Sunday, December 27, 2020

Post Christmas Selfies

We had to put Christmas sort of hold around here, as petcretary had to be at her work that day...she hopes she brought in some holiday cheer to the little old peeps she was taking care of...cvovid or not, they still need to be looked after in all their daily doings.

But she did get the trees up, and their lights are so pretty, including the very old ceramic tree that came from our Granny's home.

Well, we got a lot of email cards and many snail mail cards too! Thanks to all of you who sent them to us, we loved them! We didn't send any by snail mail this year...maybe there might be new year's cards for some of our friends and relatives who don't use computers...

On Christmas Eve Pawppy came home from some errands, looking rather glum and upset...the insurance dudes came and took another look at his car because the shop said it needed way more work than what the insurance was going to pay...anyways, they deemed it a total loss. Sheesh:( 

Merry Christmas?? OMD:(

So now he has to get out all the accoutrements of several years out of his car, and then bring back the rental car. all on the same day...sigh....which means petcretary's day off will be spent being a taxi once then he will have to go car shopping. Of course he won't get nearly enough from the insurance to get a car of his heart's desire, but there are a few in nearby towns he was checking out online. And of course in Michigan, one can't sue the at fault driver to recoup the difference for getting another least he wasn't injured and that is the main thing to keep in mind.

Well, then it was the (not) Christmas, and the snow came down too, so pawppy didn't dare to go out in that either,, so he missed the church service...sigh...since he still uses a cane, and his right leg is still weaker than the left, he didn't want to risk slipping and falling.

Then it was Boxing Day! And hooray petcretary was off! We had her here all day!

Being as *she* is a transplanted Canadian, she will always call Dec 26th, Boxing Day!

Dec 26th was also the birthday of our granny, Pawppy's mother.

And Dec 26th, 2004, was also  Angel Pipo's Birthday...he would have been 16, this year...sigh...sniff...

By the time we get to post yet again,, it will have been Angel Minko's Birthday, too, his BD was Dec 29th, 2004...our two WeBeesSiameezers were like twins from other mothers! MOL!!

There was one day last week when *she* found a few moments to take some festive selfies of us, so we now present ourselves in red and green finery! BOL! 

The next day there was about an inch and a half of snow! Perfect timing:)

Sorry, I am a wee bit out of focus...

It WAS very windy so my hat blew off, honestly!

But mine stayed on! BOL!

Tomorrow, (the 28th) is Benji's Gotcha Day! Whoot! He's been here two years, now:)

He wasn't too happy with *her* on Saturday, though...he had dug out a mole and was playing with like a cat...but  *she* intervened and rescued it and put it in a safer place outside the fence...and was hoping it could dig him/herself back into the ground where Benji can't reach it...he is obsessed with digging out those varmints, but in all honesty, their messy trails are way better than his huge cavernous digging exploits! Oh well, dogs will be a love a good terrier...

Happy (Early) Gotcha day, Benji!

We also have a guest Selfie in holiday mode:

Eddie, our Canadian Cousin.

And since we likely won't post again till after New Years, we wish all our family and friends a very happy....yes a way happier and better year than 2020. Adios, 2020, we don't want to remember you with much kindness, BOL!

Happy New Year! Happy 2021!!

We hope your 2021 year will be happy, safe and healthy.

We are joining The Kitties Blue for the Sunday Selfies blog hop. Thanks, Kitties blue and your staff for always hosting this fun weekly feature! Its the last Sunday Selfie blog hop for 2020!! Imagine that!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Its Really Close To Christmas!

 Yup, less than a week, till The Day!  And now we really need to woof at petcretary to get on with putting up the tree(s)...we don't have room in our den for a big tree, (never had, she says...), so there are several little trees with lights on tables....we want them...hurry up, petcretary! Please??

She was busy getting the livingroom back in order, and then she had to spend time at her workplace once again...and she keeps forgetting to make pics of us...not that we mind, BOL!

Yup, the livingroom is looking like a livingroom now, instead of a  bedroom, Pawppy is doing pretty good and so now he can sleep upstairs again. Hooray! And the peep at the cart body shop got an OK from the insurance peeps to fix his car....but it will be a while before he gets it back...but better than a total loss!

She thought she had gotten all the kitty things out for donation, and when she was putting the livingroom back in order, she found more toys and playthings such as a 4 tunnel set...and an almost full case of stinky goodness! (Pipo didn't like it so she had put it in a closet...) So those things will go out to the shelter, too.

We made our Christmas card and a lot of you may have gotten it in your 'inboxes', if not check your spam folders. *She* wasn't paying attention and forgot to have a subject line...oopsie!

We think the next set of 'real' selfies will be after Christmas...She'll be off for a few days then. It is still a quarantine zone where she works, she comes home each night to report of peeps who had to go to the hospital, or of those who succumbed...she is beginning to feel robbed of all those sweet peeps....may God be with their families.

So here is our card to all of our friends, be they furry, or not....feel free to snag it if you didn't get it in your email.  She is not going to send snail-mail cards, maybe she'll send out a few of those to peeps who do not have computers or use email.

We made sure that *she* helped us send a birthday card to Eddie, our doggy cousin...

We are Pre-Christmas Hopping with the newest Kitty at Kitties Blue! Click here to go and meet her:)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Getting Close to Christmas Sunday Selfies

 Its Sunday once again! How fast the time goes, even as one day melts into the next. Petcretary was so busy she did not even have time to get out her we are going to use the 'Blessing Train' box car as our selfies this week.

Its still horrible at petcretary's work place. They lost more residents this very sad. Including one of her 'faves'. Sigh...The best Christmas present for her would be to have this evil virus gone. The vaccine(s) might help, along with God's intervention.

She, thankfully, remains negative as per the twice weekly testing.

Petcretary was out shopping earlier this week, and she got a call from pawppy...'I was in an accident.' Yikes!

He was making a right turn, and he had the right of way, when he got hit by another driver, his car is out of commission and may even need to be totaled...but we sure hope not. Pawppy is fine, praise the Lord! As if we didn't have enough to deal with on our plates...

He continues to progress well with his spinal fusion recovery.

On Saturday, *she* gathered up all the kitty accoutrements and litter and food that was still here, and took it to a local kitty shelter. They thought it was like early Christmas presents. The kitties there are mostly free roaming, and they were all over the furniture such as cubbies and small cat trees, as soon as it was put down! So cute! No meezers there, though,, else petcretary might have been sorely tempted. Lots of kitties of all kinds, ginger dudes, calico, tuxies and tabbies, too. And not a few black cats. They were all so pretty and hoping for a new home for Christmas. But this evil virus mess has limited their access to public adoption events. So they work with virtual methods, and a lot of advertising.

Petcretary doesn't have a smart phone else she might have made some pics to show you all. Maybe they will email some to her so she can show them later...hopefully.

Speaking of Christmas, we still are in major shambles mode at our den, so the Christmas things might have to wait till just before The Day...but none the less, it will be Christmas, decorated or not!!

We have not seen *her* making a Christmas card to send out as yet....she was very busy doing memorial cards for us to send to the families of some new angels...sheesh, so close to Christmas, too:(

Cards for snail mail?? Not even those! She is bogged down and need an other holiday...not happening till after Christmas...maybe she should give up and just send out New Years cards!! BOL!

So here is our box car:

This is our blessing train Boxcar, for 2020...we are 'cheating' a bit and using this as our selfie for this week...actually its an 'ussie'!! LOL!
We are part of the Blessing Train of 2020

Angel Pipo

In these three Angel selfie flashbacks, only the halos were added, the hat and collars were actually worn by them, when these images were taken years ago.

Angel MrJackFreckles
Angel Minko


Sadly there were several more new angels that we have heard here the cards we made in their honor. We hope they give a tiny measure of comfort to those of their hurting furmilies.

Beau, from Pets Overload

Many of you might know Hershey from Hershey Barks

Jinx, from 15 & Meowing

Precious Dezi, from Dezi World

We are joining up with all the other Sunday Selfies at the blog hop, hosted by the Kitties Blue; Thank You!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

December! The most fun month of the year! Selfie Time!

 Yes, we would love for it to be the most fun month if the year...but for some its just more of the same as its been since March...sigh...stupid evil virus. Very evil virus:(

Petcretary told us they have all but two  residents, now testing positive for covid, and several staff as well.

There have been at least 4 deaths, and perhaps even more as time progresses. So far *she* tests negative, but with this virus being so virile and contagious, who knows. Our whole building is now what is known as a *red* zone, and *she* has to work directly with affected residents. Even with all the PPE we have, including N95 respirators, staff are still getting this. Some have been able to return to work, thankfully. We are now using agency nurses to fill in the empty holes...

Pray for her safety and to stay well, so she can keep up with helping pawppy....who is getting better by bigger steps each day. PT is helping him a lot. Hooray and Praise The Lord!

In order to stay healthy, she tries to get enough rest, and fresh air...and she takes plenty of specific supplements to assist the maintenance of good health and strong immune system. In case you are at all interested, here they are:

Zinc, Vitamin C, Epicor, Betaglucans, Several mushroom extracts, Vit D3, colostrum, echinacea, Oregano oil, olive leaf extract, and colloidial silver to name the most important ones. Some of those are really hard to come by there days, as many have now bought into the natural healing of herbs, and other modalities.

Well, she's been too busy to take any new we are doing a replay, aka flashback from last year about this time.

Many of you...our friends; know Miss Ellen and her many kitties. Jinx is a beautiful sweet kitty who is not feeling well at all, and she fears for him to be gone before Christmas...could you all pay her a visit to offer POTP and encouragement at this time?? Thanks!

One of petcretary's Facebook groups sent us this image for Angel Pipo:

In spite of all the horrors of covid, and other upsetting events, please enjoy this Christmas Season, and may you all have a measure of Joy and Peace in your hearts.

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...hosted by The Wonderful Kitties Blue.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

In Purr-suit Of Flavors ~ Ginger-Spiced Cranberry Sauce



12 ounces of fresh cranberries

1 apple, cored and diced

2 Tbs. of fresh orange juice

Zest from one orange

1” of fresh ginger, peeled and minced

1 Tbs. of ground cinnamon

1/8 tsp. of ground cloves

Pinch of ground nutmeg

¼ tsp. of sea salt


Rinse cranberries and add them to a small saucepan with ½ cup of purified water.

Heat stove to medium high, stirring occasionally. The cranberries will begin to pop; this is normal, simply keep stirring and reduce to a low simmer.

Add the rest of the ingredients (apple, orange juice/zest, ginger, spices and sea salt) and simmer until everything is soft, about 15 minutes.

Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator up to a week before ready to serve.


Here is my own variation of this recipe: I had to adapt it because the first time I wanted to make this, I did not have any oranges or juice on hand, but I did have a jar of juice sweetened marmalade and candied ginger, instead of the fresh. I actually was pretty yummy! 

Ingrid's Own Gingery Orange Cranberry Sauce. (No pic, as it looks about the same as any other cranberry sauce.)


12 ounce bag of fresh cranberries

1 15 ounce jar of juice sweetened orange marmalade...or a smaller jar is ok, if you can't find a larger, the orangeness will be a bit less. 

I diced tart apple (Diced to about the size of the berries)

2 T finely minced candied ginger

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp cloves

a little water to thin the marmalade a bit

1/2 C raw honey, or less if you prefer a not so sweet version



Add all to a large saucepan, and mix well. Bring to a slow boil, then reduce heat and simmer till the berries pop. Stir often to prevent burning...

Remove from heat and cool. It will thicken up a lot. Easy to keep in a sealed container till you need it,  best served at room temp. 

Serve with your holiday meal, Delicious!  Good on toasted almond bread, too!

Shoko and Tybe as well as Da Phenny and Da Nelly are the hosts of this blog hop.



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