Sunday, July 15, 2018

Selfie Socks!! ~ Oh, And Of Course Other Good Things To See!

Our petcretary is going cuckoo we think...she was wearing Pipo on her feet! Can you believe it?? MOL/BOL!
She wanted to show off Pipo in a unique way, seeing as he wasn't too interested in making a 'real' selfie...
I was trying to take a sunpuddle nap, when...

Petcretary came around with her camera...sheesh, great idea: *not*.
So then she said , OK, I have an idea!

Kitties Blue...

For letting petcretary...
Win some fun socks!
So does that count as a selfie substitution? You be the judge.
But...thank you, Kitties Blue, for having your sock giveaway. Petcretary won a pair and she got them last week:)
So of course they had to be worn to show them off!
Well, then, I guess I will do a selfie to please you, since you were modeling me! I think the real thing is better though, MOL!!
 Dalton didn't seem impressed with that sock-y affair either, MOL/BOL!
Whatcha doing petcretary? I want you to play with me...

Sheesh, she's wearing socks with *that Pipo* on them...sigh...
Then she went outside to tend her plants and garden. Well at least that is normal...bwahahaha!
Well, some of her plants decided *they* were going to do selfies too, tee-hee. Of course they are not from the animal world, but they enhance it and some even help to feed us. So that is why they wanted to come here into the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop!

Not a daisy, nor a black eyed susan, not sure what this is, it grew up without being *planted* and it returns each year.

Purple Cone Flower

Yellow Dahlia
White Dahlia
Another unknown pretty perennial.

When Hostas like where thye are, they like to BLOOM!

Bee Balm

Another variety of balm.
Sweet pea
Cherry Tomatoes!

We have been enjoying these for about a week, now. YUM!
We made some cards, too:
Timmy is having his birthday today!! Lets Pawrty!
Simba will be missed by many.
We are hopping in the long lineup of 'Sunday Selfie Pawticipawnts'! The host is Kitties Blue.


  1. Your cards are lovely, every time!

    How about those SOCKS!! WooHooo aren't you cool as the Kitties Blue!!!

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  2. Aww, that is a wonderful array of blooms and food there, I bet the wildlife likes it too. Great socks, and prize, though we do think seeing Pipo and Dalton in the flesh rather than against it is more fun, MOL
    Toodle pips and sock selfie purrs

  3. Thanks for stopping by! I need to comment myself to get the comments to come to my inbox...the things we have to do, MOL!!

  4. Those were some fabulous selfies Pipo and Dalton. WE loved all the beautiful flowers too.

  5. Super selfies and flowers. We won a pair of socks too!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. Congrats on winning those cool socks! Great selfies from you both. And beautiful flowers, I love the clematis. And the bee balm and the dahlias are great too. XO

  7. Those socks are great! Our mom won a pair too but hasn’t ordered them yet. Beautiful flowers!

  8. Lovely photos and flowers! Those sock look great too though too hot to wear them now (here it is).

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. guyz……yur cardz R troo lee awesum; petcretarryz sox bee troo lee awesum, yur selfeez bee troo lee awesum N yur flowerz iz bee yond troo lee awesum…..all we got heer iz fried ~~~~~~~


  10. Socks with your image on them?! Now that's grr-eat marketing! May your furr-iend, Simba, rest in peace in the clouds. Sending warm hugs.

  11. I LOVE the flower selfies! But Pippo you da MAN! And to be on socks! WOW! And Dalton, My Mom says that you are cute nough to eat up! Sheesh!
