Well, it's been quite a week around here.
We have had lots of snow, some sleet, and even a day of fog. The temps were in yo-yo mode too...last night it was in the single fahrenheit digits, the later it was just above freezing...and we got more snow.
The birds have been gorging themselves ob the various kinds of food we offer them, Us pups think petcretary is nuts when she bangs on the windows and waves hr arms around to shoo away the starlings, who hog all he feeders and empty them in a blink.Those big rascally birds also intimidate the smaller songbirds and even the woodpeckers. They leave for a while in the late summer, but they sure have arrived early this year. Friday in bitter cold, she saw a wren, and a redbreasted nuthatch, they are not seen here too often...they must have come out of the woods to find food.
Last weekend when petcretary came home from her work, the water softener decided to go on the fritz and it flooded our cellar. She was able to shut it off, and the 'fixit' man came on Wednesday, and got it shipshape again...us pups were not happy with the intrusion of our terrier-tory, BOL!
Pawppy tried to get himself a plate out of the cupboard...and oops, all the pyrex pudding cups careened to the floor and shattered into a million bits and shards of glass. Yikes. We pups had to be corralled and taken away from the danger zone, we were not even allowed to snoopervise the cleanup operation. Just today, petcretary picked up two more bits...
Monday, petcretary went outside to put salt and sand on the slippery walkway...when before she even could realize what happened, she slipped and came down hard. OUCH! Sheesh, while trying to keep pawppy safe, from falls, she did it herself.
So off to the ER she went...and yes indeed, she broke her wrist. Now there is this big splint/cast on her left arm...and will be for at least 6 weeks or so. Which means she can't work...
And then of course we got a big dump of snow...well Pawppy can't use the shovel very well, and 'she' certainly can't with only one arm to use...so pawppy got out the huge snow thrower...but it would not start...at all..
On account of the bad weather they had to reschedule their dinner out for Valentin's Day...hopefully the next reservation will work out.
Saturday, us pups started barking like madmen...and petcretary looked out the window to see why, and lo and behold, someone was plowing out our driveway! Oh Thank You!
It was a neighbor from a few doors down, and he also got the snowthrower to work, and cleaned up all the walkways, too! Wow, What a blessing to have nice/good neighbors! But...we are expecting more snow overnight through till late in the day, we want this snow machine to quit!! Hopefully it won't be too bad...
Anyways, here are some pics from our Valentine's Day photo session, taken before petcretary fell...