Monday, August 15, 2016

Selfies!! Blog Hopping Selfies!

We are going to join the blog hop for selfies no matter how busy the petcretary is. We have pestered her all day to get at it, MOL! BOL!

Somehow she can't even find the time to keep up with all the many blogs. Right now there seem to be about 200 unread ones, yikes! She did answer a bunch in succession, but she'll never get done that way. This past week, evfurry time she had a day off, she had appointments, lunch with friends and a million and one errands. Saturday her and pawppy were gone all day long, they helped unfurbro-the-younger move from his schooldays apartment, where he had been for about 4 or 5 years, from his undergraduate days till completing his Master's Degree. (He moved to another city, where his new job is, about 70miles from the old apt.) So another day of no blogs.
Today she got up at 630am, and after getting ready and doing some dinner preps they left for church, got back ate dinner, and after a couple hours they left again. Got back about 8 pm and then after supper there sure isn't a ton of time left for blogs has nothing to do with saving our pages that task is long done, at least.
We missed some things like special days and such...pawlease furgive us. And we have not furgotten any of you we are just slowpokes, well the petcretary is.
She has to spend time outside watering all of the patio pots too. And her job, and other household least she finds the time to feed all of us, MOL/BOL!

Anypaws, eventually she will read the blogs, and comment on the newest ones, to sort of get a fresh start. So there might be some random comments here and there before we get to the newest ones is the petcretary thinks a comment is needed.

Pawlease bear with us in the meantime.

Oh yes, we got a lot of rain on Friday night. About 1 3/4 inches! But some peeps had way more, and even there were flood warnings for some areas in our state. We can say the rain came just in time before everything was shriveled up. Now the grass is mostly green, now we have to do the lawn mowing chores too...tee-hee. No rest for the wicked... Is the petcretary wicked?? We think not, MOL/BOL!

I'm glad there is shade from the hot sun around here, and that the grass is green again.

Pipo was not too interested in selfies today...

Minko thought he was being robbed of a nice nap...

We hope that eventually there will be better selfies!

Well, there would be if the petcretary helped us dig out some old ones to recycle!!

We are joined to the weekly Selfie Blog Hop, Hosted by The Cat On My Head


  1. Guys, we think your selfies are fab!!!!

    We know what mew mean about trying to catch up with effurypurdys blogs, it's a full time job. We're putting the P.A. on the night-shift, morning-shift and day-shift with absolutely no offur-time pay! MOL


    Basil & Co xox

  2. We think they're great selfies!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  3. doodz...yur selfeez iz awesum...N trust uz....we noe all bout de hoomanz N ther bizzee nezz
    ...we R glad ta lurn ya getted sum rain N hope noe one getz flooded ~~~~ we haz sum two final lee sew itz time ta seerch for fishin wermz !!!!!!!! haza grate week a head ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. Hi, Tabbies!

      Its still raining! Wow!
      There will be worms, OMC...

      and yup, the petcretary is still busy...she is at work right now. Gotta go; seeya!

  4. We know what ya mean bout BIZEE - our mommas has been crazy bizee dis lastest week too.

    1. Hi, Kinley! Being too busy stinks we say...cause it means we get less attention too:(

      (unless we are the cause of the business...BOL!)

  5. We used ta visit over 150 blogs. But we couldn't keep it up, so TBT limited us to 100. It was hard ta choose. But some stopped over the years and we are at about 80 now. Thats about all we can manage. But we also always look a new visitors and sometimes add them to our regular Feedly list...

    Be sure ta come ta my 6th Birfday Pawty tomorrow 16th! It may be our best yet... ~ MARLEY

  6. Mr Jack Freckles we have had the heavy rains also but it has not green up our parched brown grass. Sometimes those petcretary just don't know prioritization but then again Lee keeps telling me the world does not revolve around me! What is wrong with Lee? The world is my oyster.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  7. Cute selfies. I am sorry I am so late. I signed up to get new posts in my email and never got this :( It sounds like your folks are very busy. XO

  8. We know what it's like to be busy like that! My ghostwriter has been busy too. After working way too many hours, she has four days off. But guess what she did yesterday instead of resting? Spent two hours at the dentist! Blah! Today she went to the chiropractor, but she likes going there. Hopefully the next two days will be restful. I hope you're doing OK, Mr. Jack Freckles, and kitty cats, and Mom too! I appreciate all your comments over at our bloggie!

  9. Mistur Jack an Pipo an Mino mee sorry mee so late to visit youss'! Same here. Mee LadyMum so-o busy with Feral kat group an appointmintss an BuudhaKat onlee knows what!!! Shee helped mee post mee Sunday selfie an gotted busy an nevurr let mee go visit mee furendss.....
    Mistur Jack you look reel relaxed inn yur selfie an Pipo an Minko yur both lookin mitey fine...
    Hope to see you this Sunday (on Sunday even!)
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  10. TELL MOM NOT TO STRESS WE ARE A WEEK BEHIND!! (Sorry to be late for last week's Sunday Selfie - you can tell we don't give up easily!)
