Sunday, January 12, 2025

Snowtime! Camera Playtime...or what happens on cold snowy evenings!

We've had a fair bit of snow over the past week, though a lot less than the folks in some of the southern states. We pups and our peeps are not complaining, BOL!
Petcretary, I'm glad you are home, I was hoping you could clean away all this snow.

It may be snowy, but we are still enjoying our through the fence games with Rose.

Later that evening Benji took over my usual nesting spot, and barely left  any room for me...sheesh!

Then pectretary started to play with some of the settings on he iPhone camera...this is a portrait mode and she played with the light and the depth of field...but I just wasn't very amused, BOL!!

This is another portrait mode, with different settings than used for Dalton.Ho hum I was bored...BOL!

Both taken in the natural lamp light without use of flash! Benji was focused on his right eye, Dalton was focused between his eyes. I was amazed how the camera 'enhanced' Benji's white /grey furs on his schnooter!

I, Petcretary was a first commenter at Teddy's Teaser Tuesday 'geography class', and also a right guesser, though not first!I got these to badges for my efforts:

We are joining up with the Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop!


  1. Looks like you had fun in the snow! The selfies are lovely.

  2. Great selfies, Dalton and Benji and Benji - move over!

  3. Hari OM
    Gasjuss pawtraits! I, as an oldtime photographer, continue to be amazed at how much can be achieved with my phone lens... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You darling woofies always take great selfies and this time was no exception.

  5. Great selfies! We got about 3 inches of snow here. But I didn't go outside to play in it. I like to keep my feets dry. MOL! ~Murphy

  6. Those are cute selfies of you two. You look like you're having fun playing outside.

  7. You fellas look fab!
    Please let your meowmy know that I just attended a free iPhone class at my local Apple store, and learned a host of tricks.
    I too have been playing with the portrait settings, and fussing with all kinds of brilliance, shadows, etc.
    And sometimes it takes 20 pics to get 1 or 2 good ones, as I'm rather picky, but there ya go.

  8. Your Petcretary did a good job with your Selfies. We love them,. We still have our snow and we are trying to figure out a way to keep it all year.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Congrats to Petcretary for being a first commenter. Nice selfies and snow photos. XO

  10. Nothing better playing in the snow the snuggling on the couch

  11. I love the iPhone photos. They look spectacular don't they? You are right, those white hairs look sharp and clear and SOOO handsome!!!

  12. your friend rose looks super cute... we had some snow too... but not even enough to write our name properly..

  13. Lulu: "You boys take such handsome portraits, I must say! Benji, so distinguished!"

  14. You are very brave ! I hate snow ! I loved it when I was a child, but now with my old bones .....

  15. Guys, mew are looking epic today, and OMC look at all that snow, we hope it fluffs right off real soon, that is unless mew like it, then it can stay as long as mew want it too! MOL
