Sunday, June 25, 2017

A Sunday Of Remembering With Selfies

Today we are grateful to our many furends who have come by to render their condolences and sympathy on the sudden, unexpected graduation to the heavenly realms of our dear brofur, Minko.
So here is a selfie made in March, 2011.
Angel Minko being rather haughty...or maybe regal? (March, 2011)
Angel Minko 'came home' a few days ago. He has a beautiful little wooden box. When petcretary gets it together, she will make a special spot to display this along with the many cards she has received.
She thanks all of our blogging friends for all the ongoing support.

This was intended as a Mother's Day picture. (March, 2011)

Dressed up for Mother's Day, 2011

Minko knew how to be silly...and this picture is not at the wrong angle, MOL!
This weeks Sunday Selfie Blog Hop has kindly been dedicated to Angel Minko and another recent angel, Bilbo, from the DB Boys.

So here once again are the mementos for them:
Minko was a fluffy kitten who grew up to a handsome mancat...

Angel Bilbo from the DB Boys

And yet another beloved blogging pal has received the gift of Angel wings. Bailey from Idaho Pug Ranch. Hugs and much sympathy to his family at this time.
Angel Bailey ~  Click here to visit his family.
We are hopping along with The Cat On My Head, the hosts of Sunday Selfies

Monday, June 19, 2017

Father's Day, 2017 ~ This Day Will Be Upon Our Hearts Forever

This is not the post that was going to be here...yes, it is Father's Day.
Thank You Pawppy. We all love you furry much.
And...Earlier this week Pawppy had a birthday. Happy Belated Birthday pawppy!

But today is a furry sad day for both Pawppy and petcretary. There are tears and more tears. Even the sky is shedding them here.

This is why there are heavy hearts here today. Unexpected things do happen, and they nevfur occur at opportune times, do they? Sob.

Last night, I, Minko,  was drooling a lot as petcretary was feeding me...the same way she has done for going on three years, now...because I wasn't able to eat by myself anymore. Sometimes I would drool if I wasn't feeling hungry enough, so she did not think anything of it. Later I upchucked the whole lot. UGH. Still, she did not worry too much because I have done that before, too. She thought she would just try again in the early morning, instead of noon, since she mostly fed me at noon and midnight, so it would work with her work schedules. Anypaws when she got up at 630am, I was laying on the floor. All wet and dirty too. Oh dear. I was crying loudly when she touched me. Then she realized my pupils were widely dilated. I was blind. And when I tried to get up, I could hardly do that...and I staggered into the corner. She picked me up and cleaned me up with love and tears. Then she laid me in a soft towel lined kitty bed. After her shower, she found me exactly as she had left me, and I was panting too. She knew. Pawppy knew. Pipo came and sniffed me and walked away...he knew too. Dog-guy came by, my furend, he too tried to sniff me, but I in my confused sightless state was only aware of his presence...but sorry dude, I hissed you. Pawlease furgive me.

So...petcretary put me in my fave box, which was lined with a blanket and some soft towels, and I went to Kitty Heaven that way.
The Rainbow Bridge is a lovely spot, catnip evfurry where, lots of pretty butterflies to chase, and best of all, plenty of Angel furs to romp with all the day long.
I was met at the RB Gates by my own Angel Furblings, Groucho, Simba, Toki and Suki. I knew Suki, but it was a first time joyous meetup with the other three. My doggy cousins were there too; and a whole lot of furends. How fun to be with them all now...
What a place of beauty and peace and love.
I even have discovered the window to spy upon the earth, so that I can keep an eye on my furmily whom I left there. I know they miss me a lot; a WHOLE LOT.

Thanks so much for all the furendships here; I will miss you too...but you know...I am always in the heart(s) of those who knew me and loved me.
I will be loved and cherished there forever.


We are joined to the Sunday Selfies blog-hop, Hosted by The Cat On My Head

We made these badges/ mementos this week for some other furs...

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Looking Back Selfies: Happy Gotcha Day, Mr Jack Freckles

I am glad I was 'gotted' by my furmily! This image is a relative of last weeks post for hug Your Cat Day...well I get hugs too, so there!! BOL!

 June 10, 2002...that was my Gotcha Day!
I was a wee thing, weighing in at 2 1/2 pounds...OMD, BOL!
I was actually a present from petcretary to my boss-boy for his 12th birthday...a few months early so that he would have the whole summer to help me learn all about being a puppy and a good boy. And wow, that was 15 years ago!! For some reason there are not too many pictures of me with boss boy...go figure! And the ones there are, are not digitized...

Some gift pictures:
From a  Dogster/Catster Club

From Cooper and his furmily...of Dogster Fame.

See, SWTS, I do get hugs! And I give kisses! BOL!!
Also, later this week it will be pawppy's birthday! I wonder if there will be cake? Maybe some paleo cake...blech for me I say, BOL! Pawppy just doesn't eat sugary things helps to keep off the over 150 pounds he lost over the past few years. I think: then its OK for him not to have 'real' cake...I want pawppy to stay healthy forever!

We are hopping along with the Cat On My Head Who Host the Sunday Selfies, each week.


Sammy from Meezer Tails shares his Birthday with my Gotcha day...Petcretary sent him this card from me and my meezer brofurs:

And earlier this week, we learned that yet another kitty graduated to the heavenly realms:

Biscuit, whom we got to know from a post in Jan's Funny Farm (HERE and HERE), but he didn't have his own blog. Anypaws we made this for his Mom:
This is The Story of Biscuit.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Sort Of Selfie Hug Your Cat Day

Today is Hug Your Cat Day. Its also Sunday which means its Selfie blog hopping time.

We must say we are sorry we haven't been able to comment back on your kind comments in our own postings. Petcretary says its impawrtant to comment in other blogs, then when we are done with those, the clock has gone ahead and time is run out cause her bed or work calls...and we are behind even in visiting your blogs...sigh...well, we do what we can when we can. We have *not* forgotten you at all.

So without further are the hugs, just for you!
And us, too,  of course:)

Minko was struggling a bit...

So he is hanging in this hug!

Sure can be hard to get two kitties to look in the same direction as the third pawrty, MOL!

MJF came to check in on the hugging action, but alas he had to wait, cause the arms were full...and Minko still was looking for an escape route. Funny how these two try to sneak outside via the doggy door, but when petcretary takes them outside they have a conniption, MOL! (Pipo is mrouwing something to MJF...)
When the photo session was done, petcretary put Pipo & Minko on the grass and they couldn't get back inside fast enough, MOL! (Don't worry, they get flea/tick/heartworm treatments...)

This blog hop is dedicated to the memory of Dusty from:

Dusty recently graduated to the heavenly realm of angel kitties.
We're hopping this Sunday along with The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this regular feature.