Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday Selfies A Day After A Happy Anniversary!

Yes, it was...Happy 33rd Anniversary to our pawrents! July 25, long before there even were kitties and doggies at the den, BOL/MOL!
The unfurbros came by and  took over the kitchen, they did not want to go out to a restaurant, even though they are open here, its still a hassle, with all the social distancing regulations, they stayed at their own comfy and safe home.
The unfurbros brought all the fixings to make a memorable steak dinner, YUM! Did we get any?? Nope...sheesh...we all tried though and Pipo even got bold and climbed on the table, MOL!

We did get our own dinners though, and treats, too.

It is still hot, muggy and very dry here, no rain at all this week...maybe later today. Maybe being the operative word. About 33C, 92F here, the same weather as 33 years ago. At least we are now blessed with AC...the church they got married in didn't have any, and the reception hall had it, but on account of the excessive heat it had conked out, just in time for us to have a sweaty celebration...oh well, they survived and here they are now:

Benji apologizes for moving....sitting still isn't always on his agenda,BOL!

Not sure what to call a five-some selfie portrait...a Cinqueie or a Quintie?? Maybe a Quintie-Ussie!

Benji isn't at 100% of himself as yet, as far as eating goes, but we are getting there, We think the meds he was given made him feel yucky so he wasn't interested in food...hopefully each day will get better. Now if only he would leave the yucky junky things alone, *she* even found some beheaded mushrooms, species unknown...but it looks like they were spat out, so she gathered them up and trashed them, phew!

Many of you know Virginia (#1) from The Poupounette...well, her neighbor's kitty passed away recently, so petcretary made them a memorial card in Basha's honor. can read about him, here, at The Poupounette.

We are in The Sunday Selfies Bloghop, a weekly fun feature, and we love it. The Kitties Blue host it each week, faithfully, and we thank them so much for keeping it up all these many weeks, months, even years!
You can join them by clicking below on the caption, to their logo.
The Kitties Blue are hosting the Weekly Sunday Selfies.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Its Sunday Selfie Time!

Yup, another week has flown by and now its Sunday once again!
We are in a heat wave, and the weather peeps have issued a  heat was still 84F when petcretary left her work at 1045pm. Yikes!
We need rain, too, badly...we did get some the other night, but it wasn't enough to revive the grass. Our black walnut tree is shedding a lot of the immature nuts and its leaves too. Those trees are messy at the best of times, but its got an early start:( Maybe that means there will be less big walnuts falling down later? Last fall they were like tennis balls, and they were in great abundance.)
Petcretary goes around with a watering can...well lots of them; to keep her patio plants and some other yard plants from dying of thirst, also several oak saplings.
The only thing growing well is weeds...well, of course!

About a week ago, Benji decided to stop eating like a vacuum cleaner, and he was only nibbling at his noms with encouragement...then on the weekend he stopped eating anything...unless hand fed, and then only small bits and pieces. Even his fave things were disdained.
He did eat a wee bit of baby-food meat, and some junk canned doggy food...cause eating junk is better than not eating in *her* opinion...and when we got to the vet he did agree. The vet found Giardia in his now he is on medication to eradicate that...and some meds to relive nausea...and pumpkin for the runs he was having....well, he is eating about 1/2 of his regular food now, so that is a good thing. He likely picked this bad stuff up in the back woods where he likes to dig and rummage around...he puts everything in his mouth...and who knows what he gulps down. Sheesh.
Dalton follows him around a lot, and often mimics his behaviors, but he seems to have better discernment about what to stick his schnooter in, or what to gobble up.
Never a dull moment around here.

Pipo is holding his own, he eats fairly well, and love to taunt the hooligans from the dining room table or the window. They all like to watch the critter channel:)

Dalton was having fun outside earlier, he treed a squirrel, and then sat there in the shade watching that rodent...who started down the trunk...and came a wee bit closer and closer in increments...he surely was not aware that Dalton would have been able to maybe get at least the tip of his tail, he can out run a squirrel; he never gets one, because they hear his tags so they run off with a head start. BOL! Anyways, petcretary was watching from inside wondering how stupid that rodent might get to be...but then pawppy came home and his car spooked the squirrel right back up the tree and from there he jumped to the neighbor's tree and got away. No part 2-sequel as yet...

A discovery from Pipo's past!  ca Dec2013 (Sometimes looking through one's archives reveals buried treasures!)

This is what I, Dalton,  thought about not getting all the special noms that Benji was getting...

I, Benji, wasn't feeling too good this past week...

This past Tuesday, Petcretary was playing the Tuesday Teaser at Teddy's blog, Two Spoiled Cats.
She was thrilled to be one of two first commenters, there, she has never been able to get there early enough! She did it this time though! Yippee!
And then she managed to also be the first one to guess where the image had been she was a double winner! We congratulated her with dancing and kissies; woofs and purrs!
Here are the badges she earned for those efforts:

Alas, we had to once again make memorial/memento cards for some of our furends.

Mina, from Manxmnews

Mau(Mauricio) from The Cat On My Head

We are in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, as always hosted by the Kitties Blue...and even while in deep sadness they didn't want to not have the we thank them mightily and send them much sympathy and big hugs...

Saturday, July 18, 2020

In Loving Memory of Mau (Mauricio)

Mau, from the Kitties Blue, at The Cat On My Head, has flown off to the realms of Kitty Heaven. You can click on this link here, to visit his family.
The Kitties Blue are famous for many things, but The Sunday Selfies is a feature they host each week, faithfully and diligently.
We thank them for this hard work, and we know it will be bittersweet to keep on keeping on for all of them at this difficult time.
Fly freely, Mau, maybe you will be the RB's Chief Cake Baker!

Purrs and love and many hugs.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Flashbacks & A Strange Guest!

This big yellowish moth was on a rather dirty part of our siding a few days was quite large. I think is is a female Imperial Moth, or perhaps a Lace Border Moth. It left before telling me his/her name, LOL!
Does anyone else have any idea who this moth might be?? First time I have seen one.

Since it was All American Pet Photo Day, the other day, and since *she* has not had much time to make pics/selfies of us three, (hence the guest...), we agreed to let our Angels MrJackFreckles and Minko do a flashback of some of petcretary's fave pics of them...being all American!

Even when serious, MJF was a cutie!

Minko was quite the 'poser'...
Then she found some cute 'ussies'...

That must have been some joke!

(Flashback), Pipo says he is all American too:)

If you're done with all the yard art chores, can we go for a walk now??
 (FYI: This weeks selfies and ussies are all flashbacks except the one of Dalton & Benji.)

This has been a very sad time for a well known and loved blogging family.
Caren from (Cat Chat and Dakota's Den), and her husband Lenny, had to say goodbye, till we meet again, to their beloved Dakota...less than 2 weeks after Cody had to go to the RB.
Their grief and emptiness must be unbearable, unthinkable to loose both your beloved furbabies in short order.
We extend our sincere sympathy to them at this difficult time.
(Caren also has a FB page, Here.)
We made some memento cards for them...


Dakota and Cody, Together Forever.

This was the card we had sent to them earlier for Cody.

You can join the Sunday Selfies blog hop by clicking this caption; the hosts are The Kitties Blue who kindly host this fun feature each week...Thanks so much, we love it!

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Celebratory Selfies

Last week there were two important holidays that we celebrated...

Independence Day (Here)
Canada Day. (Here)

We made some selfies that didn't make it into our pics that we posted there...or that we might have used, who knows...well there were some selfies, that is what counts, so without further ado, here they are...of course it will be pretty obvious which holiday we are depicting...MOL/BOL!

Sorry we have a LONG post this festive weekend!

Petcretary was working on The Fourth, and she ended up working rather later than she missed the big fireworks that the peeps who live across the street put on....they have a large property with a huge field, and the company one of them works for each year provides the doings for a company picnic along with fireworks...professionally done. The are actually quite 'pawsome' when she has seen them...on her way home from work several places were having fireworks, the air was all smokey and hazy. Pawppy said we didn't have too bad reactions to all the boom boom banging, though Benji seems a wee bit 'needier'.

Soon enough all the fireworks will be put aside till next year...and it should be peaceful once again in our little neck of the woods.

Sadly in the past week some beloved kitties earned wings and flew off  to the Rainbow Bridge...
Cody's Blog is here at Cat Chat.

Dot is here at Dash Kitten

We are hopping along in the weekly Sunday Selfie feature, as always faithfully hosted by The Kitties Blue...we appreciate them and love this blog hop!