is getting better.
    And your cards are lovely.
    Happy Chrissymouse.

  3. Thank you for the Cards we love them,xx Speedy and Mum

  4. We got your card and it's hanging with all our other cards. It's good to hear your dad is feeling better and his car can be saved. Our paws are crossed for your mom and all the people she works with and cares for.

  5. That is a lovely card. I am glad your Pawppy is doing better, and also that his car can be repaired.

  6. Be happy, be full of joy and peace ... each day is a new day.

  7. We got your beautiful cards! Thanks you very much! Looks like I'll be working every single day next week on evening shift, due to short staffing. (We'll be celebrating Christmas with family on Wednesday, my only day off.) Hope you have a Happy Christmas!

    Sorry to hear about the virus in your facility. These are very difficult times indeed!

  8. Best wishes for Happy Holidays and the New Year!
    Great news about the Dad, so glad he is mending well. Big hugs and POTP to the Petcretary--we hope you get to put your feet up for a a few. xoxox, Bibi & Meep

  9. We are so furry happy that your Pappy is doing better and that your home is getting back to normal. We purray for you guys everyday (especially that the Petsecratary does not get sick). We got your card and we posted it on our card page.
    Thank you and Purrs
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

  10. Dad is doing OK This is great news. These are scary times and hearing he is doing OK is the best news.

  11. We got your card and letter. Thank you!! We’re so glad pawppy is doing better. Will the petcretary be getting the vaccine shot?

  12. Good to hear your Dad is feeling better :)
    Thank you for the card too!!
    Purrs, Julie

  13. we are so happy to hear da good news... yay for your pawppy!!! and we love your sweet christmas greeting... and we hope that 2021 has a lot of good things for us..

  14. I'm glad the male human is doing better. Merry Christmas!

  15. Oh, this is FABulous news abouts Pawppy!!! WooooHoooo! And so happy you are gettin' thingies in order...something Ma SO needs to do! It would be easier if she could donate stuffs, butts places around here aren't really taking things right now. sigh. Anyhu I loved your cardie! you guys look FABulous!!
    I hopes you all have a most Merry Christmas!! Stay safe and healthy and best of wishes for 2021!
    Ruby ♥

  16. We wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a New Year full of Joy and Health. Purrs from us all
