Sunday, February 26, 2017

Selfies, Pre MardiGras!

Oh what a week its been around here. The weather was teasing us with nice warm and sunny days. Then we had thunderstorms and buckets of rain...for which the peeps were not grumbling too much, because you do not have to shovel snow they say. MOL! BOL!
Then after one more day of semi spring, we had temps in the twenties (F), and snow. Yes snow. Ugh!
And the winds were bitter as well. Good thing we have a nice warm den to stay in and good noms in our bellies:)

Today, while it was not too nice outside, petcretary dug out the props. Oh my...the green yellow and purple ones. Um...that means Mardi Gras. We in this furmily don't  even really celebrate that day. Oh well, we blog therefore we pretend, so petcretary says...MOL/BOL!

So we will share some of our pictures as selfies this Sunday.

Sheesh, Minko, do you have to?

Better watch where you try and go, Minko...

Hey...Hisses to you, Minko.

He just never gives up...

Well, at least he is minding his own business right now.

We have made our peace,MOL!

And while I, Pipo, obliged petcretary with a  direct look into the camera, Minko decided it was time to see what was happening outside, MOL!

I *could* get comfy here...

The funny thing is, that at one time when petcretary thought she had taken enough of us meezers, she took off our props and went to fetch dog-guy.When she got back, we were still there, enjoying ourselves..and she put dog-guy right up there with us. Oh MY!! We allowed it for a while, but then when dog-guy tried to snag a treat that was close to Pipo, the hissing and growling started. And it was not MJF who was growling, it was Pipo...all of a sudden there was a flurry of blurred paws and yowling noises...and MJF was getting a nose full of smacky-whaps. Yikes. He just stayed there and was scared to jump down...he knows he cannot anymore on account of his balance, etc. So then while we were trying to oust him, petcretary ousted us, MOL! She put us on the floor and we decided to go and pester pawppy in his office room...he was doing some work he had brought home from *his* work stuff...too geeky, so we tried to give him a break from that, MOL!

Freckles: I am worried about those feline thoughts...

Pipo: You had best be not moving closer, dog-guy...

Minko: Shall we  let him stay, Pipo?

Pipo: Well, if he behaves like a statue.

Freckles: I am still worried...

Sheesh, do I have to stay here much longer?

There is a piece of my treat under this mask...but Minko has his smacky paw at the ready to make a good whap...

Oh-Oh! I believe there is going to be trouble...

I really do not like this kitty growling I hear.

These brofurs of mine are not happy about something...I think its me:(

OMD, They are hissing, yowling and whapping at me...yikes!

Pffbbbttttt! That is what I think of those kitties right now...

 Well, now that you have all seen how we 'got along' are some sweeter pictures...

There was a brief moment of truce before that smacky-paw fracas...We'll call this a triple selfie!

Well, let the good times roll and we hope all you, our pals, have a great week !!

We have pawrtied enough so we are now hopping over to join the Sunday Selfies at The Cat On My Head!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Sunday Selfie Guest(s) ~ A Welcome!

Today we are showing some guest selfies.

Eddie is my new doggie cousin, he is about 2 months old and only weighs about 3 pounds right now...even my kitty brofurs are way bigger than he is, BOL!
He is a 'Schnoodle'...and oh so furry cute!

Eddie is learning how to pose already. OMD!!

It was also Pipo & Minko's Gotcha Day, back on Valentine's Day...and we got some nice memento pictures from our Catster furends, Tundra and Manytoes.

Sheesh, we were teeny wee kitties, weren't we, MOL!!

Thes picture/cards came from a 'club' we are in at Catster:

And here we are now...resting and enjoying a comfy nest on the couch.

We seem to know many ways to take a snooze.MOL!

I, MrJackFreckles had to see where Minko was hiding...

Well, he is ignoring me...

I am sooooooo bored with a kitty who won't come out to play.

This badge seems to be a good segue into the next part of our welcome blog hop:

Welcome Teddy
Welcome Teddy

Teddy Kimmell.
Are you  ready?
So sit a spell,
And listen well.
Love is steady,
And grows oh so big,
Blogville has tons of love,
from furs on earth,
And angels above.
We welcome YOU.
Yes we do!
We love you too!
We know you'll have fun,
This is only the start,
Blogging has *heart*
And now you can take part,
In all we do here,
Big and small.
So now we cheer,
For  you Teddy, dear.

(Teddy is the new baby brofur of Angel Sammy. He is having a welcoming blog hop, hosted by Dory's Backyard)
(And Madi as well.
We are doubly hopping here too, the regular feature of Sunday Selfies.