Sunday, July 29, 2018

Garden Disaster Selfies ~ and...Thirtyone Years!!

Saturday, when petcretary went outside to water her patio pots, a daily chore; she thought something was amiss...'Wow', she yelled, two of her three railing planters had keeled over by the sheer weight of the prolific coleus growing in them...and those two were in the little pet memorial plot. What a mess:(
Yikes! You can't even see our Angel's stones and memorials.The gazing ball escaped, Phew!
At least she said, my little statues while covered in soil and leaves are not broken or damaged even. Must have been angels watching over her angels:)
And the gazing ball narrowly missed the impact altogether! Phew.
So she somehow got those planters out of there, without further damages...and set them on the patio.
The plants had been dislodged from the impact, and most of them had broken or crushed stems. So out came the clippers and surgery was performed on they look like the tiny plants they were early in the spring when they were first potted...sigh...She put the broken ones in pails of water, maybe they will take root and then they can go in some shady area of the garden for the remaining summertime. they had even sent up flower stalks; they were so happy where they had been. Oh least it wasn't as bad as it might have been:)
Dalton was busy too...doing his own kind of surgical work, with disastrous results! BOL!
Snowstorm in the summertime, BOL!

A deaded stuffie...

Was Dalton going to bury his surgical remains?
I am a good boy, right??
I think I might have been busted!

My Selfie with my Stuffie...deaded or not, I still want to play with it!
 While all that was going on, I, Pipo was enjoying a good nap! Yes!! Love my beauty sleeps:)

She woke me up...and got my eyes opened but the light was poor and her zoom lens is not the I still won, MOL!
Last Wednesday, July 25th, was the 31st Wedding Anniversary of Petcretary & Pawppy!
Concats and condogulations to our pawrents!!
She has not evfur scanned the wedding pictures she has...oops! So here is the picture to mark the day of happiness this year:

Petcretary & Pawppy ~ July, 2018

We helped petcretary make a couple of cards:
Marv had a garden pawrty at his den...and here he is after too many nipitinis, MOL! He wants to catch the birds, but the mice are going to eat his cake...

Neilson (DaNelly), had his first birthday! Imagine that! He will have fun popping all those balloons...and DaPhenny will be sure to help him, BOL!
We are hopping in the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted each week by The Kitties Blue. Thanks so much!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Time For Sunday Selfies!

Wow, how time goes by quickly and its Sunday once again; which of course means its time for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop.
OK then...
I, Pipo was enjoying a wonderful nap in  a sunpuddle, when petcretary came along to make beautiful portraits of myself...well...hey, maybe another day, OK?
I detect some interruptions coming...

Do you want something, Petcretary?

If you need a selfie, it will have to be this sleepy one, OK?
Hey, I see some intruder in my yard!

Phew, she I can go back to my sunpuddle napping. See ya'll!
So Dalton, was he more awake and active? You bet!!
It was hot, so petcretary took off my collar for a while...

You want a selfie, too?

Here it is then, BOL!
We made some cards, too.
Kinley & Brinley had their Gotcha Day!

Gracie decided it was time to go and be with her beloved Alex, so she became an angel.

We are hopping along with all the others in the Sunday Selfies, hosted by The Kitties Blue.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Selfie Socks!! ~ Oh, And Of Course Other Good Things To See!

Our petcretary is going cuckoo we think...she was wearing Pipo on her feet! Can you believe it?? MOL/BOL!
She wanted to show off Pipo in a unique way, seeing as he wasn't too interested in making a 'real' selfie...
I was trying to take a sunpuddle nap, when...

Petcretary came around with her camera...sheesh, great idea: *not*.
So then she said , OK, I have an idea!

Kitties Blue...

For letting petcretary...
Win some fun socks!
So does that count as a selfie substitution? You be the judge.
But...thank you, Kitties Blue, for having your sock giveaway. Petcretary won a pair and she got them last week:)
So of course they had to be worn to show them off!
Well, then, I guess I will do a selfie to please you, since you were modeling me! I think the real thing is better though, MOL!!
 Dalton didn't seem impressed with that sock-y affair either, MOL/BOL!
Whatcha doing petcretary? I want you to play with me...

Sheesh, she's wearing socks with *that Pipo* on them...sigh...
Then she went outside to tend her plants and garden. Well at least that is normal...bwahahaha!
Well, some of her plants decided *they* were going to do selfies too, tee-hee. Of course they are not from the animal world, but they enhance it and some even help to feed us. So that is why they wanted to come here into the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop!

Not a daisy, nor a black eyed susan, not sure what this is, it grew up without being *planted* and it returns each year.

Purple Cone Flower

Yellow Dahlia
White Dahlia
Another unknown pretty perennial.

When Hostas like where thye are, they like to BLOOM!

Bee Balm

Another variety of balm.
Sweet pea
Cherry Tomatoes!

We have been enjoying these for about a week, now. YUM!
We made some cards, too:
Timmy is having his birthday today!! Lets Pawrty!
Simba will be missed by many.
We are hopping in the long lineup of 'Sunday Selfie Pawticipawnts'! The host is Kitties Blue.