Monday, April 1, 2019

March Out ~ April In ~ Selfies

Yup, its late for us again since petcretary worked this weekend...
So now March, that entered in as a lion is not a lamb, and leaving is windy and 22F. Brrr. And when petcretary left work on the 30th, she had to scrape frozen snow off her windshield. The little snowdrops and tiny crocus plants are not loving it at all, nor the tulips that are starting to show up, either.
Winter is still having a wrestling match with spring.

Pipo is holding his own, and only needed feed assistance a few time, a far cry from 2-3 times a day when he was not feeling good. He seems to like a new kind of canned pate, not the healthiest brand, perhaps...but at this point eating any food is better than not eating in our opinion. He also likes the newer bag of grain free kibbles that petcretary let him sample. Sheesh, its looks like a pet food shelf in the store here...but whatever it takes to get Pipo to eat by himself. He totally disdains the 'good stuff' he was gobbling up before, maybe it reminds him of when he wasn't feeling good, who knows...and he is keeping this all a secret, MOL! There has not been vomiting either, hooray!

Benji continues his excavation enterprises...the moles and voles are more active now that the ground is softening up...and being a true terrieristic pup, well, that means time to DIG!  The latest digging project was where the bluebells, snow drops, tulips, daffs  and other small springtime bulbs were planted at random around the base of the weeping cherry tree. He dug a huge crater there and of course along with the spewed out earth came many small bulbs...sheesh...
Dalton seems to be the standby assistant, BOL!
Maybe we need a fence around there for the time being.

Any other digging deterrent ideas??

Finally Dalton knows what 'get the squirrel' means! Yeah!! Since we put up a fence around the bird feeders to keep Benji away fron the dropped seeds and other delectables under them, well, now the bushy tailed rodents have easy access to the feeders...they scale the fence and jump onto the feeders and have a feast...until...the barking, charging Dalton comes there to oust them from their freeloading.

Not much else to fill you in on around these parts.
I like resting on Pawppy's recliner

Its cozy and comfy:)

Partners in crime, BOL!

Sometimes we have to bark the neighbor...

But wrassling is more fun!

Hi, Petcretary! I see you there at your desk...have you typed my dictation yet?

Good, so now I can relax under the desk,MOL!
 We made some cards, and since its already April now here they are for today, April First! Not an April First joke...nope these are the  real deal!


Miss Boo

We are NOT Fooling this April First, but we are hopping a bit late in the Sunday Selfies, hosted by The Kitties Blue


  1. I am glad Pipo is hanging in there and send good thoughts for him. I agree that any food is better than none. When Flynn was having his bad days he would only eat treats but at least it was getting calories into him.
    I hope your weather improves. Ours has been lovely and Spring like the last week or so, but we have colder temperatures forecast for later this week.

  2. Pipo that are good news and we hope the vomiting is history... hugs to you all and a wonderful spring week for you ;O)

  3. We're glad to hear Pipo is feeling better. Hope he stays that way for a longtime!

    I have never seen a mole or a vole. But I have caught mice and a few shrews. (Shrews are very nasty!) And I hardly ever dig. But I do chase those crummy rotten squirrels! You go Dalton!

    We had a beautiful spring day Saturday. But Yesterday, it snowed all day long and into the night. It's still cold this morning, but we just have to be patient.

  4. Eat whatever makes you happy, Pipo!

  5. Great selfies from all three of you. I am so glad Pipo is not throwing up and is doing well. XO

  6. I am with you that when they are older, it doesn't matter what they eat. Seriously. Let them be happy. Thank you for the beautiful card!! xoxoxo

  7. I'm glad that Pipo is doing better - I'm sending more healing purrs his way. I hope spring comes to stay finally!

  8. Glad you're feeling better Pipo! Great selfies y'all!

    P.S. - I LUV chasing skwerrils too!

  9. Oh, Pipo, we hope you continue to feel better❤very lovely Selfies of all of you. We like the partners in crime...MOL😹Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😚😻

  10. Pipo is holding his own well good news is the best news! Our bulbs are up also but our two lips all have hobbit stems. The flowers are opening down in the leaves so they can't open big and showy but our dillys all are blooming beautiful.
    Your Friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  11. Pippo we are so glad you are eating better. Buddy Budd is still holding his own at our house and just nibbles his noms. He is 102 in human years so he only needs a little as he sleeps all day until a bit of string play gives him motivation. We hope you stop by for Rumpys 9th Birthday. We changed out blog as silly Dad put 10 and we gave him a good meowing too
    Purrs for the woofie fellows too
    Timmy and Family

  12. Good to hear you are doing a bit better Pipo. We have a fussy eater here as well (Georgia,16yrs)
    As long as they are eating!
    Good that the woofies keep those squirrels at bay.
    Our birds battle the squirrels for the seeds.
    Squirrels are both entertaining and annoying.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
