Sunday, February 2, 2025

Snow, Ice And Doggies!

 What a week!

We had a lot of not too cold weather, and a lot of the old snow melted away, including the huge ice dam mess on the north side of our house...which came down in big chunks, each one sounding like an explosion, so us pups had to go out and bark at the 'intruder', BOL! The peeps say they've tried three times to get the attic insulated, even once when the whole thing was open to the air for a whole new roof...but somehow either the workers can't get at part of the attic, or there just isn't enough of it, so they go out with a roof rake when there is more than say 3 -4 inches of new snow...and to knock down the icicles as they form...ah the joys of an old house...(1907)

Anyways, we did have a nice day on Thursday with lots of sun and blue sky which melted even more snow and ice, the driveway and sidewalk was clear...but wow, was it WINDY! lots of branches down in the yard, a lot of spring cleanup is in our future, BOL!

And then on Friday it was 38F and pouring rain! All day, well into the afternoon. We were glad that wasn't left for her work about 130pm, and while she was there it started to become freezing rain...which turned to huge snowflakes...and the temp went down in a hurry to 24F. And of course she left her boots and gloves at home...oops. The forecasted weather did not include snow and ice until into the night, and not the three inches that fell.

Anyways, because it had so much moisture in tit and with the freezing rain, everything outsaide looked like a Christmas card! 

The walnut and maple trees around the grounds where petcretary works looked like ice crusted ghostly apparitions...

Her car looked like an encrusted red sculpture:
That is more ice than snow, it took a lot of elbow grease to clean it up so she could drive home.
Saturday it was partly cloudy, so some snow on all the trees and things fell off, but it stayed cold, just below freezing. Petcretary shoveled the top layer of snow off all the ice, but will have to wait for the thick ice to melt on its own...or with some salt/sand applications.

She captured some flower heads with icy snow caps on them...they look messy in the garden area, filled with all those seed heads, but she leaves them till spring to let hungry birds enjoy them...and likely some other critters, too.

Well, Benji seems to not mind the snowy yard nearly as much as Dalton, maybe because he has more fur and longer legs! But cold is cold and icy paths are not too much fun
Benji:I really want Rose to come out to play fence games, but she's not here I am sitting on the edge of the patio, glad that it's been sort of cleared, but the deep stuff is still covering the grass...sheesh! 
Dalton: I've done my doggy stuff outside and bravely watched petcretary shovel our sidewalk as best she could, so now I'm enjoying a nice nap; pardon all my shed terrier furs! (the white ones are mine...)

We've joined our selfies to The Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted as always by The Cat On My Head


  1. We forgot to say its groundhog day!! Lets hope he forecasts an early spring!! BOL! Those varmints visit our yard sometimes, but we see more of them at the neighbors...and we bark em all!!

  2. Oh my CAT you have WEATHER!!!!! I greatly admire mum’s trees they look gorgeous but I dare not think how COLD it is.

    Marjorie and Toulouse
    Dash Kitten

  3. The trees look beautiful, but it is far too cold for me!

  4. Those trees are gorgeous! Yes, the weather has been kinda wacky lately. Hopefully February won't be too bad.

  5. You two are so cute! It's been cold, snowy and raining here this week too. Some of our snow melted, but it came right back the next day.

  6. Yikes...such wild weather! The trees are really beautiful though. Clearly Northern Exposure isn't just a quirky series from the 90'a. My bedroom is on the northeast corner and it's always chilly in there. Great sleepy weather though. Stay warm and safe.

  7. Ice storms can be very bad, but they are picturesque!

  8. The ice is gorgeous but can be so damaging. Stay warm and safe!

  9. Beautiful photos. The ice does make everything look pretty, but it is so hard to drive and walk on. Nice selfies. XO

  10. You two did a lot of BOL, that's for sure. And your poor mommy with no boots and warm things! Beautiful trees though.

  11. the frost can do aert, wow... it has something... we live in an ole crib too, 1905... and we wonder how this peeps survived a winter there...

  12. You poor woofies! How awful to have to go outside in such dreadful cold to do your Business!
    Still, the tree pics are furry purrty!

  13. Benji and Dalton! Mom and I love tree photos!! The first one really looks like Christmas tree! We have some crazy weather days, too. Stay warm and safe!! Juno xo

  14. Wow, we didn't think anybody had an older house than us, but ours is five years newer (1912). Our roof is slate, so our folks have never had to replace it! And now lots of it is covered by solar panels. Our ice and snow finally all went away a few days ago. We have had no new snow but we have had rain and wind as well. Today was 60 degrees, but we know that won't last unless that dang groundhog was wrong! Anyhoo, napping is the best thing to do any time of the year. Thanks for hopping along with us. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  15. Java Bean: "Ayyy, our Mama and Dada have had experience with ice storms! They say those are the worst when it comes to driving anywhere! I bet even Lulu wouldn't like it."
    Lulu: "I would love to play in the snow, but I'm too old for slipping and falling on the ice."
    Charlee: "It sure is pretty on the trees and plants, though, isn't it?"
    Java Bean: "Easy for a cat who never goes outside to say!"
