Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Selfies August Nine, 2020

 Boring title...LOL!

Not a very exciting week here at Casa Meezer & Terrierists...but for some reason, we think that could be considered good, MOL/BOL!

 A lot of folks were in the regions affected by that nasty tropical storm/hurricane earlier this week. We did get some needed rain, but no bad weather. We hope all are safe and have their power back on if was disrupted. And we send comforting thoughts, purrs and aroos to those who lost loved ones.

Benji made another trip to see his vet, Dr Ben, we think it's neat that he sort of shares the same name...BOL!  

Anyways, he was still having no appetite and continued to make very loose yard of more like pudding than sausages...yes, we know, TMI, TMI!!!

Anyways Dr Ben found 'spirochetes' in the sample we brought along...but he said the Giardia was gone. He thinks Benji likely had those spirochetes all along but missed them the first time, due to the tiny sample he had then...well, whatever. So now he is on a different antibiotic to kill those nasty things. After three days he has more formed do-dos and his eating is somewhat better. Sometimes he doesn't want to eat at all, and sometimes he gobbles the whole thing up. Go figure. So if he won't eat, he gets some other food to tide him over till he gets his next regular meal, and mostly then he will eat. Sometimes he will only eat f we feed him a wee bit at a time...spoiled rotten pup!! BOL!

At least by doing that, he hasn't lost too much weight.

And he acts pretty normal, barking at any and all seen and unseen monsters and foraging, digging in the yard. Sure, I  am not sick...BOL!

This week, before he went to see Dr Ben, there was a big deaded bunny on the least not ripped apart like the previous one...and a big fat dead mole. Yuck! They are keeping a secret as to who snagged what varmint...

Dalton is as crazy as ever as regards to Pawppy, each morning (and evening), he is Pawppy's best friend, cause he is the food man, but when he picks up his briefcase to go to work...(Hooray, he was called back to his job!), he puts up his hackles barks and growls and tries to nip his ankles. Sheesh, what a messed up traumatized little pup he is. Will he ever get over that? He's soon going to be here three years...sigh...

Oh well, he is our little Dalton, and we will love him as long as he is here! Forever like:)

Pipo seems to be slowing down, though he comes a begging in the kitchen, pups or not, if he hears any container from the fridge being the yogurt ones. How can he differentiate between them?? Nothing amiss with his hearing, even at his senior age of 15 3/4 years. And he still 'rules' those hooligan pups with his fast whappy paws! MOL! They are scared of him - hah!  He is eating pretty good lately...not a lot, but enough. He does look rather every other day he gets that appetite stimulant. He gets blissed out with some of the nip that *she* brings in from the garden.

Ok, it wasn't such a boring week, afterall. MOL! BOL!

So here are the selfies you wanted to see...Pipo as usual is not very the zoom lens helps a bit, therefore they are rather grainy...

There has been a lot of sadness in Blogville recently. We didn't know some of them, but  our hearts  go out to all their families. We did know the sweet and precious Georgia from Mickey's Musings quite we made a memento card in her memory.

Georgia, from Mickey's Musings

We are joining the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, won't you join too?! Its hosted each week, by the ever faithful Kitties Blue, and we thank them so much for this fun weekly feature.


  1. Awww, those selfies are lovely! Paws crossed by age 5 Dalton will have settled to the routine with the staff leaving, MOL
    Stay well everyone, and/or get real better very soon.

  2. Pipo you are the sweetest cat. Go for it and keep those young pups in line eh? Maybe not such a quiet week.

  3. Great selfies! Hope you're feeling all better Benji.

  4. That's a great bunch of selfies! We hope Benji "hardens up" again soon!


  5. What a wonderful bunch of selfies. Oh, and the, umm, "pudding vs. sausages" thing was, umm, well...

  6. Yikes on the bunny and the mole.

    Great selfies.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Beautiful selfies this week.

    As for boring - well, boring is good! Isn't there a famous Chinese curse about wishing on someone that they may live in "interesting" times (mol)

  8. When a cat doesn't want to look, there isn't anything one can do to get them to look!

    1. No kidding!! Pipo follows this rule all the time...well almost!

  9. You all are looking great today. We have our paws crossed that you all get back to full health soon.

  10. When you mentioned the dead bunny wondering if Benji ate any of it. That's what happened to Lucy's BFF Ella. She recovered, but she almost died from something she got from eating a bunny that she and Achilles (Lucy's boyfriend) caught. She had to have surgery and antibiotics. Anyhow, it might be worth mentioning to the vet, Dr. Ben.

    1. Yup, he already got told. But there was no 'eat' evidence on least not that *she* could tell.
      He got tape worms last year when he dismembered one...sigh...

  11. Pipo we are so glad you are keeping those dog-guys in line. No worries about slowing down a little as that is the normal way of things and Buddy ruled till he was 20. Purrs for Benji to feel better and get those nasty parasites gone and Dalton, what can I say buddy. Chill

  12. Nope, not a boring week in the least!

  13. I am happy to hear that Benji is doing a bit better and purr that trend continues!
    You are all looking so good.
    Mum and I love the graphic you made for us remembering Georgia!!

  14. Great selfies this week! And we’re glad Benji is doing a bit better. We hope the new medicine helps him.

  15. Oh, that is good news Benji! Happy the dogtor figured out the should be your old self in no time! I love your selfies guys! You look like you are really enjoyin' yourselves!
    Ruby ♥

  16. we love your selfies!!!! and we send lots of potp to benji... and we know your dr. ben will find the right things what helps.

  17. sum canned kitten will put cal o reez on ye bonez.....trooth buddy, boomer eated it de last two yeerz oh hiz life; may bee 2x ore 3 timez a week....

    benji...dood...sorree we canna help ya with de wermz stuff; but may bee puppy chowz high in cal o reez two N it wooud help ??

    hope everee onez week a head iz grate; all bee happee healthee N safe & st francis' blessingz az well :) ♥♥☺☺

  18. We hope Benji feels better real soon. My GW is wondering why I have not been eating much of my doggie food lately. Maybe I'd better get checked by the vet too? Oh, and funny you should mention how Dalton acts when Dad goes to work. As soon as I see GW wearing her white work pants, I give her the cold shoulder because I know she'll be gone for the next 9 hours, and sometimes more. And, wow, you guys caught a bunny AND a mole??!!! Hooray for you! Say hello to Pipo from my kitty cat cousins, Maddie, Tibie, and Hanni. Stay safe, and keep cool!

  19. the selies are very nice hopefully Benji will be better son !

  20. Hi Guys! Poor Benji! The Hairy Slobbery before sisters, Bob and Sam got Giardia! Mom says it was not a fun time. We are happy that Benji is getting better and how funny that the Vet has the same name! We are happy to bes back!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Angel Nellie
