Sunday, March 27, 2022

'Tabbies Beware' ~ Sunday Selfies

 Tabbies: A warning due to content...view at own risk...LOL!

A while ago when petcretary was looking out the windows at work, she saw some Sandhill Cranes strutting about the yard outside. One of them was picking up a large stick and tossing it up in the air...and he/she did that over and over again. It was like it was attacking the stick...maybe it thought it was a snake!  Or it was practicing for future encounters with real ones. No-one would want to be the recipient of pecks from that dagggerlike beak!

Cranes seem to know/want to photobomb, too...LOL!
Last Thursday night on her way home form work, petcretary and her van had a close encounter with a little sedan, filled with 5 teens...kaboom...Oh S***T! The driver had the left turn signal on, and instead he turned right in front of petcretary who was going straight. well she just was not able to steer out of the way or stop, so the two vehicles kissed each other with sad results...

So now her van is in the 'car hospital' awaiting 'surgery' to repair it...and she has a little electric SUV in the meantime. At least she and none of the teens were injured other than our pride and ride(s)...

I guess by now you want to see us pooches who now think we need to bark at that strange car in the driveway! BOL!

This was such a cute picture, with a terrible background, so *she* turned it to B&W and put a vignette on it...

Taken with 'portrait' mode, which rendered the focal point only on Dalton's face...taken in natural light during dark o'clock hours...

Yesterday and today are Blog for Peace days to show our solidarity for the Ukraine. So here is once again the main image/peace globe we had in the post from yesterday. You can see all the links to the various blogs who participated here: Mimi Writes.

We are hopping along with lots of others in the Sunday Selfies, hosted by the Kitties Blue at the Cat On My Head.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

St Patrick's 'Leftovers'

 Yup, leftovers we are serving you today...selfies that is.

Petcretary went out of town, and abandoned us just after that day, and so now we are finally able to show you the selfies we made for that day...though we also did a card for the day itself.

We barely survived under the loving care of our pawppy...just kidding, we are both fine and wagging our tails with glee now that she came back safely!

*She* said she needed to go and have a meet up with almost 200 ladies. She said it was an uplifting and wonderful event, sponsored by her church. (First one since that nasty pandemic stuff...)

But the price she'll have to pay for the 120 mile round trip is a trip to the mechanic to find out why there is  noise coming from the wheels(??) Karma, petcretary, Karma! BOL!

Anyways, here we are  then:

This scene greeted Petcretary when she came home from work the other night. Yikes!!If you keep destuffing your bed(s), they won't be very comfy after a while...Dalton looks like he wants to tell me something...Benji must be guilty cause he won't look at me. Another hit from the NOT ME Dude...or a Leprechaun...see the stuffing is green??! BOL!!

YAY for ME! I was the FIRST COMMENTER (And the only firstie) on the Teaser post of March 15, 2022!

This is North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal (owned by India)

                                                                          CLICK HERE

                                                                          CLICK HERE


Apparently The professors at Teddy's class thought I had the right answer, and I did...but then I changed my after that confession I relinquished my prize(d) badge and took the Greenie...but hey it was almost St Paddy's day so who cares, LOL!

Here is my seasonal Greenie! Click this caption to see the Tuesday Teaser...and you can see my comment way down the list with my revised answer...

Somehow I still think it was my second answer that was correct, but its all just for fun, come and visit there on a Tuesday, you may just win a fun badge!

 Whoo Hoo!! Today is the Spring equinox...yippee, its finally Springtime! Our spring bulbs are just beginning to show up...a promise of things to come:)

We are very happy to join up with our favorite weekly blog hop...Sunday Selfies with The Kitties Blue at The Cat On my Head being the hosts! Thanks for hosting each week, we love you all!

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Wordy Wednesday Sadness

Once again there is much sadness in the community of Blogville. 

Here in no particular order are the latest mementos made to honor those who recently became angels. 

Matt from The Bell Fur Zoo
Soda and Baloo from Random Felines
Bertie from Bouncing Bertie's Blog
Jack From Its A Wonderpurr Life
LucyKitty from Three Pups And A Couple Of Kitties

If you have not already, you can visit them to offer your words of comfort by clicking on the captions under their mementos.


If anyone has the emails for   Lucy Kitty and Matt's families; I would love to send these to them directly.  I was able to put all but Bertie's on Facebook pages, but I am not sure all of them are active there, and I have no idea if Bertie is there or not.

 WW blog hop is hosted here.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Almost St Patrick's Day...And More Flashback Selfies

Petcretary is bogged down again...she made a ton of pictures, went to her work, Did chores and errands, and then when she thought she'd have some time, we got about 3 inches of snow, that had to be cleaned up. She even took our lawn-mower to the shop to be serviced so it will be ready when the grass grows again.

If you have noticed our absence well, this is why...she does get to a few here and there to add comments, but sorry about those who are awaiting our visits. 

She was shocked when she went to her work on Thursday, there had been an employee death. A lady that petcretary works with almost every time she is there, and now she will be so very  missed. It was totally unexpected and so upsetting. She was only 48....Petcretary might be able to go to her funeral next week.    RIP, A.D; You will never be forgotten.

She is not looking forward to the 'spring forward' her sleep will be curtailed and so will ours. Phooey. At least we will get our noms earlier, BOL!

Petcretary has to work on March 17th, sand then she is going out of town for a conference, so who knows when she'll get to making new St Paddy's Day pics for us...not that we care...BOL!! We might even be late with our selfie post for the 20th.

Anyways here are three Angel Flashbacks as a preview to St Patrick's Day...and ours from last year:)

MJF, ca 2017
Minko, ca 2017

This picture and the previous two are from 2021...

Petcretary: 'I was First Commenter AND First Right Guesser on the Teaser of March 8, 2022……LUCKY ME!!'

This is Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia!   It’s on the island of Borneo which is (interestingly) governed by THREE countries – and this PART of Borneo where the mountain is belongs to Malaysia.    Pretty interesting huh!


In addition to the several sad partings of kitties and even a kitty dad, there was also a new Doggy  Angel. We think the doors at the entrance to the RB need to be shut and locked.This is Pinot. His blog is HERE. He has a FB, too, its HERE

 Here are the other memorial/mementos we made this past week:

What a sad week it has been...we sure hope the coming week and weeks will be happier. We send love and concern along with hugs to all those families in mourning. And for good healing for Mr Terry, Dolly's dad...who had to have emergency surgery right after Dolly left for the RB.

We have joined all the others at The Kitties Blue who are the host of this weekly feature, and we thank them for hosting this every week for SO long already!


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Wordless: POTP For Terry

   Terry, the dad of Brian's Home needs our POTP at this time.  We pray for a full and uneventful recovery. We also remember his family, as they are still in mourning after the sudden unexpected loss of their precious Dolly.

We are not wordless...but we think our words were needed a lot.
Wordless Wednesday


Monday, March 7, 2022

In Memory of Dolly

Dolly from Brian's Home is Blogville's newest Kitty Angel.  You can visit and leave your condolences HERE.      


We are so very sad, as this was unexpected, and so devastating to her family. We send them our love and hugs at this sad time.

Fly free, precious Dolly. You will be forever treasured in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.

In Memory Of Winston ~ In Memory Of Spooky-Boo

Winston of Stillness at Cherith, has become an Angel-Kitty

Spooky-Boo from Wishes, Dreams and Other Things also has become an Angel-Kitty.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Looking Back Selfies & Petcretary's Drummer Collection

 Well, the weather in in tease us mode...we had some nice days and Saturday it was sunny and the temp was 65F, believe it or not. Wen petcretary went for her daily stroll, she did not see any emerging spring green things...yet. Though she saw a lot of loud geese and a pair of even louder sandhill cranes, and ducks on the creek, too. And of course the robins are back! She can't wait for the snow drops, the crocuses and the daffs along with the wild violas, which are the first blooms we see around here. (She takes us around later, because we slow her down she says...whatever!)

Well the forecast for today is rain, wind, thunderstorms and a big cooling trend, so that we might even see snow again on Monday. Phooey!

Oh well, we'll just have to take it as it comes cause what else can we do, BOL!

Petcretary said she has been running around like a crazed woman this we are showing off some flashbacks of us from a couple years ago. We cannot remember if you saw them before or not, BOL!

We have many different kinds of woodpeckers at our feeders...this is a Red Bellied Woodpecker, a female, I think.
These are some of petcretary's collection of military drummers...LouLou asked to see them...
Angels Pipo & Minko are showing off the biggest drummer here.
These are in our dining room...

A Dutch Delft Tile

An authentic uniformed drummer, French, I think...therefore a Tambour!

This dude guards our piano.

This cabinet is in our living room. (You can even see petcretary;s reflection if you look closely, LOL!)
Petcretary was one of two, first in the classroom door at Teddy's Tuesday Teaser. Shhe was right with her guess, but not first. Oh well!

We are joining up with all the others at the Cat on my Head for the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Thanks Kitties Blue for being our hosts each week!