Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorial Day, 2018 ~ Patriotic Selfies

We are late with our Sunday selfies, since petcretary was working this holiday weekend.
And she will be gone part of the upcoming week to take care of some 'business' with her sister and unfurbro-the-younger. (Pawppy will take care of us while she is gone.) And all in this super humid heat wave we are in at the moment. We went from grumbling about how cold and wet it was to now how hot and sticky it is...yup, that is how it goes when you live in Michigan...
Anypaws, we took a moment to make our selfies so that we could join in the Sunday Selfies as we try to do each week.
Memorial Day honor those who gave so much for the freedoms we enjoy and sometimes take for granted...a serious and contemplative day for all of us who enjoy those freedoms.
So our selfies are patriotic in style...but not flamboyant. We will save those for the July 4th holiday.

Our garden is quite pretty here and there, too:

 We made a card for Pixie from The Swiss Cats
We are hopping with our selfies this Memorial Day Weekend along with The Kitties Blue, who are the hosts of this feature

Monday, May 21, 2018

Victoria Day Special Sunday Selfies!

It was a truly special weekend! There was a royal wedding, Justify won the Preakness...the second part towards a possible triple crown; The peeps (Janet & Tom), at Kitties Blue, who host the Sunday Selfies each week, (Thank you!), had their 45th wedding anniversary, (Congrats!), and it is a holiday weekend for Canadians - Victoria Day. Howevfur the weather has been trying to put dampers on all of this here, with clouds and rain and drizzle. So petcretary has still not made new pics for Victoria Day; hence we will dig into the archives, phew. glad we have some there. But Dalton wasn't here then so we will use a regular selfie for him, and maybe when the sun decides to come out of hiding, we will get some good ones to help him do his part in all the celebratory fun:)
Well, by now, it has become Monday, May 21, which means we can say Happy Victoria Day!
The rain held up enough to get a few pics of Dalton in Canada 'gear'. Pipo was sleeping so we will just stick with the 'repeats' for him, MOL!
I think my red bow tie is purrfect for a Canadian Holiday...
Though I am originally from Texas, I now can boast that I have dual dogazinship!

My Victoria Day Selfie

An 'oldie' from May, 2010
The sun came out briefly, just long enough for my Victoria Day Selfie:)
And we of course made some more cards:
Crockett catabrated his Gotcha Day
Miss Fitz catabrated her Birthday
Finley will dogabrate her Birthday on May 22
This Special Edition of The Sunday Selfies, is a blog hop, hosted by The Kitties Blue

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Selfies Sent With Love For A Happy Mother's Day!

Hooray! Its Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to Petcretary as that is what we call our Mom. though in the past we called her Growlmy or Meowmy, MOL/BOL!
She loves us, takes care of us, cleans up after us and makes sure we get the yummiest noms...and of course the healthiest, Mmmm!
We love her, though sometimes we make grrs and hisses if we feel naughty. And we might even do naughty things...but since she loves us, she forgives us:)
So we being boys, decided it would be ok to sit in the blooms to honor her. Afterall, don't men give flowers to their beaus?

I am glad that I have my own forever mom, now! Thanks Petcretary!

See that twinkle in my eye, Petcretary? Thats just for you, my Mom, from the days of my kittenhood till now and forever!

We made a card to give to her too...
We had lots of rain the past few days, and if we were ducks we would be quacking with glee, but we are not, cause we can't go outside...well Dalton can't though he has to go there to do that privacy stuff...I, Pipo am a kitty so I get to use that box, MOL!
(Tabbies skip down to the next section...)
But in the rain outside I don't see as many critters or burds at the feeders. However sometimes its very busy there: Cardinals, Orioles, Gold Finches; Purple Finches, Chipping sparrows, Field Sparrows, Fox Sparrows, White crowned sparrows, Downy woodpeckers, Hairy woodpeckers, Red Bellied woodpeckers, Northern Flickers, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Tufted Titmouse, Mourning Doves, Starlings, Grackles, Cowbirds, Catbirds, Redwinged blackbirds,Robins, Wrens, Blue Jays, Bluebirds and even Indigo Buntings, Rose Breasted Grosbeaks, Sometimes there are crows around, and we hear owls and hawks, but they have not tried to raid our bird areas as far as we know. In the field across the street there may be flocks of geese or sometimes sandhill cranes. Herons frequent the ponds and creek nearby. In our back area where there are more trees, shrubbery and thickets, there are sometimes pileated woodpeckers. The hummingbirds are here now too, but they have not been at our feeders too much. Some birds frequent the feeders more than others, and those starlings and similar birds are a nuisance according to petcretary. They can decimate the suet cakes and the seeds in a flash:(
Thanks petcretary, for providing for them and letting me have such pawsome burd channel! (Sorry Tabbies!)
Squirrels and chipmunks are fun to watch too. Dalton doesn't go nutzo about them like MJF did, at least he doesn't seem to react to the word nor does he want to come and look out the window to see them stealing the seeds...they can't get into the feeders since they can't climb the stovepipe around the poles...and the tree feeder has a shut down perch. So they can only steal the dropped seeds. But it doesn't stop them from trying, MOL!

Petcretary has to be at her work this Mother's Day...she will be helping to look after the many Moms, Grannies and Aunties of others, so we think that is OK that we have to share her, don't you think so too?!
We also made some more cards for others.

Both Lucy and Sophie are part of the Kitty Cat Chronicles furmily; you can visit there by just clicking on this sentence.
We are hopping to honor Moms with our selfies in the Sunday Selfies; a weekly feature hosted by The Kitties Blue.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hola! Selfies A La Cinco De Mayo

Yesterday was May Fifth...which is also Cinco De Mayo.An important date in Mexican history, but somehow it is widely celebrated here, MOL! BOL!
And Thursday was May Fourth...which to Star Wars aficionados has become known as May The Fourth Be With You. Petcretary is not into that at all...but the unfur bros were back in the day. When petcretary was at her work the CEO was dressed as Darth Vader..and he had his wee pup wering a cape too. Norman the dog a fluff ball...not too sci-fi if you ask us:) Anypaws he had fun sitting on residents laps and getting lots of attention. He comes regular to visit them as he is being 'groomed' as a therapy pet, and when he is older he will become the live in facility  pet. Wonder who will be given the role of care taker??
Anypaws, Thursday was very windy and stormy. he power went off a lot for many peeps due to falling trees, etc. It flickered at our den and the thermostat needed to be replaced, but that did not happen until late in the day...hours after the fact. Good thing it was not cold out. At work the flickering power happened too. Mr J, with Norman, well he said it was 'The Force', MOL/BOL! Petcretary was glad the power did not go off completely...and that the storms did not cause too much trouble in our area...but it did make lots of mess and havoc to the west of here. And it also smashed a baseball park building in our town. Wow, wind can be so destructive. (gusts of 58mph were recorded.)
Well, we suppose you want to see us in our festive gear...unfortunately we do not have props like maracas, etc...
She wants me to wear *that*?

Yup, Pipo, I think she does...sigh...
Well, way.

Just do it, Pipo, and then she will leave us alone:)

Well, maybe like this, OK?

For once I did it better, BOL!

And the spring time warmth that we finally got to enjoy made all the blossoms on our weeping cherry tree go poof! But the strong winds and heavy rains did not help those our tree is not quite as pretty as it was last year. But ii is still beautiful, cause it means that the real spring is here. And many other blooms are now showing up, too.
Weeping Cherry and the other tree is our dogwood, soon to bloom, too.

A primula

Grape Hyacinth

Wild violets


Bleeding pretty in our shady corner...

It will look so lovely when it is in full bloom.

The dogwood in heavy bud.

No springtime yard around here is immune to these bright blooms, MOL!

Well, they are kind of pretty in their own way:)

We made some cards...slowly, slowly petcretary is getting the hang of how to use the PSE program:) Though she still finds it furry time consuming. The kimi site is slightly improved, but still nothing like it used to be:(
Julie from Mickey's Musings is, or recently had her birthday:)
 Many of you may remember Meep and Bibi from our Catster days. Sadly both of them have become angels since that site has closed, First Bibi and now Meep. If you wish to send them any condolences, contact me and I will give you their Mom's email address. Io not know their Facebook info or even if they have one. And they don't have a blog, though they do comment on some of our pages now and then.

We are hopping with The Kitties Blue who are the dedicated hosts of this weekly feature.