Sunday, January 29, 2023

Flashbacks from Warmer Times!

 Petcretary is working so we are doing a a nice warm summertime day, BOL!

We had a lot of snow, starting this past Wednesday, and more came down each day after that...we are getting our comeuppance from all the non-wintry days we had  after that big Christmastime storm...sigh...We hope these kinds of days will return really soon! Maybe that groundhog will help us out later this week, BOL!! Right now as this is posting, we are under a winter weather advisory...we might get snow and freezing rain...Blech! Later in the week we will get very cold with the daytime temps in the low teens...Brrr!

Late Spring 2020

Early Spring 2019; Dalton's second spring with us.

Early Spring 2019, Benji was still a puppy, and still had a lot of growing to do! It was his first spring!

Here is another fun GIF petcretary made of one of the Sandhill cranes that frequent the grounds, (where she works), from spring through early fall. This was a youngster, and he was 'attacking' a fallen tree branch!! It was fun to watch in real life...



Sadly, earlier, last week, Emmy from 15&Meowing became an Angel Kitty. Her memorial post is here.


 And while we are black and white such as are tuxies, we are not cats, and none of us Angel Meezers was a tuxie, either, MOL! Today IS Tuxie Catt Appreciation day...why is that special?? Well there are/were four of them at The Cat On My Head,  our hosts for the Sunday Selfies!

You can visit the Tuxies selfies, by clicking this caption, and there likely will be plenty of other Tuxie kitties there too.



  1. HEY, what ws that birdie pulling out of the ground? SO COOL. And you two can be honorable Tuxies if I say so. And I do. LOVE the animal-ation, Haha. What bird was he/she/it/their?

    1. Is that you LouLou???
      He's attacking a branch on the ground, It is a young Sandhill Crane.

  2. Those are nice warm weather selfies. It has turned mild here, but grey and murky.

  3. A flashback to summer is always welcome at this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. And Gail loves the hats (Nobby is not so sure...)

  4. It's always nice to look back at pictures from the summer and remember warmer times, when in the gloomy depths of winter.
    What a lovely, funny GIF!

  5. Such a good flashback picture! While we do not have any snow, we do have some cold but it may rain tonight!
    Such a strange Winter we are having. Those Summer pictures of you boys are pawsome .
    Purrs, Julie

  6. We like your flash back selfies. It's going to be super cold here too this coming week. That's a great gif of the crane.

  7. Java Bean: "You have to keep showing those sticks and branches who is boss! It's why I pick them up and run around with them and chew on them!"

  8. We are all longing for more clement weather. No snow here but it has been cold!


  9. Cute!
    Wish we needed to wear our straw hats; right now, it's wooly caps, scarves, heavy coats, and boots when outside.

  10. You two look totally adorable today and that crazy bird is doing the Happy Dance!

  11. Fabulous flashback selfies! Yeah, we got snow too, then it rained last night and now everything is kinda icy. I can’t wait for spring and straw hat weather! ~Ernie

  12. We're sposed to have some more of that cold stuff too - some days we don't get above freezing. Brrr!

  13. Thanks for the pictures of spring. Right now we're wishing we could just skip winter! It's cold and snowing here right now. Blah! Hopefully Mr groundhog will have good news. Stay warm pups!

  14. Norman: I'd give my left paw for low teens. Elsa: Me too, but the snow is okay. We're grateful you showed up some warmer pics-we NEED them. We're not staying warm so much as we are staying inside. Happy Monday.

  15. We think you would made fabulous turxies, sweet doggies. Thank you for bringing in some sunshine, we truly need some now☃😸That's birdie is pawsome! Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞

  16. Those GIFs they really make me laugh. Thank you!!

  17. A real gentleman wearing a hat! Love it.
