Ordinary doesn't necessarily mean boring...MOL/BOL!
Even with snow on the ground, those silly pups manage to make mischief.
One morning petcretary opened the back porch door to go out and she found...a frozen and very deaded squirrel! Yikes! Then when she was cleaning up the doggy art from out of the yard, she found another deaded rodent, a mole. UGH! The next night when she came home from work, she found a nice 'poopsicle'...sheesh, so many presents, BOL!
And I, Pipo, was not going to be boring...just before *she* had to leave for work one day, I made some nice pukies all in the doorway to pawppy's office. But later I ate up all my food, with no pukies, so all's well...
The weather has been varied from rain to snow to rain and snow...and fog too, to change it up a bit. Very boring...and dreary. At least there was not too much snow and the peeps did not have to get out the snow thrower this week.
Oh, yes, its the year of the rat now according to the Chinese New Year, so here is a wee image of a cute rat...you kitties might lick your chops...for both the cheese and the rat! MOL!
These dreary days means I shall just lounge in this cozy nest, by petcretary's desk |
Hi, Petcretary! |
Sorry for the bad lighting and focus... |
I am getting good at this head tilt thing! BOL! |
A good two eared from past fall.petcretary didn't get any good ones of me this past week...tee-hee! |
We provided the Teaser picture for the weekly teaser at Two Spoiled Cats...
And if you click this link, its to the great reveal post, Teaser Tell all!
This is the StockermuhlKapelle (Or you may see it as Stocker-Marter Kapelle), at NebenMuhltal 50, Westendorf, Austria, though actually its in a little village a wee bit away from Westendorf called Muhtal. It was built in 1866. |
Here is a nicer image of the same chapel in a warmer season:
And here is another link to the list of these cultural heritage sites in Austria...this one is the fifth one down from the top.
And we fooled everyone. No one could find it! (Actually it took petcretary hours and hours over 2 days to find it herself, she saw a picture that her cousin had posted...but not identified...)
We did have to make quite a few memorial cards to try and comfort their furmilies...
Gracie was a sweet little King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, who we visited last November, she lived across the street from Eddie, our doggy cousin. |