Sunday, February 26, 2023

What a Week!!

Yes it was quite a week, with excitement we'd rather not ever have again, BOL! 

Monday was pretty nice, and even Tuesday was quiet, except for marauding starlings who gobble up all the bird food in about 2 minutes...sheesh. Oh, wait, Tuesday was Mardi Gras!! What craziness!! BOL!

Pawppy got the OK to drive again...hooray! That was a long 6 months of taxi service that petcretary did for him...

Wednesday started out quiet, but dismally cloudy..and in the afternoon it started...sleeting...which turned into ice pellets and eventually freezing rain, almost 1/2 inch accumulated on everything. Including trees and powerlines...and down they came! Crash! That was the neighbor's tree...boom, another neighbor lost a huge limb...and on that went all night...and just before 9 pm, the power went out. But we have a generator that turns on by itself when the power fails...well on it came and our little world was A-OK...and off to bed we all went...only to wake up to a cold dark house because the generator had given up...OMD!

So petcretary did a 'cat wash' with a washcloth and a waterbotttle...and went to work...the roads were covered with all kinds of debris from the trees...the heavy ice on them is what made them collapse or fall right out of the ground...and many were on power lines, so that the way to work was all kinds of go-arounds...and road closures...but she got there on time. At least the ice was gone of the roads by then, thanks to the busy overtime work of road maintenance crews...and a warmer temp.

When petcretary got home from her work our generator had been repaired...phew! And the house was cozy once again...but the repair dudes said the 24 year old machine was no longer reliable and we should likely get a new one...yikes, those things are expensive...but worth it!

The peeps that monitor the power outages said our power would  not be back on till at least Saturday morning...but miracle of miracles it came back on around 11 am on Friday! YAY!

Meanwhile there are still a lot of peeps who do not have their power back on yet...including the town about 25 miles from where we are...and the church we attend there is also in the dark. No restoration of power until the 26th we are told. Our services had to be cancelled...its about 42F in there, and of course no lights, etc...and the parsonage is also powerless...I heard in the news, that that town had thicker ice and way more damage than our town and village...

We can control many aspects in our lives, but weather is not one of them...nature can be very unforgiving and  viciously ruthless.

We sure hope all still without power will soon have it back on, and that they might find warm places in the meantime.

Just look at all that ice!!
Chickadees, Mrs Cardinal, and can you see the curious woodpecker!!

A BlueJay and a Mourning Dove eating leftovers that fell on the ground All that white is not snow; its ICE!

Red Bellied Woodpecker enjoying some peanuts...and pausing for a brief selfie!

We were so bored when our yard was all icy.

So we just hung out in our nests...

We sure that doesn't happen again!
I am hoping  for an early spring and no more bad weather.

On Tuesday at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser Class, petcretary was one of two first commenters, so she got this reward badge.

Oh boy! I was one of TWO FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of February 21, 2023!!

And she was a right guesser, but not first, LOL!

Well darn – I did guess the TEASER correctly but I was NOT the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER. Still – I was RIGHT – so there!! 

Last Sunday Selfie Blog Hop For February! See all the others by clicking this caption.

Friday, February 24, 2023

In Memory of Piglet


Piglet You can visit his family HERE.


I couldn't post this earlier, because we had no power due to that nasty ice storm...and then the generator died of old age, it had 'CPR' from the repairmen, but we'll need a new one soon.

Always something...

Feline Friday is HERE.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Love Challenge Feb 22, 2023 Benji & Angels


MJF kissingPawppy

MJF getting love from his Boss-boy.

Pipo & Minko, sleeping; each in the loving 'arms' of the other!

Minko & MJF

Family portrait, summer 2020.

Minko getting love scritches from our auntie! (Very unusual for Minko to allow 'strangers to touch him...)

Pawppy hugging Pipo & Minko

Cuddle time with pawppy. (Pipo & Minko)

Minko getting love scriitches

Hugging two kitties is awkward! Esp when they wiggle and try to go in different directions...gotta love em! (Pipo & Minko)
Getting Love from Petcretary

A Love Cuddle ~ I'm leaning into petcretary...
I'm telling Petcretary that I love her.

We did have some words, but we are joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Shred Happens

Yup, it does and it did!!

Who was guilty?? We only know that Not Me came here and made a big mess...

Sometimes only being able to speak in woofs has advantages, BOL!!

Shred Happens!

Did you do that, Benji??

How about you, Dalton?

I think you did it, Benji...did not! Did too!

How could this innocent pup do such a thing??

I swear it was that Not Me Dude!

Petcretary was able to go back to her work having 'fulfilled' the 10 day quarantine...and she feels a whole lot better, though that stubborn cough persists.


On Valentine's Day, petcretary was one of two firsties to Teddy's Teaser Class, she did guess correctly but was a tad late with her answer, LOL!

I was RIGHT with my guess on the Valentine’s Day Teaser of February 14, 2023 BUT I was NOT THE FIRST RIGHT!!!!

We are hopping along with many others at The Sunday Selfies, Hosted as always by the Kitties Blue! Thanks for hosting!!

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Whetting the Appetite for Valentine's Day Fun

First of all, thanks for all the POTP , Get Well wishes, and healing thoughts for Petcretary. While she remains positive at last check for the evil Covid virus, she is feeling better, though she still coughs a lot.

She can't go back to work at least till the 16th, but not sure what happens then if she is still positive...long term care places have too many vulnerable residents to risk getting infected:(

Anyways, Tuesday is Valentine's Day! The day of love and romance.

Us pups don't have much romance in us, though, BOL!! But we do love our petcretary and pawppy! (Though sometimes Dalton still tries to bark pawppy away...what a silly dude.)

It is also the day that Angels Pipo and Minko were 'gotted'! How cool is that, forever love on the day of love. And when petcretary got to thinking, it was early in Feb, of 1988, that Groucho arrived, so he got to spend his first Valentine's Day with his new family a few days after his being gotted!

Groucho, gotted in February, the month of forever love!

Here is a flashback image from one of Angel Pipo & Minko's Gotcha/Valentine's Days.

Angel Pipo, ca 2010 or 11 (Not the best picture, but we love the pose!)

Angel Minko, ca 2010 or 11

A fave of Petcretary...Angel Minko was such a nosey parker, and loved to be in the action if MJF was in it. It looks like he's giving a kiss along with advice about taking pictures for Valentine's Day, LOL! (ca. 2010 or 11)

Angel MJF, well he loved to pose...give/hold a treat and he was all for it! (ca 2010 or 11)
Benji...not too romantic at all...BOL!

Dalton...he wishes these gnomes would stop trying to kiss him, BOL!

Well, we are ready for Valentine's Day...we think!

Dalton's thoughts about having to sit still and pose for picture time...Raspberries are red, Blackberries are Blue. My tongue is out, its just for you!

Benji is boogieing...he's rocking the shades and humming a love ditty!

We made some memento's for Facebook friends, which you can see  here on Blogger, or Here on WordPress;...after a few more days, we will send the links of hose posts to them so they can see all the love and sympathy directed towards them at their time of sadness.

We are in a pre-Valentine Blog hop! Thanks Kitties Blue!