Marv's Mom Barb made this fur us! |
Ans she made this one too. Thanks Miss Barb and to you, also, Marv, for helping her:) |
This is our card for all of you. If perhaps you were overlooked, furgive us and snag it now! |
Now the moment you were waiting for: All the cards we have received and are grateful for, from you our furends! These cards are in no particular order, and there were a few I could not get to post no matter how hard I tried to manipulate them:(
And of course there were all kinds of cards that came in the mail, thanks so much for those, but we don't have any good way to show those here.....now if petcretary had a scanner at home...pawppy can you still get a purrsent fur us? BOL/MOL!)
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Happy Boxing Day too, MOL!
Pogo from Dogster |
From Pam...from Dogster. Sorry I couldn't get this to be properly situated, LOL! |
From another Dogster/Catster furmily |