Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Selfies; Dalton Had A Birthday

This past week, Dalton turned four! We had a small pawrty for him yesterday, since petcretary had to work on his birthday.


All these are for me??!

Oh, my! A special cookie in my pile of loot!

I need to take this yummy delight out of here...I think I need to gobble it up!

Time for a taste test.

The icing sure tastes good...

Thanks for this yummy cookie, Petcretary!


I am such a serious little dude...I guess I like to think about 'stuff'...

Benji missed his half of that yummy cookie, cause he had been busy barking the neighbour man who was tending to things in his own yard...oh, well, he will get it later:)

After all that birthday fun, it was time for an energetic romp.

Pipo was enjoying a nice nap...but well, *she* interrupted him, MOL!

Last Tuesday, it was once again Tuesday Teaser Day, over at Teddy's blog...

Petcretary was one of four first commenters, and she was also the first right commenter! Whooppee!!

So she got these badges to commemorate the honor(s):



On Thursday at the same blog, it was poetry day. (Another weekly feature)

 There are lots of other great poetical works there as well as Angel Sammy's, plus links to others...well worth a visit.

The photoprompt was this:

And this was the poem petcretary wrote for it:Tiny Chapel

Little Church on the roadside,
You look cold on the outside...
But as you stand there,
Steadily on the hillside;
You are lit up and warm on the inside!
Look at the glow of the morn,
Brightening the new day;
Which gives you hope,
That someone might come in to pray.
Little Church, don't feel forlorn;
You're a comforting refuge;
Though in size you are tiny;
The inner peace you convey is huge.
(I.R. 8/20/2020)

Thanks for all the fun at your blog, Teddy, and  Mom, Miss Pam! 

You should visit there if you don't already, its a ton of fun, each day something new, fun, inspiring or yummy!

In other news around here...unfurbro-the-younger turned 28 yesterday...but he was out of town saying thank you to a service man, and goodbye as the friend was being deployed. Thanks so much to all the heroes that still abound in our lives. So we will celebrate at a later date.

Benji seems to have gotten better, but now he is back to the here a poo, there a poo business, and I don't want to eat my regular food...and so on. Either he relapsed or got reinfecged, or the med was not compoletelyt to check with the vet man once again...sigh...however he can still dig withg the best of the diggers around here. 

We had the gas company here (Did I say intruders to be barked at...?), to replace the lines and the meters. Of course that meant digging large holes and trenches...sheesh, they should have asked Benji to help, BOL! After they refilled their efforts, and seeded the topsoil, well, lets just say there was a lot of red pepper and garlic powder used around here. And Benji thinks his new name is NO!

Pawppy had been back to work the first week of this month, and now since then he has been laid up with a bad back, there are two worn-out discs and he has severe pain, and cannot hardly move at times. He is to start PT as soon as they can arrange him to fit into the schedule, meanwhile he does recommended exercises at home, and is using a cane.

Always something...maybe if you all could please send some POTP, purrs and pawyers it would help some. (He does have plenty of time off banked up, so its not a problem that way, but the work things keep piling up their deadlines, etc...)

OK...time to visit all the other selfies this week!

Lets enjoy all the other selfies at The Kitties Blue who faithfully host this weekly feature, and we heartily thank them for that:)

Please add tons of purrs, POTP and pawyers for dear little Sawyer, who is having those nasty seizures again.


  1. Happy Birthday Dalton! It looks like you had lots of great pressies. We have our paws crossed for your dad and hope he feels better soon.

  2. Great selfies this week. Looks like Dalton had a really fun birthday!

  3. Happy birthday to Dalton! I'm sending LOTS of purrs to the male human.

  4. Sending lotsa POTP to your Pawppy! And I'm glad ya had a good birthday Dalton.

  5. happy happy birthday Dalton!!! I da phenny turn 4 next month too.... how is it to be 4? we send many potp and weimpower to your pawppy, of course... and a BIG hug

  6. Wow! Lots going on at your place! Happy birthday Dalton! That cookie looks yummy! Your Pawpy sounds just like mine: bad back and walking with a cane. Hope he can feel better soon.

  7. Dalton, we're glad you finally got to celebrate your birthday, and it looks like you knew which present was most important to deal with first! Hopefully you will get to have more goodies when your peeps brother comes home and celebrates his birthday, too. XOX Xena and Lucy

  8. dalton; glad ewe N bro hada grate day; we wish de same for benji N pawpy; when it rainz it pourz sew they say; even reedin bout yur dad soundz most pain full ~~~~~~ we R sorree N home de PT helpz him 10000000000000000000000000000 purrcent ♥♥♥

  9. Sorry I am so late, my power was out for 23 hours from a thunder storm. Happy Birthday Dalton! And to you unfurbro too! I will be praying for your pawpy. XO

  10. Very cute selfies ! The doggie seems to be a very friendly one and the cat is beautiful !

  11. Goodness! Dalton is 4 already!!?!? Happy Birthday Big Guy! Marvelous is 4 too! Yous looks terrific! And wes gotta say yous ALL looking pretty spiffy this week!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie

  12. Happy Birthday, Dalton! Please fur-give Us for being late! We hope you had a wonderful Celebration.

  13. Happy belated Birthday, Dalton ! We're glad you had a pawsome celebration ! Purrs

  14. Happy Birthday Dalton you big handsome doggie you
