Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowtime! Camera Playtime...or what happens on cold snowy evenings!

We've had a fair bit of snow over the past week, though a lot less than the folks in some of the southern states. We pups and our peeps are not complaining, BOL!
Petcretary, I'm glad you are home, I was hoping you could clean away all this snow.

It may be snowy, but we are still enjoying our through the fence games with Rose.

Later that evening Benji took over my usual nesting spot, and barely left  any room for me...sheesh!

Then pectretary started to play with some of the settings on he iPhone camera...this is a portrait mode and she played with the light and the depth of field...but I just wasn't very amused, BOL!!

This is another portrait mode, with different settings than used for Dalton.Ho hum I was bored...BOL!

Both taken in the natural lamp light without use of flash! Benji was focused on his right eye, Dalton was focused between his eyes. I was amazed how the camera 'enhanced' Benji's white /grey furs on his schnooter!

I, Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday 'geography class', and also a right guesser, though not first!I got these to badges for my efforts:

We are joining up with the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Newest Angels

 Not too many words, other than to say these are two new angels, only sadness, not words. What a way to start of 2025...Huge hugs to their families.

Zsofia from White Dog Diary Online

Amber, from Daily Feline Wisdom
If any of you have email addy's for these new angels would yu please inform them that these mementos are here and they should feel free to snag them and use in any way they wish. Please visit their blogs too, if you haven't already done so, I know it will be appreciated.

Wordless Wednesday is HERE

Sunday, January 5, 2025

The First Sunday Selfie Post Of 2025!

 Well, we are now 5 days old, in this new year, 2025. So far its been a roller coaster.

There was a terrible accident on New Year's Eve on the highway we use to go to church...and yesterday at work, I found out that the only occupant in that single car accident was killed...dead at the scene. She was thrown out of the vehicle after it hit the median, and then crossed the traffic lanes and into a ditch where she was a lady who was a Physician's Assistant, (PA), who was a frequent 'visitor' to help manage the care of all of our residents. She was well liked, pleasant, and always eager to help with the medical issues as they popped up. At only 37 years, she leaves behind her husband, and three young children, 4, 7 and 11. I have meet the older two girls as she would sometimes bring them with her if she needed to be there on a weekend. I didn't ever meet the little boy. Such a waste and so very sad.

The we found out that Marg E from Marg's Animals also recently passed away. You can read about it here,  and HERE. A huge loss for Blogville.

Not a very happy start for Happy New Year...

And our weather is in crazy mode. We have had ice and snow and very cold conditions, but we are thankful we are not in the path of the storm known as Blair, though we might see the results of the edges of that system. We pray all our friends will be safe if they are in the path of that storm, it sounds like a whopper. It's 14F here, right now, and windy..with some lake effect snow. We know its winter, but...Brrrr!

Petcretary did some fooling around with an AI image generator, and put in our breeds for Christmas, and for New Year's...and she got these...not too terrible but still...not us either, BOL!!!

OK, here are OUR selfies for the new year...lets hope and pawray that the remaining days will be nicer in so many ways.  Tell your family members that you love just never know...

We've joined the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop, hosted by the wonderful Cat On My Head!! Thanks, Kitties Blue!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year To All!!

It might be Wordless Wednesday, but we have a lot to say...

Happy New Year to all our blogging buddies, be they canine, feline or human!! We sure hope, along with pertcretary, that 2025 will be a great year for all of us.

Petcretary thanks all who sent us cards, by the snail mail method or the email way. We loved them all.

We apologise for not sending out individual responses, this year *she* has been way too busy with all kinds of stuff...and we also apologise for not visiting a lot of our friends; the one with the thumbs and typing skills says she was working, attending meetings or other stuff,such as shoveling snow...and the memento cards she made seemed to come im waves lately. she spent hours making them, so that means us pups and our visiting times get put on the back burner. 

Maybe there won't be as many of those kind of things needed in 2025...we sure hope that maybe there will be so few that her skills will dwindle, as if...

Our unfurbros are here to help,and we saw the 'bubbly' come out just in time for the countdown! All we got was a teeny bit of cheese, BOL!

Now all the calendars here need to be changed into new ones...and all the appointments, etc, need to be penciled in. Hope the ones that say vet are far in the future, BOL!

Anyways here are the greetings she made for us in a hurry tonight as she awaited the turnover from 2024 to 2025!

Sunday, December 29, 2024

We Went Batty On Boxing Day

 Boxing Day was quiet around here, until it was late at night...suddenly us pups were acting weird, almost spooked! Then petcretary saw something fly by...wait, what???!!! OMD!! A UFO??? Nope, it was a BAT! YIKES! How a bat got in here is anyone's guess. So petcretary got a big bath towel, and convinced the bat to get into the stairs area and up it went, so she cornered it on the landing, and got the towel around it and took it outside...and us pups were trying to get at the chattering blue 'parcel' *she* was carrying...we went outside too, to see if we could have at it there, but it flew away in a hurry. The weather was in the 40's so the bats may be confused about what time of the year it is. Not sure. We have lots of bats flying around our property in the summertime, but to have one inside is not usual at all! So after peace was restored in our den...and petcretary was back at her desk...we went to our doggy beds, but not for long...because...believe it or not, their was another bat in here!!!

Good Grief!!

This time *she* had he presence of mind to get her phone camera out...before doing the towel capture and release procedure all over again! Thankfully after that we have not seen any others! Phew! And 
*she* hopes to not ever have to trap a bat inside here again!

These little critters make a chittering sound when they were caught in the towel...they must have been angry at petcretary or very scared. At least she didn't see any bat droppings...but while she was wielding her towel she tripped over her own feet, and knocked down one of our Christmas trees which stands on a side table, but at least it didn't break, nor did *she* hurt herself. Too bad we didn't have our own cameras to take pictures of *that* pandemonium!! BOL!

We actually like the bats. (outside, mind you!), because they pollinate plants, and they get rid of a lot of insect pests, esp mosquitoes!

For our Christmas gifts we got treat puzzles. To help exercise our minds, presumably! so now we have to 'hunt' for our treats...we are still in the learning process of how to open all the little doors or slide them to unlock the treats.

This is the tree that got knocked over...and *not* by the bat!

This bat when the wings are folded is very small, only a wee bit bigger than a mouse, but when the wings are in use, the span is amazingly large!

Poor bat was panicking and seemed disoriented.

Wonder what Jeremiah thought of this bat, BOL!
What a disturbance of my naptime!

Well, it was funny to see petcretary trying to catch that bat, but I guess it would be best to not have to do it again, ever!

Saturday, December 28, 2024

It's Benji's Gotcha Day!

 Woofs to all!!

Way back in 2018, I was in a local shelter in Michigan, after having traveled all the way there from Texas! Imagine that! I was about 6 months old when that happened...but I don't know much else, except that a lady came to see me and later she brought a big man to see me too...and soon a little doggy came too, he and I played together. Then some papers were filled out, and the lady put some other greenish papers on top of them and then my leash got handed to this lady and the man...and I got into a big van, along with the smaller doggy...who I was told was going to be my big brother, even though I was bigger than him, BOL!! We drove for what seemed like a LONG time, and then I was let out of that van, and went into a big house...where there were two other menfolk and a CAT! Yikes!! Well, I sniffed everything I could reach, and went outside in their huge yard...everyone told me that I was here in this new environment to STAY, forever...well at least for the rest of all my days!

And here I am all these years little big brother loves me and we have lots of fun together, well, most of the time...sometimes we decide to have a tiff, but mostly they don't last long and we're good buddies again,. BOL!

That kitty scared me, he didn't like me at all...(Pipo), but the lady who is my petcretary now, told me to be nice to him since he was an old dude and was sick a lot...even though he would whap me if I strayed too close to where he was, even if I didn't even pay him any attention...sheesh! Oh well, sometimes if I was resting he would come up to me and carefully sniff me...sadly he passed away when I had been in my new home for less than 2 years...I sort of miss him...and I know petcretary does, too.

Anyways that's my Gotcha Day tale...and it made for a great almost Christmas present for me, and a very Happy New Year that year, and I get to commemorate that every year again!

So here's to me on my Gotcha Day!! And I hope for a lot more of them, too!

Me in my Gotcha Day party hat!
My first selfie; taken on pawppy's lap.
I'm really here to stay forever??
I wasn't too sure at first about snuggles with another pup...but we do that a lot now!
Petcretary says I look like a puppy in this picture, even though I am 6 1/2 years old, BOL!! And starting to get a grizzled muzzle...sheesh, already??

Happy Gotcha Day, Benji!

Because we made a card for Benji's Gotcha Day, we are joining the Caturday Art Blog-hop.

Friday, December 27, 2024

Angels Are Supposed To Be For Christmas...

 A few days ago, I was saddened to read about some new Angels, in Blogville. Sadly not Christmas Angels, but a kitty and two pups.

And also, I just read about Mariette from Mariette's Back To Basics, who passed away, leaving behind her three senior kitties, not to mention her many friends and relatives. She indicated in her last post that she was quite ill, and not coping well at all with her many health issues, and she said her personal goodbyes there. Still it's a shock. A very sad one. May she be joyful in heaven and reunited with her beloved Pieter.

Here is a link to her Obituary.  I cannot bring myself to make a memorial image in her honor...but I and so many others will miss here most terribly.

And more sadness at this special time of the year...the loss of beloved pets.

In no particular order...

Carly from The Blessing of Animal Companions

Jimi from Hands On Bowie and Jimi

Princess Leah   She doesn't have an active blog, but is on Instagram

.Please visit these blogging friends if you haven't already, and add your words of comfort. It will be appreciated.

Since these images are a type of flashback/memory, we are joining the blog-hop called Flashback Friday...