Yup, indeed.
But first we want to say that we are very behind in visiting most of our friends...our... petcretary has been busy with all kinds of not doggy things..but it seems like this happens a lot around the holidays. Bear with us, and we'll try to come by when we can. We love you all and we have not forgotten you!
Pawppy and petcretary heard a strange noise coming from outside a few minutes after Dalton & Benji scrambled in a big rush to get outside to chase a squirrel away. So Pawppy and petcretary went to the window to see what the noise was...and OMD, us pups had the drainpipe/downspout off the smaller pipe that holds it in place...and we had it away from where it usually stays, and also had bumped the whole mooring system apart. (We have long drainpipes too keep water out of our cellar)...and Dalton was biting the middle of it! Yikes! Evidently the squirrel went into the drainpipe opening to hide...little did he know that terriers DO Not give up...(later she saw that there were several holes in the middle of that pipe, ..clearly from teeth!)
Dalton was clearly in charge of whatever they were doing, LOL!
So petcretary went to the shed, to got out a spare pipe piece, and when she opened the doors, she spooked a squirrel, which actually had fist spooked her, LOL! Just one reason why we built a new one this past summer...anyways that little dude didn't know how to escape, so she just took the pipe and closed the doors up again...
Then she went to where we were jumping and barking and biting on and all around the pipe...Dalton even stuck his little pointy schnooter right into the open pipe ends. As if he wanted to take a peek into it. BOL!
So she took a few pictures and un-posed selfies...not the best focus though...
Then she took that pipe away from us...and we were jumping all around her,snapping our jaws in anticipation, and we were quite anxious to have at it again. She tipped it upright and gave it a few bangs to try and make the squirrel come out...nope, he was clinging to the inside of it for dear life! So she swung it like a baseball bat, and sure enough that forced the little dude to fall out. He hit the ground running, and Dalton and Benji were hard on its heels...they almost had it, just as it got to a tree by the back shed and that was that! They jumped and snapped in efforts to get at him, to no avail...then they sat down to wait for him to come down. Sorry boys, red squirrels are not that dumb, in fact they are pretty smart, and I hope he stays out of the newer downspout-pipe!
Benji I need your help... got this pipe off the holder and those other anchors...now we have to get him out of this pipe...
Help me Benji...remember about teamwork??!
I wonder if I give hm the squeeze, will that make him come out?
Come out, please Mr Squirrel, we have to teach you to keep you away from the bird seed!
My sort of selfie, as I keep smelling and willing that squirrel to come out so I can chase him.
Waiting and hoping for that squirrel to come out!
Last Saturday evening, after we went to see Santa, Pawwpy and petcretary went to a concert...when they got there, Santa was sitting in the lobby..he obliged several peeps to take pictures with him...so they too had a turn...though no, they did NOT sit on his lap. BOL!
Once again, yet another kitty went to live with her angel furblings at the RB...
And even though she very recently lost Raven, on the 15th, it was Diamond who gained her Angel wings.
Lulu G , known to former Dogster peeps as the mom of Ceely and Ebby, doesn't have a blog, but she does have a Facebook page:
Lulu G (Diamond)
This is a memento made in Diamond's honor.