Sunday, January 29, 2023

Flashbacks from Warmer Times!

 Petcretary is working so we are doing a a nice warm summertime day, BOL!

We had a lot of snow, starting this past Wednesday, and more came down each day after that...we are getting our comeuppance from all the non-wintry days we had  after that big Christmastime storm...sigh...We hope these kinds of days will return really soon! Maybe that groundhog will help us out later this week, BOL!! Right now as this is posting, we are under a winter weather advisory...we might get snow and freezing rain...Blech! Later in the week we will get very cold with the daytime temps in the low teens...Brrr!

Late Spring 2020

Early Spring 2019; Dalton's second spring with us.

Early Spring 2019, Benji was still a puppy, and still had a lot of growing to do! It was his first spring!

Here is another fun GIF petcretary made of one of the Sandhill cranes that frequent the grounds, (where she works), from spring through early fall. This was a youngster, and he was 'attacking' a fallen tree branch!! It was fun to watch in real life...



Sadly, earlier, last week, Emmy from 15&Meowing became an Angel Kitty. Her memorial post is here.


 And while we are black and white such as are tuxies, we are not cats, and none of us Angel Meezers was a tuxie, either, MOL! Today IS Tuxie Catt Appreciation day...why is that special?? Well there are/were four of them at The Cat On My Head,  our hosts for the Sunday Selfies!

You can visit the Tuxies selfies, by clicking this caption, and there likely will be plenty of other Tuxie kitties there too.


Sunday, January 22, 2023

Silly Selfies

 We helped petcretary learn a new trick...(Thanks, Marv and Mom, from Cats-astrophic Events)

Dalton has a big schnooter!!

Yup, silly is right!

Its what happens when the weather is wet, drizzly and dreary, BOL!

Here are some 'ordinary' selfies...taken at the same time as the others.


Sadly we had to say goodby to some furry friends in the past week. If you click HERE, you can see their mementos, in case you missed them.

The Sunday Selfies are Here! Thanks for hosting, Kitties Blue! 440 weeks of selfie fun, wow!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

In Memory of Furry Friends

 Recently we heard of some friends who left their earthly homes to dwell in the heavenly realms at the Rainbow Bridge. May their families be comforted by the many precious memories they made together.If you haven't yet, you can visit by clicking on the titles under the mementos we made for their families.

Derry, from Musings on a Small Life

Tora-Chan, a good friend of the gang at The Poupounette

SophieBean...she has no blog, but does have a FB page. Many might remember her from Dogster. She was one of Petcretary's first friends over there...You can also message her Mom...Here.


Since we don't have many words, just tears, we are joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

A Cute Guest ~ Selfie Session

 Today we are taking a break, since Petcretary has to be at her work. But one of her co-workers has a young puppy, a real fluff ball! She loves everyone she meets and the lady hopes to train her as another therapy pup for us, and she could even help the lady do her work with all the residents she sees...she works in the therapy department, how appropriate. Her name is Frieda, she's part Poodle and part Aussie. Looks like she might have some Maltese as well. She's now about 6 months old, but the pics we are showing you are from about two months ago. She likely looks a bit more mature now, BOL!!

Her Mom took this picture just before about a month before the following ones.

We think Frieda knows how to take a great selfie!


                                                                This past week we sadly had to say goodbye to Ping and Angel.



Wednesday, January 11, 2023

In Memory of Angel

Angel from Beaded Tail, recently went to the RainbowBridge. You can visit her page by clicking on her name. She lived a long life, but its never long enough...

Visit or join Wordless Wednesday here.


Monday, January 9, 2023

In Memory of Ping

Ping from Manx Mnews has left his earthly home to live at the RB, with his Angel Furblings.
 You can visit there to leave condolences if you have not already been there.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Warming Up Sunday Selfies

 While we had a lot of snow at Christmas, is totally gone now, and the grass is looking quite green, and the temps have been as high as 54F on a couple of days. The natural world is going to get very mixed up...and get a rude surprise if the proper seasonal temps and weather don't come back...though we would prefer spring, well, nature is supposed to do what its supposed to do!

Anyways, when it was still cold here, we got to put on our new get and stay warm and cozy. They are thick, and wrap us up quite well. So we took some selfies, and then we put an ussie into a snowy background....Brrr!

Our snow a couple of weeks ago, *did* look almost like this!
Here's the original ussie:

We are hopping along with many others in the Sunday Selfies!

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Welcome 2023! Happpy New Year!

 Yes-siree! We have entered yet another  New Year! We hope and pray it will be a good year, filled with many blessings, health and happiness.

Happy New Year to all!

It was pouring rain when petcretary found some time to take our New Year's pictures, so the lighting is bad...and due to lack of a lot of time, she 'cheated' and used some prefabricated frames. Not sure why we look so serious for a happy day, BOL! (We were not too thrilled to be 'decorated', even it was only for a few minutes, and somehow we don't much care for that little thing she points at us...she calls it a phone...a phone that takes pictures?? Well, at least it is not as big and threatening as her regular camera, which she seems to have put into retirement, BOL!)

PS: A note from petcretary.

I’m very behind in visiting/commenting, so I will just resume at some time, though I have read through all the missed posts. You have not been forgotten to lay in the dusty archives...Greetings for a Happy New Year, and we hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. If you have sent us cards we thank you from the bottom of our doggy hearts (and so does Petcretary), and we hope you have received ours, we sent some by snail mail and a lot by email…so some of you may have received a double set! BOL! The card we sent out is in our Christmas Day post in case you still need to snag it…
To those who sent us cards from the Jacquie Lawson site, thank you so much! I will open/read/view them as soon as I can…hopefully before Valentine’s Day!

Today is the First Sunday Selfie Blog Hope of 2023!! Thanks Kitties Blue, for being such faithful hosts, each and every week! Happy New Year to you all!