Sunday, February 23, 2025

Valentine Doggy Fun At The Pet Shop ~ Plus Kitties!

 Well this week was a lot better than the previous one, Phew!

Petcretary went to the orthopedic clinic, and they gave her a smaller, lighter and much less cumbersome cast...that she even can take off to have a shower. She still is very awkward with her left hand, but it is somewhat more functional this way. She will be off work for about 6 weeks, maybe more. We got some more snow, but not very much, easy to walk through, no shovel needed! Though it did get very cold, and she had to use the block heater on her van. It makes for quicker starts and warmer in the van too. (-3F)

We got a huge box from Chewy...and there were some more puzzles in there to help keep our minds busy *she* said....we find them a lot harder than the first ones we already had figured out...but that is the point we were told. Sheesh...

Saturday we went to a Valentine/love your pet party at our local pet shop where we buy a lot of our food and treats that don't come from Chewy.

We met some other doggies who wanted to party too, but they grumped at us, so we walked to another place to eat our goodies...When we were about to leave there was this HUGE mastiff there at the entrance and Benji decided it was his turn to have words/woofs with him, BOL! But they were like 'Hey, Who are you, Can we play?!'

We got 'Pup-Cups', a little cup filled with whipped cream and topped with a freeze dried liver chunk. DELISH!

Then we saw a lot of young cats and a few kittens, brought in by the peeps who help with ROAR, the rescue group that Dalton came from, though they didn't have any dogs this time. Two of them took selfies for you to see...There were two all black kittens there, not that small little girl told her Mom they were Halloween cats...then petcretary told her they were house panthers since panthers are big black cats...she liked that idea!

Can I have mny treat now, please?
Thanks, it sure was yummy!
I am really enjoying this pup-cup!
We love our pet shop, they make yummy treats!

Here you can really see how small Dalton is compared to Benji....
Sorry I tickled your belly...tee-hee1

Fun time here, Petcretary!
I'm done, can we go home now??

This is Hocus. He has a brother named Pocus, LOL!

Hocus has huge murder mitts! (Extra toes)

This is Penelope, She wasn't impressed with all the activity happening around her, She's all white except for the bits of black on her head and an all black tail!.

We think she just might be a bit of a DIVA!

Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser, but she had the wrong answer this time, BOL! Can't win em all!! Here ather badges she won as a reward for her efforts:

She was also the guest Chef at The Bacon King's Kitchen yesterday. You can find her recipe HERE...and here is the badge she got for sharing her yummy recipe:

We almost forgot...
Petcretary we NEED our doggy biscuits please!

We are joining up with the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop...and we thank the Kitties Blue at the Cat On My Head for being the hosts every week of this fun weekly feature.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Valentine's Day Selfies...A Few Days Late

 Well, it's been quite  a week around here.

We have had lots of snow, some sleet, and even a day of fog. The temps were in yo-yo mode too...last night it was in the single fahrenheit digits, the later it was just above freezing...and we got more snow.

The birds have been gorging themselves ob the various kinds of food we offer them, Us pups think petcretary is nuts when she bangs on the windows and waves hr arms around to shoo away the starlings, who hog all he feeders and empty them in a blink.Those big rascally birds also intimidate the smaller songbirds and even the woodpeckers. They leave for a while in the late summer, but they sure have arrived early this year. Friday in bitter cold, she saw a wren, and a redbreasted nuthatch, they are not seen here too often...they must have come out of the woods to find food.

Last weekend when petcretary came home from her work, the water softener decided to go on the fritz and it flooded our cellar. She was able to shut it off, and the 'fixit' man came on Wednesday, and got it shipshape pups were not happy with the intrusion of our terrier-tory, BOL!

Pawppy tried to get himself a plate out of the cupboard...and oops, all the pyrex pudding cups careened to the floor and shattered into a million bits and shards of glass. Yikes. We pups had to be corralled and taken away from the danger zone, we were not even allowed to snoopervise the cleanup operation. Just today, petcretary picked up two more bits...

Monday, petcretary went outside to put salt and sand on the slippery walkway...when before she even could realize what happened, she slipped and came down hard.  OUCH! Sheesh, while trying to keep pawppy safe, from falls, she did it herself.

So off to the ER she went...and yes indeed, she broke her wrist. Now there is this big splint/cast on her left arm...and will be for at least 6 weeks or so. Which means she can't work...

And then of course we got a big dump of snow...well Pawppy can't use the shovel very well, and 'she' certainly can't with only one arm to pawppy got out the huge snow thrower...but it would not all..

On account of the bad weather they had to reschedule their dinner out for Valentin's Day...hopefully the next reservation will work out.

Saturday, us pups started barking like madmen...and petcretary looked out the window to see why, and lo and behold, someone was plowing out our driveway! Oh Thank You!

It was a neighbor from a few doors down, and he also got the snowthrower to work, and cleaned up all the walkways, too! Wow, What a blessing to have nice/good neighbors! But...we are expecting more snow overnight through till late in the day, we want this snow machine to quit!! Hopefully it won't be too bad...

Anyways, here are some pics from our Valentine's Day photo session, taken before petcretary fell...

Last Tuesday at Teddy's Teaser Class, petcretary had submitted the was a sunset over our very own city's lake; Goguac Lake, it had a beach, and its a good place to have a picnic too. It played a big role in the past history of Battle Creek. She was also a first commenter coming to class in the first minute when it went live, along with 3 other fast students. But no one was able to guess the correct place. Its hard when there are a million or more lakes...tee-hee!
Here are the badges she got for her 'efforts'

We hope when petcretary sees the orthopedic doc later this week, that he might allow her to have a smaller less cumbersome least she is thankful it wasn't a worse outcome, and that she can still do a lot of things, pawppy helps her with a few things that she just cannot getting her earrings and necklaces on, BOL! And since she can't be at her work, we get extra time with her! Bonus! BOL!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Angel Art For A Friend

 Recently, Eastside Cats told us of their doggy friend Sparky having to become a new Angel, so a memento was made for his familuy.We thought you would love to see it too...

So since this artwork too several houra to make, we are placing it in the Caturday art blog hop.

Caturday Art Blog Hop

Friday, February 14, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Guest Kitty Selfie!

 We pups are giving petcretary a break today, as she is working this weekend...

So the last weekend that she was at her work, a lady came to visit along with her kitty in a stroller. This kitty loves to meet and greet the residents, though she's not formally a therapy cat. (She is there about once a month.) Her name is Sophia and she is a very sweet and chill calico kitty! She was wearing a cute aviator helmet, LOL!



Petcretary was the first commenter at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser she got this Valentine's Day badge, 
She was right, too, but not first with her answer so she got this badge as well.
Us pups will be back...soon...

Friday, February 7, 2025

Another Precious Angel

 Yet another beloved kitty has become the newest Angel at the Rainbow Bridge. Zeke from  FelineCafe flew away a few days ago. and so soon after loosing Scooby.


We will join up with the other kitties at Feline Friday

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Memorial For Angel Dexter

Recently Dexter, from Three Chatty Cats left his earthly dwelling to join his Angel furblings at the Rainbow Bridge. 


Even if you don't know this sweet kitty, now Angel, please visit his page (If you haven't already), and offer your messages of comfort, they will be appreciated.

This post has a few words, but still awe are joining up with Wordless Wednesday...

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Snow, Ice And Doggies!

 What a week!

We had a lot of not too cold weather, and a lot of the old snow melted away, including the huge ice dam mess on the north side of our house...which came down in big chunks, each one sounding like an explosion, so us pups had to go out and bark at the 'intruder', BOL! The peeps say they've tried three times to get the attic insulated, even once when the whole thing was open to the air for a whole new roof...but somehow either the workers can't get at part of the attic, or there just isn't enough of it, so they go out with a roof rake when there is more than say 3 -4 inches of new snow...and to knock down the icicles as they form...ah the joys of an old house...(1907)

Anyways, we did have a nice day on Thursday with lots of sun and blue sky which melted even more snow and ice, the driveway and sidewalk was clear...but wow, was it WINDY! lots of branches down in the yard, a lot of spring cleanup is in our future, BOL!

And then on Friday it was 38F and pouring rain! All day, well into the afternoon. We were glad that wasn't left for her work about 130pm, and while she was there it started to become freezing rain...which turned to huge snowflakes...and the temp went down in a hurry to 24F. And of course she left her boots and gloves at home...oops. The forecasted weather did not include snow and ice until into the night, and not the three inches that fell.

Anyways, because it had so much moisture in tit and with the freezing rain, everything outsaide looked like a Christmas card! 

The walnut and maple trees around the grounds where petcretary works looked like ice crusted ghostly apparitions...

Her car looked like an encrusted red sculpture:
That is more ice than snow, it took a lot of elbow grease to clean it up so she could drive home.
Saturday it was partly cloudy, so some snow on all the trees and things fell off, but it stayed cold, just below freezing. Petcretary shoveled the top layer of snow off all the ice, but will have to wait for the thick ice to melt on its own...or with some salt/sand applications.

She captured some flower heads with icy snow caps on them...they look messy in the garden area, filled with all those seed heads, but she leaves them till spring to let hungry birds enjoy them...and likely some other critters, too.

Well, Benji seems to not mind the snowy yard nearly as much as Dalton, maybe because he has more fur and longer legs! But cold is cold and icy paths are not too much fun
Benji:I really want Rose to come out to play fence games, but she's not here I am sitting on the edge of the patio, glad that it's been sort of cleared, but the deep stuff is still covering the grass...sheesh! 
Dalton: I've done my doggy stuff outside and bravely watched petcretary shovel our sidewalk as best she could, so now I'm enjoying a nice nap; pardon all my shed terrier furs! (the white ones are mine...)

We've joined our selfies to The Sunday Selfie Blog Hop, hosted as always by The Cat On My Head